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RE: Op With Me In Denver

in #ophumanangels6 years ago

Oh man, I was definitely cooked when I got home. I turned on the air conditioner ...and I'm wearing shorts! It's a sign of the end times, I tell ya!
The big elm is really close to the apartment building, and I've passed it before, I just wasn't looking for Emmy's parents at the time, because I was still under the misguided impression that the ash trees nearby were elm trees, lol. So when the wind kicks up, yeah, I could see one of their seeds blowing my way for sure! It would have to come down the block, but elm seeds are little and we get a wind tunnel on this street because of all the tall buildings.
I don't think I caught photos of bean tree flowers before! This time last year I think it was all beans, and we only still have some flowers because of how cool our spring was.
Thanks for your encouragement, as always! ^_^