It was right around this time last year when I had 538 images saved in this phone. I remember thinking that was a lot.
I've had it since 2017. iPhone 8, it is. Runs like a champ, it does! Six years and I don't know how many SIM cards later, I managed to amass 538 images.
Most everyone I know has thousands of photos in their phone, especially the girls. My wife's gotta have at least a thousand selfies on hers.
Don't act like you don't, ladies!
I do a lot of deleting. :click: No image is safe with me. I have no fear of the delete button nor the reprisals associated to it.
I'll regret it, they say.
One of these days when someone mentions such-n-such and you were there but you're old and can't remember because you don't have any memories backed up, you'll wish you didn't delete all your photos.
If it's memories we're banking on cherishing, I prefer the ones stored in my factory settings, thank you very much. Show me an image of myself having the time of my life that I can't remember isn't a gleeful reminisce, it's torture.
Welcome, Olli II. Jrkovka dvorna—Atlas.
It was December, last year, the 12th to be exact. Got a room in Atlanta on the 11th. Picked her up first thing the following morning at Atlanta International Airport.
It's her first birthday right now.
October 13th, 1 yr old today, she's a Friday the 13th baby. A whole year already. I hardly remember days before her.
Haven't even had her a year yet and somehow I've managed to more than triple my six year photo collection. Same phone, still works like a champ, nothing's changed other than the photo balance.
Thing's got 2,103 photos in it now.
No idea how that happened.
What I've done since discovering the blockchain is save images here and then delete them from my phone to make room for other things.
Document it - delete it / Document - delete. Eazy peezy.
Not Dabba'Dog. That's another one—name. She has a lot of them. Delete a photo of Dabba'Dog, what are you? Out of your skull?!
Everyone knows what a dab is, right? Not the THC kind, the other one where you tuck your head to your elbow and point the other way with both hands.
It's how she chills. Sleep, rest, pout, that's another one—Pouty Pants. Whichever one she's in, rest assured she's doing it in her signature move. She's got a couple of them—signature moves.
538 photos on this thing in the five years leading up to her and now there's more than 21 hundred in it and she's only been here 10 months. Seems like a lot. And quick, too!
No idea how that happened.

October 13th! That's the day before Pilot's birthday! (And mine.) Happy Birthday, little dabber!
Also, seriously, wtf's up with that NSFW mangled dick dog chew...

It's a silicone lobster, I swear!
You should see the black one.....
Yeah, yeah, shared it and a day early. You're such a one-upper.
Damn, my dog is rich. At least it looks like he does a lot of community outreach with all that money.
Hi there @dandays, I almost missed this great post. Your Atlas should meet my oldest son Bobby's adorable, the most mellow dog ever, Hunter, he spent the last week here on the farm and was in Heaven. Lots of running room, especially when Bobby jumped the four-wheeler, boy that dog is fast. Plus, we celebrated my son's 45th Birthday as well as Hunters 2nd BD. We all had ice cream cake.😁
Check him out...
Love 'em
Your son and I have quite a bit in common, he must be one helluva dude. = }
Glad you liked this one, thank you more than this, and thanks for the reblog.
I think because I did what I said I would and waited til I didn't have to work anymore. A little more than 10 years between my dogs but I'm reaping the rewards.
Atlas is so calm, so mellow, and so obedient. Super sharp, too, aces all her tests. This time next year, I'll let you know how she does on planes (can't test her til she's 2). Only the best addition to the family EVER!
And we don't even have to clothe her.
That sure is a cool table, by fhe way.
Good morning
Bob built that breakfast bar, very cool, that’s the hang out spot. I love it
Hunter is Bobby’s best friend, just a great dog.
Have a wonderful day
Hey... that's a bit sexist. I'm a gal (apparently) and I don't have tons of selfies on my phone.
Mostly because I hate being photographed and I make weird faces.
Atlas is worth documenting. And the blockchain is a great way to do it.
Aw... You're married?
Your wife must be one smart lady. To snag a guy with a sense of humor like that. Sharp!
You should keep her and photos of her too. Smart gals are hard to find these days. And good dogs. Well... all dogs are good dogs, really.
