Update: Sell signal triggerd right at 10.14 but I figgerd I'd wait til it saw 10.15. That gets the 8/18 expiry 9.50 puts at .07 market. "Hopefully" this is a "set it and forget it" trade now. I wont be adding in the very short term if it now shoots thru 10.20 as that will delay things. Sell signal should be visible on that last chart I posted. Go and try and figger it out. You don't "need to" becuase I say it to you in a way that you don't even need to think. "Thinkless" stock trading...you lazy and CHEAP bastages. :-)
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OK, it is "likely" too late for this disclosure but since the volume in the USO put options I outlined has soared from about 83 contracts to now over 1000 contracts I will make my disclosure. I generate zero gain finanshilly from posting my marekt commentary. I "expect" no compensation. And I do not even consider compensation earnt via what this experiment in social stupidity that is steemit pays me. So anyone who follows along with me and acts on it...you are on your oooown. I'm just showing peeps how to use sentiment indicators to "maybe" predict price movement. Nothing more. :-)
I appreciate all the time in you put in your spews ect. ( I'm just showing peeps how to use sentiment indicators to "maybe" predict price movement.) Thank you
Thank me "if" you actually learn how to guage things. Because if you do it will become waaay more fun than playing video games. I'm glad I never latched on to that bad habit...video games. Being able to tell the markets what to do next as a video game?...now THAT's a shitload of fun!!! If I can develop a game by Xmas I will have that on the shelves at Walmart also. Kind of a $19.95 version of "beat the machine".... Buy the video game first. If you can beat the machine then I will just give you a machine for free. :-0 Both items "tentatively" set for Xmass release altho I just thunk up the video game idear just now :-)
Is 10.15 still the sell signal or did you move it to todays price of 10.28? Nice wurk
Thanks. In acknowledgement of your stupidity I will try and limit my overall gain in this trade to 500%. :-)
Oh and that SLV short...gotta feel for your mom when she does the laundry. Two tone tighty whities. She gonna think you are at chipotles
Don't ferget to add another 300 UGAZ at 9.50. :-)
Added 100 more 10.36
See you at 9.50, this last fart went right THROUGH your shit! LOL
Ill cover my XBI short from 81 here at 77.30.
Who gives a shit?
Mad bro? Those damn trades going bad on you for months aint makibg you look like the hero you wanted to be eh?
Im going to take my apple trade off here at 1.45. Bought at .65 lotta cha-ching here
Nani boo boo. I did better than yoo hoo on "behind the scenes" trades. How's that SVXY short from 92.50 workin out for ya btw? Oooh well, "coulda, shoulda, woulda" but now you will just hold for what...$210+? What a dummass you are. Keep holding teh GOOGL short too, idiot.