Not concernt about you UGAZ trade as I will be picking you up from teh smoking ruins from "somewhere" below $10. SLV I gts til 8/18 and I am "expecting" my first "posted" 1000% gain ever. GDX looks like it'll get there first tho. Ready to get DUSTed, clown? :-)
Mad again eh? Yep buys at 10.95 10.60 10.50 10.31 and 10.28. Not like your turd calls. Oh heres one you missed. Got 3 155 apple calls for aug 11 paid .65. Hate some more Joschlep
I bot 20 AAPL 150 calls and paid 2.50 just before the close. I figgerd that ifn I was going to gar-own-tee GRRREAT errrnuns with my "pre-announcement" I may as well take advantage of it. Cashed out on the open at 9.80. Not my best trade but hey, nice werk if you can get it...which of course you can't no matter how hard you try. :-) I figger I'll stick around and make some more GRRREAT calls...even tho I really shud enjoy my windfall. :-) How'm I doin with Tessie...again? I'll be up 500% before you get even on your dummass trades. :-)
Shit, do I look worried? >>> :O
are you referring to you SLV trade or my UGAZ trade? Got to love it right joe. Wrong on both
Not concernt about you UGAZ trade as I will be picking you up from teh smoking ruins from "somewhere" below $10. SLV I gts til 8/18 and I am "expecting" my first "posted" 1000% gain ever. GDX looks like it'll get there first tho. Ready to get DUSTed, clown? :-)
You be happy to know i cashed out my ugaz for a quick 4.5% gain
LOL In your dreams maybe. Your initial buy was like $9.95, jerkoff. Keep dreaming, clown. :-)
Mad again eh? Yep buys at 10.95 10.60 10.50 10.31 and 10.28. Not like your turd calls. Oh heres one you missed. Got 3 155 apple calls for aug 11 paid .65. Hate some more Joschlep
Wanna know about my Qqq puts and TNA puts?
I bot 20 AAPL 150 calls and paid 2.50 just before the close. I figgerd that ifn I was going to gar-own-tee GRRREAT errrnuns with my "pre-announcement" I may as well take advantage of it. Cashed out on the open at 9.80. Not my best trade but hey, nice werk if you can get it...which of course you can't no matter how hard you try. :-) I figger I'll stick around and make some more GRRREAT calls...even tho I really shud enjoy my windfall. :-) How'm I doin with Tessie...again? I'll be up 500% before you get even on your dummass trades. :-)
So what is it on the UGAZ chart you don't like? looks pretty awesome to me
UGAZ is getting away from everything else