I think it's marvellous!
Brilliant women should be celebrated far more often but many men are too intimated to do this. Bravo! Good life partner or hubby or whatever you guys choose to call yourselves.
p.s. Now I'm intimated by her too. Good thing you didn't know or you may have bailed and missed a keeper!
I think there's been enough Mo(u)rning in the world this last while.
But we should be in it always so yes. Good mourning to you too. The world can be a bit hardcore, huh?
It's also a beautiful day here! Summer has arrived at last.
p.s You're not alone. But not in a creepy, stalky, internet kinda way. Take it easy, D and A. 🌸
Don't forget to dance!
Thanks and I'm stealing your content without remorse. Remorselessly? Is that a word? Spell check says hell yeah.
Yo they good with words, huh? 👀 Bit in awe...
How' that scratching tho?!
And sharing with my son.
Thank you! 👍 💥 :D
You're most welcome. My pleasure. What I've been doing the past couple years here is avoiding getting into all of the artists and bands and performers and stuff I've seen cuz, growing up in LA with a single mother who worked nights, they kinda tend to sound braggy.
Rather than, I burned one with or I first met'em in '93 I...
Alright, so, can't make this stuff up. Rockin Drum n Bass in my earbuds on the treadmill right now, right, and a Slayer remix just came on—Southside of Heaven. Mid-90's Slayer mixed to D&B, who'da thunk?