Introduction to OpenMic and Suggestion for OpenMic - OpenMic Tanıtımı ve OpenMic için Öneri

in #openmic7 years ago

i love you openmic.jpg
I Love OpenMic


Merhaba arkadaşlar.

Bugün sizlere @OpenMic platformu hakkında yazacağım.
OpenMic mükemmel bir platform olmakla beraber, Steemit platformları ile iç içe.
Kuralları kolay ve emek harcayan kişilerin postlarını yükselterek destekte bulunuyor.


Hello friends.

Today I will write about the @OpenMic platform.
OpenMic is an excellent platform, and is integrated with Steemit platforms.
The rules are backed up by raising the hats of easy and laboring people.

steemit openmic.jpg

OpenMic Nedir?

Müzüsyenlerin müziklerini Steemit topluluğuyla buluşturan müzik sitesidir.
Ayrıca başkalarının paylaştığı müzikleri dinleyebileceğiniz, kendi müziklerinizi paylaşabileceğiniz müzik sitesidir.

Bu paylaşımlarınız kurallara uyuyor ve kaliteli ise OpenMic heyetince değerlendirilir ve paylaşımınız yükseltilerek desteklenir.

What is OpenMic?

It is a music site that brings together the music of musicians with the Steemit community.
It is also a music site where you can listen to music that others share, and share your own music.

These shares are consistent with the rules and quality is evaluated by the OpenMic delegation and your share is promoted and supported.

OpenMic'in Kurucusu Kimdir?

Mükemmel bir düşünce ile OpenMic platformunu kuran kişi @luzcypher
Düşüncesi için @luzcypher sonsuz teşekkürler.

Who is the founder of OpenMic?

The person who installed the OpenMic platform with a great idea @ luzcypher
@luzcypher endless thanks for the thought.

openmic kurucusu luzcypher.jpg

OpenMic Kuralları Neler?

Herkesin kolaylıkla yerine getirebileceği kuralları var. İşte o kurallar!

  • Her hafta OpenMic için yeni bir hafta ilan edilir. Ve bu haftanın başlangıç-bitiş tarihleri OpenMic tarafından belirlenerek ilan edilir. İlanı @luzcypher kendi sayfasından yapar.

  • Herkesin haftalık 1 katılım hakkı vardır.

  • Steemit OpenMic Haftası (a) , postunuzun giriş cümlesi olmalıdır.
    (a) İlgili tarihlerdeki OpenMic Haftası. Rakam ile yazılmalı.

  • Paylaşımınızın geçerli olması için videonuzun başında kullanmanız gereken cümle aşağıdadır.
    (aa) Steemit OpenMic Haftası (a)
    (a) İlgili tarihlerdeki OpenMic Haftası.
    (aa) Steemit Kullanıcıadı

  • Video sadece OpenMic yarışması için yapılmalıdır.

  • Hazırlamış olduğunuz postun ilk tag'ı openmic olmalı.

  • @luzcypher sayfasında ilan ettiği haftanın postuna hazırlamış olduğunuz postun linkini yazmalısınız.

  • @luzcypher sayfasında ilan ettiği haftanın postunu kendi sayfanızda yayınlamalısınız. Yani yarışmanın ilan postunu resteem yapmalısınız.

İşte bu kadar.

Hadi ne duruyorsun!

OpenMic için bir şarkı söyle... :)


What are OpenMic Rules?

There are rules that everyone can easily carry out. Here are those rules!

  • Every week a new week is announced for OpenMic. And the starting and ending dates for this week are announced and announced by OpenMic. The ad makes it @ luzcypher from its own page.

  • Everyone has 1 attendance per week.

  • Steemit OpenMic Week (a), your post must be an entry test.
    (a) OpenMic Week in related dates. Must be numbered.

  • The sentence below is the one you need to use at the beginning of your video so your share is valid.
    (aa) Steemit OpenMic Week (a)
    (a) OpenMic Week in related dates.
    (aa) Steemit Username

  • Video should only be made for the OpenMic contest.

  • The first tag you post will be openmic.

  • You must write the postal link that you prepared for the post of the week announced by @luzcypher.

  • You must post the post of the week announced by @luccypher on your own page. So you have to make the judge's post office resteem.

That's it.

Come on, what are you doing?

Sing a song for OpenMic... :)

Video Yükleme

Hazırladığınız video yarışma postunuza nasıl eklenir?