Miss my dog big time. I may have to settle down for a dog. Worth it! But still a big move. But then dogs so... 💖 But settling down. But dogs.
It's your story, tell it however you want. = }
Hello. It's morning here. I think you might spLeL that with a U, mourning, whatev. Good, that.
I like your comments. I just finished the other one with the Alice in Wonderland clip I did NOT watch... twice.
You couldn't be more accurate, literally, and I mean that the way literally is meant to be used. She's summa cum laude at a major university in San Francisco, Ca. I didn't know what it meant when I met her. I saw white tassel things at her house once n didn't know what it meant. It was then that I learned it means 3.9865 GPA out of a possible 4.0 following her graduation.
She hates it when I do this, by the way, bla bla bla bla bla about her. Embarrasses the shit out her.
I think it's marvellous!
Brilliant women should be celebrated far more often but many men are too intimated to do this. Bravo! Good life partner or hubby or whatever you guys choose to call yourselves.
p.s. Now I'm intimated by her too. Good thing you didn't know or you may have bailed and missed a keeper!
I think there's been enough Mo(u)rning in the world this last while.
But we should be in it always so yes. Good mourning to you too. The world can be a bit hardcore, huh?
It's also a beautiful day here! Summer has arrived at last.
p.s You're not alone. But not in a creepy, stalky, internet kinda way. Take it easy, D and A. 🌸
Don't forget to dance!
Thanks and I'm stealing your content without remorse. Remorselessly? Is that a word? Spell check says hell yeah.
Yo they good with words, huh? 👀 Bit in awe...
How' that scratching tho?!
And sharing with my son.
Thank you! 👍 💥 :D
You're most welcome. My pleasure. What I've been doing the past couple years here is avoiding getting into all of the artists and bands and performers and stuff I've seen cuz, growing up in LA with a single mother who worked nights, they kinda tend to sound braggy.
Rather than, I burned one with or I first met'em in '93 I...
Alright, so, can't make this stuff up. Rockin Drum n Bass in my earbuds on the treadmill right now, right, and a Slayer remix just came on—Southside of Heaven. Mid-90's Slayer mixed to D&B, who'da thunk?
All the coolest kids are Fall Babies. October 17th was the day I crawled kicking and screaming outta that nasty vag.
Sammi Jo turned 13 sept. 5th-ish. She made us her pet humans the first of October 2010.
Photos..? Lmao!! Last count was over 20k keepers. I delete the bulk of the Pics snapped now. I only keep the keepers. That is why they are called keepers you know..?
Like Sammi givin' me a spit hair mousse wacky doo.

And most of my selfies (stick or no stick) have my Daddy's G photo bombing.

You are well on your way to 20k photos. And your already in the most awesome pet owners hall of fame. Instant access when you rescue and love an animal like we do. We are part of a huge club. So keep the Atlas posts coming. They never disappoint. I know I will never tire of them.
Dang, I thought me, Pura, Roy Dawg, Jerry and all the other Virgos were where it's at cuz August - September is about 9 months after winter and everyone knows the best way to keep warm.
She's a poser.
You're the first virtual stranger I put in my calendar but that doesn't mean I'll see it so, Justin Case (Charity's brother) I forget, happy birthday tomorrow.
Have Pura make you a cake like my bestie selfie gerl done once upon a time. Been brow beaten her for another since...
It was disturbingly good. Cat Lady in a Man Suit said that...
That's so disturbing and gross and genius.
Yesterday. In front and behind you is where I'm at.
I am still searching for a one bad hand song...
The last lyrics in that song makes you realize... It could be worse.!! LoL
How in the Fug are you gonna slay the next Java Queen in Java Monsters Rebooted, with two gimps? dotdotdot
Krazy Kreepy
That also reminds me of another one of my all time fave songs...
And the EPIC VIDEO that goes along with it.
From Yesterday
"Leto" not just another pretty face. That fucker can sing too !!
Remember... It's "The Little Things"

I ain't Joker'n around wit you bro.!
Tech savvy I am not. Never claimed to be, there’s that. I’m clarifying this because is it or is it not true we are in the same country as I type this? Then why in the world is that clip censored?
