Steemit Openmic Semana 137 - Raciosimio (Original) José Cabrera [ENG/ESP]

in #openmic6 years ago (edited)

Hola Steemit // Hi Steemit

Ayer me robaron mi laptop, la forma en como en este país tan distinto a los demás me mantenía conectado a las plataformas, estaba ahorrando esta plata para terminar de pagar ciertos equipos que adquirí para continuar con el trabajo que llevo haciendo, por lo que ahora, desconectado en gran parte de este universo de Internet, he de poner mas disciplina y compromiso en mis horarios asignados a seguir publicando en esta página y en Whaleshares a través de equipos ajenos, la buena noticia de todo ese mal rato es que empezare a tocar en un local en Bellas Artes, Caracas, con lo que espero ir escalando poco a poco hasta conseguir mejores equipos para hacer mejor arte.

el primer paso incluso seria un teléfono celular(me encantaría poner fotos recientes en mis publicaciones), ya que también grabo desde uno prestado, por eso el hecho de que los vídeos que iré subiendo a youtube estén en una cuenta que tampoco es mía si no del dueño de dicho celular.

en fin, tiempos reducidos de conexión a internet que compensare con mucho trabajo fuera de la luz, así cada semana traerles piezas mejor ejecutadas, con igual de cariño, ya que es con todo el cariño que la música me regala.

Yesterday my laptop was stolen, the way on how i work. This country it's different from the others and kept me connected to the platforms it's something that hope soon will be more on balance, I was saving this money to finish paying for certain equipment that I acquired to continue with the work I have been doing, so now , disconnected in much of this universe of Internet, I have to put more discipline and commitment in my schedules assigned to continue publishing on this page and in Whaleshares through other borrowed gears, the good news of all that bad time is that I will start playing in a local in Bellas Artes, Caracas, with what I hope to go climbing little by little until getting better equipment to make better art.

the first step would even be a cell phone (I would love to post recent photos in my publications), since I also record from a borrowed one, for that reason the fact that the videos that I will be uploading to youtube are in an account that is not mine either of the owner of said cell phone.

in short, reduced times of internet connection that will compensate with a lot of work out of the light, so every week bring better executed pieces, with equal love, since it is with all the affection that music gives me.

Sobre la canción // About the song

¨Raciosimio¨ es una canción que lleva un nombre inventado, a juego de palabras sobre el discernimiento, una de mis canciones favoritas la verdad, nació gracias a un concurso realizado por @meno el Openmic Songwriter Challengue (esperando una nueva edición de ello (; ) .

¨Raciosimio¨ is a song that has an invented name, a word game about discernment, one of my favorite songs, the truth, was born thanks to a contest made by @meno the Openmic Songwriter Challengue (waiting for a new edition of it (; ).

Letra // Lyrics

Hasta otra vez, querida parte de mi carta que no debo leer, busco otra vez otra vía, otra calle que quisiera pasar, claro, tengo cualquier dia que me quiera perder, terminare buscándote en las tasas de café,
y si te desvistes en la cena no prepararé maletas ni me marcharé.

Hasta que te vuelva a ver no caducaré,
convertiré tus historietas en marionetas de papel,
hasta que te vuelva a ver desconoceré todo raciosimio, el estado primitivo.

Hasta otra vez, querida parte de mi alma que no quiero perder, busco otra vez las respuestas a preguntas que no he de conocer.


Felicidades, muy buen tema amigo, éxito para esta semana. Saludos y tranquilo que tendrás todo lo que anhelas.

Such a nice song there man. Quite invoking especially to those who felt the same experience as that. It is really hard to just forget the memories of moments you had with a love one. It is just so hard to accept things just like that. Even if you try so hard, it always come to the point that it will all just come back the way they are. So depressing and only time can tell.

I feel sorry for your laptop man. Hope you can find another one. I am too attached with my laptop and I can't imagine living without it.

Continue to spread your love of music man. Cheers!