Yine Steemit video yükleme portalı olan @DTube yükleme yapabilirsiniz.

Evet yanlış duymadınız! Mükemmel 2 portal iç içe.

@DTube seçkin Moderatör kadrosu ile bir yarışmanın içinde aktif rol oynuyor.

İşte Steemit'i bu yüzden çok seviyorum. Herkes Steemit çatısı altında birbirini tutuyor ve destekliyor.

Videonuzu DTube yüklediğinizde yarışmaya katılmak için yine de youtube linki koymanız yarışma heyeti kuralları harfiyen uygulamış olduğunuzu göreceklerdir.

@DTube İle bizleri tanıştırdığı için @heimindanger sonsuz teşekkürler.

Steemit Sizinle Güzel

Seni Seviyoruz @DTube


Video Upload

How do you add your video contest to your post?

You can also upload @DTube, which is Steemit video upload portal again.

Yes, you did not hear wrong! Excellent 2-portal nested.

@DTube is actively involved in a judge with a distinguished Moderator staff.

That's why I love Steemit so much. Everyone is holding and supporting each other under the Steemit roof.

When you upload your Videonuzu DTube, you will still see that you have applied the rules of the competition delegation to join the contest, even if you put a YouTube link.

Thanks @heimindanger forever introducing us with @DTube.

Steemit You're Beautiful

I Love @DTube

OpenMic Takımı Kimlerden Oluşuyor?

Bize bu yarışmayı düzenleyen ve verdiğimiz emeklerin karşılığında postlarımızı yükselten takıma sonsuz teşekkürler.

İşte OpenMic Takımı

OpenMic Team

Who is OpenMic Team?

It is our endless gratitude to join us in organizing this contest and raising our posts in the face of the labor we have given.

Here is the OpenMic Team

OpenMic Yarışması için Örnek Paylaşımlar

Sample Shares for OpenMic Contest

openmic örnek post.jpg
Sample Post
Sample Post Link

openmic örnek post2.jpg
Sample Post
Sample Post Link

Ekstra Ödül

Ayrıca OpenMic haftanın liderlerine 300 Steem dağıtmaktadır.

Hadi ne duruyorsun!

OpenMic için bir şarkı söyle... :)

Extra Award

In addition, OpenMic distributes 300 Steems to the leaders of the week.

Come on, what are you doing?

Sing a song for OpenMic... :)

OpenMic için Öneri!

Steemit çatısı altında aile olmak paha biçilemez.

Ve biliyoruz ki Steemit çatısı altında Canlı yayınları kayıt altına alan bir portal var.

Seçkin, Özverili ve uyum içerisinde çalışan Moderatörler. Canlı yayınları kalitesine göre analiz ederek süzgeçten geçirdikten sonra yükselterek destekleyen bir platform.

Bu platform tahmin ettiğiniz gibi @DLive

OpenMic yarışmasının kurallarına @DLive eklenebilir.

Bu sayede OpenMic daha fazla kitle ile buluşabilir. Paylaşımlarımız arttıkça hep beraber büyüyeceğiz.

Birlik beraberlik içerisinde Steemit topluluğunu olması gereken seviyeye taşımalıyız.

Herşey gönlünüzce olsun.

Hoşça kalın.


Suggestion for OpenMic!

Being a family under the Steemite roof is priceless.

And we know that there is a portal that records live broadcasts under the Steemit roof.

Moderators who are distinguished, selfless and in harmony. A platform that analyzes live broadcasts according to their quality and supports them by raising them after passing through the filter.

As you might expect from this platform @DLive

@DLive can be added to the rules of the OpenMic contest.

On this view, OpenMic can meet more people. As our share grows, we will all grow together.

We must move the Steemit community to the level that it should be.

Everything you get your heart desires.

Good Bye.



Great post. Will definitely tell my music lover friends about the openmic. We can see some hidden talents out there. Thanks bringing this to our attention

I'm glad that you go. As I get such nice reactions, I will continue to write. Thank you for your comment.

I appreciate you mentioning Open Mic but I must say that the English translation of the rules you list in this post is not correct.

