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RE: Signature Move

All the coolest kids are Fall Babies. October 17th was the day I crawled kicking and screaming outta that nasty vag.

Sammi Jo turned 13 sept. 5th-ish. She made us her pet humans the first of October 2010.

Photos..? Lmao!! Last count was over 20k keepers. I delete the bulk of the Pics snapped now. I only keep the keepers. That is why they are called keepers you know..?

Like Sammi givin' me a spit hair mousse wacky doo.
Sammi Shampoo (3) 2021-02-08.jpg

And most of my selfies (stick or no stick) have my Daddy's G photo bombing.


You are well on your way to 20k photos. And your already in the most awesome pet owners hall of fame. Instant access when you rescue and love an animal like we do. We are part of a huge club. So keep the Atlas posts coming. They never disappoint. I know I will never tire of them.


Dang, I thought me, Pura, Roy Dawg, Jerry and all the other Virgos were where it's at cuz August - September is about 9 months after winter and everyone knows the best way to keep warm.

She's a poser.


You're the first virtual stranger I put in my calendar but that doesn't mean I'll see it so, Justin Case (Charity's brother) I forget, happy birthday tomorrow.

Have Pura make you a cake like my bestie selfie gerl done once upon a time. Been brow beaten her for another since...

It was disturbingly good. Cat Lady in a Man Suit said that...

Wave Media

That's so disturbing and gross and genius.

Yesterday. In front and behind you is where I'm at.

I am still searching for a one bad hand song...

The last lyrics in that song makes you realize... It could be worse.!! LoL

How in the Fug are you gonna slay the next Java Queen in Java Monsters Rebooted, with two gimps? dotdotdot


Krazy Kreepy

That also reminds me of another one of my all time fave songs...

And the EPIC VIDEO that goes along with it.

From Yesterday

"Leto" not just another pretty face. That fucker can sing too !!

Remember... It's "The Little Things"

I ain't Joker'n around wit you bro.!


Tech savvy I am not. Never claimed to be, there’s that. I’m clarifying this because is it or is it not true we are in the same country as I type this? Then why in the world is that clip censored?

Wave Media

Most welcome = }

I am Surprised it did not say due to your skin color, or gender, or even political ideology...?

Fugged up world we are living in bro.
