
Haha. I would swipe you to the right side 😘

You would would you?

haha not sure, if its only the face and you know nothing about him? ;-)

hard before I had a thought to think about any of it.If it's only the face and it's @dandays' face, that face that looks like it's perpetually sucked a lemon too much, I'd hit the delete button

Okay thats right 😅 but what if a part of the tattoos would be seen too? 😅
It shows how ridiculus all those plattforms are. The prince could hide behind a frog picture 🐸

It depends on where he got those tats done and I don't mean what part of his body.

The prince could hide behind a frog picture 🐸

Snakes hide behind frogs, especially when said frog is being swallowed by said snake.

Ah thats why I never found "my" frog! Now I understand



Not sweet enough.