Here are the rules for last week's contest:

  • The cutoff date for entries is Friday the 30th
    of March 2018
  • Each week the contest starts on Sunday and ends on Friday. PLEASE DO NOT ENTER BEFORE SUNDAY the 25th
  • Only 1 entry per person per week
  • Steemit Open Mic Week 78 must the beginning of the post title.
  • Steemit Open Mic Week 78 and your username must be said at the beginning of your video
  • Live musical performances only specifically made for this contest. A musical instrument must be played in your performance.
  • openmic must be the first tag
  • Add a link to your post in the comments of this contest post.
  • You must upvote this post
  • Even if you use DTube a YouTube or Video link must be added to your post too

I don't know if you listed the rules correctly or not but these are the rules.

DLIve cannot be used to enter Open Mic because using DLive makes the first tag be DLive and we need the first tag to be openmic to enter the contest.

And if you use DTube you still need to add an embedded YouTube or Vimeo link and make openmic the first tag.

The Turkish translation of the rules is correct. But there may have been some technical disagreements when translating French-English. But we understand and support the project you have done as Turks. Thank you.

Kuralların Türkçe çevirisi doğru. Fakat Fransızca-İngilizce çevirirken bazı teknik anlaşmazlıklar olmuş olabilir. Fakat biz Türkler olarak yapmış olduğunuz projeyi anlıyor ve destekliyoruz. Teşekkürler.

The English translation is not correct at all. That's why I added the correct rules in the comments.

You can vote for sharing 1 vote!
Our support will continue.

Open mic is definitely a cool place for people who wanted to showcase their talents in singing. I have a lot of friends good in singing too and I always recommend doing openmic via @dtube. It's like hitting two birds in one stone.

If they do open mic via DTube they still need to embed a YouTube or Vimeo link.

Beautiful, my friend
It looks special, great information from you
Thanks for sharing

Wonderful idea

Wow thats a great post for them who loves music and singing! :)

Cok iyi bir analiz ve bilgilendirme postu olmuş elinize saglik

Teşekkür ederim beğenmenize sevindim.

I concur with you. What's more, I trust that the individuals who come each day will get all that could possibly be needed cash for their work. A debt of gratitude is in order for your remarks

Nice post my friend. Good suggestion!

And thank you for using my entry in the sample posts. That blew my mind!

Upvoted and resteemed!

I'm so glad you did not like it.
The surprises are waiting for you in the following days :)

This is Good @azadakar giving a helping hand to the musicians. And I am certain they are on their way to stardom as sternly is a great community to start with. Wish them all success

I absolutely agree with you. And I believe that everybody who will come to the day will get more than enough money for their labor. Thanks for your comment.

Yes sir. I pray God reward you for your service to community

Congratulations @azadakar!
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 3 with $ 323,35

Thank You.

Wonderful idea here, shoutouts @luzcypher.
There have been some talented posts for open mic night. Will be featuring a few artists from open mic on my show. Goal is to support and turn people onto music here on steem and dtube as well.

Exactly. I agree with your opinion. It's also nice to see you here.

Great post and I Like your post. We can see some hidden talent in my country.

que bien lo felicito , y que tenga mucho éxito


Im sorry but I am extremely insulted by the fact that someone copies someone else's post regarding what openmic is and somehow recieves nearly $300. while other people (including me) upload original content and struggle to reach $1 for lot of there posts. This is not fair what so ever as it's basically plagiarism. It's like me copying an article on crypto currency and then just saying at the bottom "oh to anyone who doesn't know what this is, please visit there link" then getting $300 for that post. This is not making me want to continue using steemit as it's a complete insult to the people who make this community work via ORIGINAL content.

You win. I did not win. I would recommend Steemit Boots as soon as possible. Good luck.

They did translate it but the proper etiquette would have been to ask permission first. Also, it would have been nice of them to add a link to the original post and spell my username correctly.

Tactics like this worked this time but won't work for the long run as people will get flagged for things like this. That was pure luck.

Read more about Steemit etiquette at


I love the OpenMic platform. Your idea is really beautiful. I can not go to your platform because my voice is not beautiful. I wanted to take you to the foreground because I could not support you by joining your platform. I wanted to promote your platform with my own financial means. I did it without asking you any expectation. And you said you do not like it. I respect. I tried to make your introduction with beautiful minds. In the coming days I was planning to have nice surprises for your platform. This post has gone up so completely with my own capital (you can check my wallet). I thought that my work would make you happy. On the contrary, I compared with your reaction. For that, I apologize to you.

I will consider your recommendations.

Everything you get your heart desires.

Best regards.

... ... ...


