Totally! or Not? I donno. I simply liked your writeup!
That dude...Uhm... What about the times, the millions of years we didn't have a toilet, not even a toilet-toilet? And the water wasn't easy at our disposal? Ah true, that was then, this is now. Then: all good. Today: a bit of germs is jikes. Did I mean to write this? Is this my opinion? Or the inverse is my real standpoint? Perhaps ... Perhaps Not.
The car... Your? An acquaintance lost his taxi by such a pole. Car (Mercedes): total loss. He: totally broke because of that.
Hey what's up edje, haven't seen you since Mardi Gras—totally bullshit!
What's man? I don't think we've met yet, you're too clever for that, thanks for finding me now—totally not bullshit!
Negative. They were already parked there so I parked on the ceiling across the street.
Your username isn't too unfamiliar, but I don't think we ever interacted. Always a first for everything 🙃🎶