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RE: First Ever CTPTalk Blog Post

in #online3 years ago

Nosce Te Ipsum is Latin for Know Thyself.
I always knew what I wanted but had a hard time allowing myself to embrace it because it wasn't what other people thought I should be doing.
Hence, going to finish college, getting not only a Bachelor's degree (in History) but doubling down and going for a Masters Degree (in Library and Information Science). Had a big girl corporate job. Got fired because I didn't want to supervise people and I hated working in someone else's space and on their schedule.
I was for a very long time a square peg trying to push myself into a round hole to please other people.

Sucks it took so long for me to not only know myself but also accept and embrace who I am and what I like to do. But I did and here I am.

This was a great post. And a timeless message!