YAY for Op-NESS you did so great! Looked like a cooker out too you must have been beat by the time you got home. Love the nerdness of course hehehe Operation Quicksilver lulz!
Finally found Emmy's real parents, SCORE! They are gigantic and beautiful. The bean trees continue to amaze me, I don't think I saw a pic of the flowers last year, how beautiful!! What an incredible tree!!
My fave was "I'm a magnet and I believe in you" so many giggles!! <3<3 All the drops were awesome, I loved the rock spot a lot!
Oh man, I was definitely cooked when I got home. I turned on the air conditioner ...and I'm wearing shorts! It's a sign of the end times, I tell ya!
The big elm is really close to the apartment building, and I've passed it before, I just wasn't looking for Emmy's parents at the time, because I was still under the misguided impression that the ash trees nearby were elm trees, lol. So when the wind kicks up, yeah, I could see one of their seeds blowing my way for sure! It would have to come down the block, but elm seeds are little and we get a wind tunnel on this street because of all the tall buildings.
I don't think I caught photos of bean tree flowers before! This time last year I think it was all beans, and we only still have some flowers because of how cool our spring was.
Thanks for your encouragement, as always! ^_^