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RE: OpenMic Songwriters Challenge Week 7 - Austen Ballard

in #openmic7 years ago

Whoah... really great song. This totally throws me back to the 80's, in a really good way. The vocals, the gated reverby snare, the mathy sounding synths in the background... or a little more modern-day, I'm also hearing echoes of Postal Service or some of the more ballady MGMT (both bands I love). Really inspiring. I've been thinking of doing backing tracks to some of my entries, this video shows that it can work beautifully. Your vocals are dead on and all the instrumental elements come together nicely to support them.

Enjoyed the writing too, esp. the wry twist at the end: "'til I'm standing in the right place at the wrong time instead" :D Following


Thank you so much! The 80s are definitely in right now, if my jacket didn't make that abundantly clear :P I really appreciate the kind words! :)

lol yes, they kinda are. I did notice the jacket! Hard not to ;)