Hey there, de saddest moments are beautiful ones to find you trough art, to hear your soul being sad and see his transformation to light again, we all feell emotions and i think we had to do art with that, you can learn from yourself trought it, thank you for passing by and put this feedback here <3, cheers!

Man, I'm a fan. Your music is great as always, there are unique emotions and soul you share through it. So sorry about your laptop. Hang in there, man!

I really hope you'll keep on sharing your music because it's really great!

thank you for your text @gibic

i will be present uploading content as usually, will try to dont be stoped by this founding new roads to share vibe, bless u.

Siento mucho tu perdida aunque tu música es pura ganancia, Dios te tiene preparado seguramemnte mejores cosas. Éxitos hermano!!!

hay buenas noticias no todo es gris, pero dejare eso para otra publicacion y para mas adelante, pero dios mediante el mundo siempre ira a mejor aunque no nos demos cuenta.

Hi joseacabrerav,

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As soon as you started talking I thought how cliche would be a guitar now? - 20 sec in imagination came true :) - You are very talented. For how long are you already playing? :)

i think we're all cliche in some way, we're all equal, we had all the same posibilities of feel diferent kinds of emotions and liv trought it, the thing that separates my guitar playing or my voice from another person it's the esence that we all had diferent, everybody can cook and you gonna taste diferent the food of A person from B person even if they use the same ingredients, that's the "tune" of the person doing his magic.

you have a very beautiful voice and I love Spanish music so I can only tell you that I love it. love songs are fascinating because they refer to a world of feelings so profound that music often makes universals don't you think? We all identify with your words! and I'm so sorry for your laptop.
Congratulations and thank you for sharinghi @joseacabrerav

Siento mucho lo del robo. es algo muy dificil de digerir. no basta con escuchar el tipco "lo material se recupera" sabemos que se recupera, pero lo dificil es conseguir el dinero para recuperarlo. Espero que pronto mejore tu situacion y la de todos los venezolanos. Nos merecemos eso y mucho mas... me agrada saber que ante las adversidades no decaes. te deseo mucho exito en el local de Bellas Artes, si eres tan amable de decirme donde queda, quizas pueda darme una pasadita con amigos cuando vengan de visita a Caracas. Muy buena interpretacion amigo mio. exitos en todo lo que te propongas.

queda al lado de los museos, se llama el eje de buen vivir y consta de tres kioskos donde venden distintas bebidas y cositas para picar, si pasas no dudes en saludar! mucho cariño.

buenisima brooo! felicidades!

aquí. No te olvides de seguir promocionando tus publicaciones en nuestro Discord.Repollo es un proyecto que tiene como misión entregar recompensas a todos los creadores de contenido. Tú puedes recibir un voto de Repollo siempre si decides adquirir una membresía delegando desde 50 SP. @cervantes apoya a Repollo, Puedes votar por ellos como Witness

Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community!

VZ, Caracas is a hard life right now.
Salvation is coming, this can't go on forever...

Love your guitar groove bro, very nice!
I hope you might post more of your playing like this, great stuff.
So cool;
it drives then it's cool, then it drives, then its cool.

what means drives, thank you mal, will love to understand you better. (:!

What a lovely music, I love this type of music accompanied by your nice voice. I believe you are really talented.
Sorry to hear about your laptop got stolen. Unfortunately some people have no respect for others, this happens in my country too if you're not careful.
Good to hear you're going in Bellas Artes, I wish you good luck! I hope it's going to be a nice experience.
Have you tried DTube for your music videos? Check it out, they are rewarding good videos and yours is definitely good. You can also meet a lot of other artists and connect with them.
Again, good luck with your music and keep up the good work!

hey there, yeah, i use sometimes Dtube but i had time without doing it, you think maybe that works for me? will be on touch with that, thank you for your good vibes.

It worth a try, they are rewarding good content, you should definitely try it out as you can get more from there, rewards and followers as well.

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Super fresh original song bro, stay strong @joseacabrerav

I have included you in my Official Judge's Post For Open Mic Week 137, please read the full review here.