
Mad bro? Those damn trades going bad on you for months aint makibg you look like the hero you wanted to be eh?

Find me a trade that went bad and we'll spew about it. And once again. Thank you for your support. Oh, don't fergit to upvote. :-)

Yo! Dummass! How'm I doin with USO? It's fate is "sealed" if it sees 9.95 or Les here. Ooooh well, "coulda, shoulda" woulda" but you're just a dummass. :-)

Hey im already in DWT. So dont you worry bout me. Ok?

Shit, do I look worried? >>> :O

are you referring to you SLV trade or my UGAZ trade? Got to love it right joe. Wrong on both

Not concernt about you UGAZ trade as I will be picking you up from teh smoking ruins from "somewhere" below $10. SLV I gts til 8/18 and I am "expecting" my first "posted" 1000% gain ever. GDX looks like it'll get there first tho. Ready to get DUSTed, clown? :-)

You be happy to know i cashed out my ugaz for a quick 4.5% gain