Most welcome = }
I am Surprised it did not say due to your skin color, or gender, or even political ideology...?
Fugged up world we are living in bro.
You know that I know that Atlas knows not what a birthday is and never will. This is just vicarious Atlas pic dropping. The only thing I can’t figure out is why she’s laying down in every bloody photo. Is she that tired of you already, only a year in?
I (not acting) don’t. I’m also not a lady. Don’t touch that either.
I’m so proud of you.
Delete has been my favourite button since before delete buttons existed.
That’s a small amount.
ps, this gave me a bad flashback, unrelated to you
Those were dabs, lay downs go like..
Tired of me, mhm, someone's been practicing their funny. I've yet to meet a model female dog who can get enough of me.
That many dabs leaves about another 15 hundred of her on her feet like this one, Colorimetry.
Based on what you clarified like butter to mean dabs are, she still ought to be standing.
That first one is dog porn. Did you get consent?
It's simple enough to repeat a model female dog.
😂 Indeed.
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme
All I have on my phone are pictures of mountains.
^ That's what I do too :) Happy bday to Atlas!
I see what happened.. I thought you said fountain.
էąղҟʂ ҍɾȺղᎠժէ, į Ӏվҟҽ ƒɾìՀվՀ ղ ҍ⊘ӋժąացՀ.Good to see you again dude if that's what this is. Check out @ma3str0, he just got here. And Atlas said
What I meant to say was のߛߋ߲世বাعنלא?
@ma3str0, check this out. That's the quarry I was just telling you about, check Brandt's and my photos.
True story, neither of us knew we were snapping that photo until several days later. How'fa king peculiar is that?!
PS, and each of us only took one picture that day.
Hectic hey! That looks like wild drop, eesh. Gotta have a stomach of steel lmao. Must have been awesome!
Well, well, well, it's the devil visiting in hell.
Hello there.
Of course you'd say Hell-Low.
In case you missed it, pretty sure this looks like you...
The resemblance is uncanny!
I know, eh, totally bizarro. It's one I found rockhounding long before I knew of you. All I did was polish it up and dental pick some crap out of it's stone mouth.
Pen down. This is a beautiful way to celebrate Atlas. Happy birthday to him. He looks so cute.
I know it's 2023 and all that and it's probably taboo to do it but he's a she.
= }
Much thanks Balikis. I can hardly stand her in case you can't tell. What's going on this weekend?
Wow, pardon me. I must be so engrossed in her beauty that I missed that out. Thanks for the correction made.
Haha... funny you. She loves you too.
I am so tired right now. I need a good sleep. The weekend is loaded with work. And yours?
HEY! = }Pet owners are funny like that huh when you mistake their animal? @ganjafarmer just got me the other day when I called his boy a she. We're quick to be
You work through the weekends? When are your rest days? What makes you so tired? This is fun. Is this too many questions?
Thanks for asking, you know what window shutters are? Where we live now, all the houses have them but they serve no purpose, only for looks. They're not hinged or anything so they don't open or close. Everyone has them. Some people even go out of their way to get extra fancy ones.
I think they're stupid. But one of the four front windows of the house are 20 feet in the air and I just recently got ladder tall enough. Those stupid things are going down.
My dog is just so cute everybody thinks he's a girl! Definitely it's what everybody assumes right off the bat.
L o L. I knew you could relate, ganjafarmer! Thanks for not disappointing.
I cannot admit anything however I can deny everything and as well make counter accusations!
I take a lot of photos (obvi) and often take multiple of the same thing to get the best shot or avoid pictures of ppl with eyes closed and such - but then I delete all the extras and just keep the best one of the lot. I always think its hilarious when people don't delete any of their photos at all and then tell you that they pay x amount of dollars per month for cloud storage. But then you look through their photos and see that they are keeping all of the multiple photos of the same thing, all of the blurry shots, out of focus pics, thumb print ones...etc. it's like, if you deleted all of those crap photos that you'll never use you could eliminate 30% or more and not have to pay for storage lol.
Well, when you got that many finish nails evenly spaced, it requires multiple angles. = }
Whaddup man? What you said sounds like something I woulda wrote. What he said!
