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RE: Steemit Openmic Semana 137 - Raciosimio (Original) José Cabrera [ENG/ESP]

in #openmic6 years ago

Such a nice song there man. Quite invoking especially to those who felt the same experience as that. It is really hard to just forget the memories of moments you had with a love one. It is just so hard to accept things just like that. Even if you try so hard, it always come to the point that it will all just come back the way they are. So depressing and only time can tell.

I feel sorry for your laptop man. Hope you can find another one. I am too attached with my laptop and I can't imagine living without it.

Continue to spread your love of music man. Cheers!


Hey there, de saddest moments are beautiful ones to find you trough art, to hear your soul being sad and see his transformation to light again, we all feell emotions and i think we had to do art with that, you can learn from yourself trought it, thank you for passing by and put this feedback here <3, cheers!