
Mad again eh? Yep buys at 10.95 10.60 10.50 10.31 and 10.28. Not like your turd calls. Oh heres one you missed. Got 3 155 apple calls for aug 11 paid .65. Hate some more Joschlep

Wanna know about my Qqq puts and TNA puts?

Mind helping me out. Should i cover qqq tna and apple here?

I bot 20 AAPL 150 calls and paid 2.50 just before the close. I figgerd that ifn I was going to gar-own-tee GRRREAT errrnuns with my "pre-announcement" I may as well take advantage of it. Cashed out on the open at 9.80. Not my best trade but hey, nice werk if you can get it...which of course you can't no matter how hard you try. :-) I figger I'll stick around and make some more GRRREAT calls...even tho I really shud enjoy my windfall. :-) How'm I doin with Tessie...again? I'll be up 500% before you get even on your dummass trades. :-)

Oh man those commodity trades are destroying you. You and your ego dont wear it well

Oh yeah, getting kilt. LOL I'll try and keep my losses belowst your current 70%+ loss on NUGT n JNUG. Think I can do it...dummshit? LOL What a fukkin moron you are. I think you realize that already though. :-)

lets review QQQ crash and sign of that. IWM crash and sign of that. FB crash and sign of that. AMZN crash and burn...nope. PCLN crash and burn.....negative. NFLX crash and burn......still going against you. Dollar rally......can't find it anywhere. USO death nope not happening. SLV death spiral .....nope nothing to see there. GDX shock and awe death.......another loser. TLT crash....nope again. So what's next genius?

Thanks for pointing out those GREAT trades. Especially my "unreal" calls on the turn lower in the Q's from 143.70 to my short exit and buy call at 136.10 methinks it twas. TLT crash? Twasn't me. I'm "trying" to gt TLT back down into "buy" neighborhood. Crash today that you mentioned it. :-) Higher intrust rates "should" cause SLV n GDX to rally to crash n burn tho...or am I missing something? :-)

oh it's a turn lower now not crash and burn. Minor adjustment lol SPY 240 by the 18th? 2 day event?

Hey, ya want I shud help you out with OPK? Methinks I can get it to 6.50+ for you. Then you can just get out with a 40% loss. Whataya think? :-) OK, thank me later.

well if 6.13 to 6.50 is a loss I'll take it all day long like you gal tessie.