Always a pleasure. How are your dogs settling in to their new home?
True 🤣
Dog is good. Yours looks like she is enjoying herself. Can never have too many dog photos though. They are the exception
Happy Birthday Atlas ❤️🐶❤️
And not a single word about me and photos 🙈😂
Mhm. I know all about how ladies get ready in the 21st century—each switch of attire, a new mirror selfie. Swipe - compare / swipe - compare.. ready!
Haha. I would swipe you to the right side 😘
You would would you?
haha not sure, if its only the face and you know nothing about him? ;-)
hard before I had a thought to think about any of it.If it's only the face and it's @dandays' face, that face that looks like it's perpetually sucked a lemon too much, I'd hit the delete button
Okay thats right 😅 but what if a part of the tattoos would be seen too? 😅
It shows how ridiculus all those plattforms are. The prince could hide behind a frog picture 🐸
Why is your dog laying down in every photo? So young to be so played out. Shame you only had 538 selfies before your dog laid herself out all over your iphone.
Selfies. Funny.
Whaddup! Nice to be met, welcome to Hive and all that. I'm flattered to be the first on your chosen list of entertainers. Thank you.
Those were just her dab pose, she's got a shit ton, such a poser. = }
After snapping a buncha photos, I learned it's easier to capture her, still, rather than in motion.
Absolutely dog approved!
Whore ads these things anyway? What are you trying to say with that last tag? I am totally not a prostitute advertising....
Oh maybe you meant who reads these things anyway.... Lol!
I'm always doing something like that in my #tags and I can't tell you the last time someone caught it. Much thanks for #PlayingAtension.
I just shared this one with someone else and it still isn't old. = } Enjoy your weekend, sir.
Your dog totally needs her own blog!
And for about 10 minutes I was really offended that you were calling me a prostitute... Until I finally figured it out.
In fact I was much happier when I was thinking that you were going to pay for my services! Lol!
Woofs! I just turned 3!
Can I have him as a birthday present?
No he is mine housewolf!
I'll claw duel you for him.
Doggo is the one that decided I was his human.

Daddy's G totally hearts boy dogs. And being defiant.
His first picture!
Awww, Doggo, what a name and what an expression he's wearing. I'm out of claw luck I see, sobs quietly.
Gorgeous! Happy 3rd, handsome fella.
Thanks he is the bestest.
Happy birthday, Atlas 🐶 😃
Yeah, no idea, with that cuteness 😁
How are you doing? (arm thingy?)
Progressing at the speed of hair growth. Like watching an iceberg form was the latest analogy my surgeon used.
Still can't hold a pencil or paintbrush or piss with my right hand. TMI? Dot dot dot.
I can click the hell outta the camera though! = }
If Atlas is in the photos - you are a lucky one then :)))
That pup is sooo photogenic.. just way too adorable! #awesome
She's such a poser. Out there just dewt'de'dew making everyone look like a photographer.
Happy Birthday Atlas and your level of 'upbeatness', which was high before, seemed to hit new levels since you got her.
Long may it continue, and long may you continue to fill your phone with happiness.
The weekend is upon us once more. Enjoy :-)
Whaddup! Much thanks putting down the honey-do's for a minute to stop by, always a pleasure, "Nathen." = }
Word's out huh? Hm.. I'm tryna to maintain a tough guy image, she's making me look soft. Damn you, cutest ever adorable head Smarty Socks birthday puppy!
Hah! I laughed a lot with this. I can safely say that many times when I wanted to delete some "momentos," I fell for the you'll regret it line and now, I've got way more junk than I'll ever need.
She's so pretty. And tired? Lol
I'm glad you enjoyed it, much appreciate that. I don't think we've met yet, thanks for finding me.
Tired? Hardly, she's gas pedal all.the.time. Probably can't tell in the photos but she's screaming profanities about let's go somewhere!
Lol. Looking at her again, you're probably on point. She's set to go.
And Nope, we haven't but I'm glad I did cause your writing is already really relatable. Looking forward to read more🤗
If you're gonna be sweet like that I demand you stop by more often. <3
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