Hi there @dandays, I almost missed this great post. Your Atlas should meet my oldest son Bobby's adorable, the most mellow dog ever, Hunter, he spent the last week here on the farm and was in Heaven. Lots of running room, especially when Bobby jumped the four-wheeler, boy that dog is fast. Plus, we celebrated my son's 45th Birthday as well as Hunters 2nd BD. We all had ice cream cake.😁
Check him out...
Love 'em
Your son and I have quite a bit in common, he must be one helluva dude. = }
Glad you liked this one, thank you more than this, and thanks for the reblog.
I think because I did what I said I would and waited til I didn't have to work anymore. A little more than 10 years between my dogs but I'm reaping the rewards.
Atlas is so calm, so mellow, and so obedient. Super sharp, too, aces all her tests. This time next year, I'll let you know how she does on planes (can't test her til she's 2). Only the best addition to the family EVER!
And we don't even have to clothe her.
That sure is a cool table, by fhe way.
Good morning
Bob built that breakfast bar, very cool, that’s the hang out spot. I love it
Hunter is Bobby’s best friend, just a great dog.
Have a wonderful day