OpenMic platformunu çok seviyorum. Düşünceniz gerçekten çok güzel. Sesim güzel olmadığı için platformunuza katılamıyorum. Platformunuza katılarak destek veremediğim için öz sermayem ile sizi ön plana çıkartmak istedim. Kendi maddi imkanlarım ile sizin platformunuzu tanıtmak istedim. Sizden hiçbir beklenti talep etmeden yaptım bunu. Ve siz beğenmediğinizi dile getirdiniz. Saygı duyarım. Güzel düşünceler ile sizin tanıtımınızı yapmaya çalıştım. Önümüzdeki günlerde sizin platformunuz için güzel süprizler hazırlamayı planlıyordum. Bu post tamamen kendi sermayem ile bu kadar yükseldi ( Cüzdanımı kontrol edebilirsiniz. ) . Çalışmamın sizi sevindireceğini düşünüyordum. Oysa tam tersi tepkiniz ile karşılaştım. Bunun için, sizden özür dilerim.

Tavsiyelerinizi dikkate alacağım.

Herşey gönlünüzce olsun.


Guauu, great post! congratulations! I invite you to read my blog and book!:)

This post has received a 0.31 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @azadakar.

You got a 26.96% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @azadakar!

Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to support the development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please vote for @yabapmatt for witness!

Congratulations, your post received 7.42% up vote form @spydo courtesy of @azadakar! I hope, my gratitude will help you getting more visibility.
You can also earn by making delegation. Click here to delegate to @spydo and earn 95% daily reward payout! Follow this link to know more about delegation benefits.

Efsane bir tanıtım ve öneri mesajı olmuş. Eminim ki mesajınız ilgili yerlere ulaşacaktır. Ayrıca en kısa zamanda @openmic yarışmasına katılmayı düşünüyorum. Ödülleri insanı cezbediyor. Sayenizde tanıma şansım oldu böyle bir portalı.

Mutlaka @openmic i denemenizi isterim. Haftanın sonunda ilk 5 e girer iseniz süper ödüller sizi bekliyor olacak.


@youtake pulls you up ! This vote was sent to you by @azadakar!

Love open mic! Such a great idea. Love blockchain ♥¨

Colour grading is insane! Good work!

Challenge, where you can win up to 100s $SD!
If you want to, you can try it here:

Thank you.

You got a 47.51% upvote from @minnowvotes courtesy of @azadakar!

Harika üçlü combo gibi. Sizin analizleriniz çok güzel oluyor. Steemit sizinle güzel.

Sizlerin paylaşımlarımı okuduğunuzu bilmek iyi hissettiriyor. Teşekkür ederim.

You got a 45.56% upvote from @upmewhale courtesy of @azadakar!

Earn 100% earning payout by delegating SP to @upmewhale. Visit for details!

I sent 8 SBD. You like $7,63. Can you check it Please?

Hello, I suggest you create a discord channel to a better review and coordination of the great project.
Just my suggesion, u can leave a reply here.

We do have a discord channel for Open Mic you can see on my blog.

I love your post, I really appreciate this type of initiative that contribute to the good content published here in steemit ... Nice, go on like this congratulations

He is encouraging me to write you such good comments.
I am glad to see you among us.

hey good job ! congratulations !

Nice article, I just voted it

nice yar..

Excellent Post. let me know about Openmic to my circle.. Hope related everyone will be benifited

Perhaps this is a good project, but on the other hand, I can not believe it 100%, I think the coins like BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC, EOS are more reliable.

Music is a wonderful thing to mount us together. but my voice is not good.

This post has received a 11.11% upvote from @lovejuice thanks to @azadakar. They love you, so does Aggroed. Please be sure to vote for Witnesses at

Great idea all the best with it!

hai ... a very beautiful and interesting post worth a count on, successful greeting bang .. please support for us who have not

I love yhe good music, so...great idea!

Music is an important part of nature, so that humans are entertained.

Congratulations.! I like the post very much hope you can post beautiful ly, please, please, please give an upvote @giearxel

Very informative post. Looking forward for using this great tool.

a useful post and worthy of the word in the stack so beautiful .. salute successful azadakar support for @tasier22 that has not been successful

wow nice post


Wonderful idea

Hello azadakar,

@SteemEngineTeam would like to take the time to thank you for

signing up /
and participating in our community. Your contributions and support are important to us and we hope you will continue to use our platform.

We plan to give back to our community members, so have an upvote on us!

Thank you.

Awesome post! I invite you to visit our blog and vote us back! And of course to enjoy our content :)