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RE: Steemit Open Mic Week 38 - See Who Played This Week At Open Mic And Vote For Your Favorite Steemian Musicians

in #openmic7 years ago

Do you know about the live open mic that I'm trying to put together irl to bring steemian performers together? It's not music-exclusive, and, it's you know, more about bringing geographically close performers together, but it could travel to other cities and be hosted wherever a steemian is willing to host it. Do you know about it? Perhaps you'd be interested in organizing one in your city? I got a nice starting donation from @papa-pepper to offer prizes for the first one (in L.A.)


I have heard about that. Sounds like a lot of work. I'm so burnt out on playing live gigs. Used to travel 300 cities a year doing that for years.

I wish you the best of luck and if you get the gig going in LA let me know

It's happening for sure! Not sure how many Steemians will come, but I have about 10 local performers lined up so far. If you'll be in the vicinity, I hope you'll come!

I'm down if you get it going

Video ain't playin

Video? There's no video in that post.

Very strange. It has here are the deets and then a black YouTube video with play button that gives an error.

That's bizarre. It's a link to the steemit post where I announced the details of the open mic. Let's try again:

I suspect it's this esteem app on my phone. I'll have a look on my laptop when I get a chance.