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RE: The State Of D And A

in #outofthinair8 months ago

I will be 50 in a couple of years too - I did hear Mannish Boy. Don't know when, where and why though.

Happy to hear your knee is doing great. I would say you are an example to follow with your discipline, but I will not - as you would be uncomfortable and would not know how to say thank you 😁

A message to your hand: Come on, heal!!!

And I would finish here my comment but out of thin air, one of my rocks came to say hello to you.


What a strange tag it shows. Have you ever heard about that, #outofthinair?


Both here and in real life, everyone I've sent that song to is, "yeah I know, Mannish Boy, great song!" Not sure I should admit it's new to me.

Knee.. Thank you.

Ok, fine! I'll just tell you so you'll call off the search party, it's on my homepage.


it's on my homepage.


If you need a better photo (without my hand for example) just let me know :D

Crazy thinkin I'm gonna edit the most personal part. You got a hand on my profile now, deal with it.

Deal. I have no choice but to deal with it! ;D