The State Of D And A

in #outofthinair9 months ago (edited)

I tried posting this on Didn't work dot I don't know. Probably a mobile issue. Never happens on @peakd. Big shout-out to the folks over there. I've been using their front end since it was steempeak.

I almost created a community once. Made it all the way to the keys page, nah, too much responsibility and, for what, so I can make a community called OutOfThinAir where the first rule in OutOfThinAir is no rules? Language, don't care. Parental controls and content specificity, don't care and don't care but at least it'll be a community when I post and not just a #tag, iThought, and then maybe the swingin dicks who prioritize community support will pay attention, meh—stupid.

Not a good enough reason to safely stow away additional keys. I have enough secrets. I'm probably overthinking it—community or not to community. I'm not into them anyway. I think I'm anti-community. Correction, definitely anti. Too similar to groups and clubs and cliques—click.

So, I'm just doing my own thing—wingin it. Posting under my own tag. Thanks for keeping up with me despite the solo commune. You're welcome to use it—tag. I do keep an eye on it. Just remember the first rule!

My vacancy is more frequent recently, not just here but in your comments—nothing personal. I'm working real hard right now on a couple other projects. I'll exceed 50k words on the travel one this week and I'm just shy of 15k on the comedy one. 50k is the deepest I've ever dove into a project and it's not even half full. Real excited about it. A third one, too, it's in cogitation at present.


I work on those for two hours and 45 minutes in the morning, six days a week, Saturday - Thursday. No negotiating with myself.

  • Meditate
  • Stretch
  • Pray
  • Time starts now

I don't gym or write or anything on Friday. If I can avoid two on's, I don't even put shoes on on Friday.

I work better under pressure. No one pressures me heavier than me. Then, you know; Pura, gym, Atlas (in that order). Atlas demands a lot of attention—no days off. Gym before her or I'll never get in there. Not to mention a new house I somehow manage to build additions for like every single day and before you know it..


I'm trying to stay ahead of the curation curve. Challenging when you're supporting manually. I'm doing everything manual now. I'm a big fan of trails. If only the same for all but a witness or two. Shoulda stopped at trails.

My curation increased since making the adjustment, didn't expect that. I went from around 5-13 HP/day to 8-21 currently so, either The Luckiest Guy I Know strikes again or I'm doing something right. Six in one / half-dozen in the other, what else?

Knee's healing nicely. That's an understatement actually. Doctor kicked me out of the office at week seven. He's even more surprised than me how quickly it healed. They said 6-10 months. More like 6-10 weeks. Wish I could say the same about my hand. I swear if I get my hand back I'll never take painting or drawing or portraits or pin-striping or airbrushing or.. for granted again.

My most played musical genre seems to be evolving from hip hop and rap to blues and bluer blues. I'll be 50 in a couple years, better late than never iGuess to get into Muddy Waters. You heard Mannish Boy? 70 years that song's been around and I just heard it for the first time in Topsail—beach town you can listen to a cup of coffee and enjoy the immutable Atlantic at the same time or vice versa.


Pura was all, "I need to get away!!"

I had no idea you need space. Is this cuz the shower story??

Not you, dork. Away from here, what shower story?

'OUR' story, never mind. You know dork means 'the penis,' right?

Of course, dork.

She doubled down on the penis. And then booked two weeks on the coast. That didn't suck.


I'd rather be a liver than have one said me 9 years, 8 months and 26 days ago. I'd rather crack jokes than crack open says this me. Distraction—don't know when I'm serious, you know? They say people with traumatic history are funny because they disguise their emotion in humor. Well then, I'm hilarious! Not really.


I can me - me - me as good as anyone - anyone - anyone but I'd rather n - o - t. Makes me feel weird—uncomfortable like every time the sales associate asks if I'm an exclusive club member and I say no and they ask if I want to join and I say no and then they say but it's just a phone number and I say no and it'll only take a couple seconds, they say, no thank you, I say, but it'll save you [X amount] on your next purchase and I go no, again, and they ask if I'm sure and I say yes and they say well, looks like I can't talk you into it.

You're seeing right through me...

Have a nice day!



I hope you’ll see me for me when I say, you could have easily avoided two on’s if you just didn’t wear shoes on Friday…but I as I write that I am obliged to admit that this would take the fun out of saying it. Like when you watch a movie and you’re like “they could have just done this and all their trouble would have been avoided” - a thought that is like a pocket of steam resting in the atmosphere just above a cool ocean…and the ocean is an older, wiser, slower thought that was never not there. It was there when the wise guy though came in, it will be there when the wise guy thought dissipates. It is the thought that may in fact rest beneath the resonance of all existence: …they could indeed, but the movie would suck…

Anyway, cmplxty commented on my article and suggested that I could do better on a curation trail than by delegating. So I looked into what these trails are. I knew of them, and even kind of followed one at one point (maybe probably still do).
I reblogged three of the posts I found while doing some research, it was chance alone that put this ine in front of me, but I thoroughly enjoyed it…

You know something else I enjoy a lot? I really love it when I’m proven wrong 🤣

Seriously, it’s a great way to grow in life, and it’s somehow fun for me - it makes me feel like a on old wizard, being surprised for the first time in ages (not that I’m wrong that rarely, it’s just how it feels for me every time), it tickles a funny spot in the brain and excites something, probably the joy of cracking one reality and climbing through into the new one, one where the old information held as fact is now relegated to the children’s fiction genre. The excitement of now exploring the world with new information and perspective…God man see I do it every time!

Fuck it - this was great. It was a fun read, I’m excited to check out some of your travel and comedy stuff, and I’m seeing from the three articles I read that there is a major hole in the bigass pile of naive ambition I poured out onto the world this morning 🤣

But honestly, if I hadn’t posted that and had the resulting conversations I had, I would be sitting here with a 90% delegation, no idea about curation trails, and assuming that people are all just piling on their votes manually 🤗

I was clearly missing a big piece of how all this shit works, so I’m excited to have a new aspect to learn about, even if it means I need to rethink my whole manifesto before it’s even a day old 🤣🤣🤣

Life is good man, LiFG.

Chance.. funny, try tellin a lucky guy that.

I don't know how else to say I'm so stoked to have you as a fan—serious. I left this message open so I'd come to it first, we just had dinner. Pura's a chef. Dude I'm the pickiest eater you don't know. Some only child shit.

But really. You're the people I do this for. Once upon a time I told someone I'm well aware my traffic isn't monumental but so long as so-in-so and so-in-so tune in, I'm not going anywhere. Would you believe one of those people actually muted and blocked me recently?

Really hate it when my judge of character fails. Hey man, I've seen accounts get fucked with for associating with me, I just deleted a buncha stuff, I'll just leave it at that.

I saw you reblog this one and wanted to say how cool that was so thanks for replying—now I can say it.

We go to the coast over there a couple times a month in the summer. We should compare photosynthesis. Pura and I have met up with probably 15 community members here, they'll all vouch, I'm not a psychopath or anything, just socio. dot dot

Thinking of this message left open over dinner made me smile - that’s cool. It’s neat to see real things, connections made here, stretching out into other parts of the physical world. I’m the opposite on eating, although now that I’m learning how to carry myself with a little more class, who knows. Change breeds change you know?

I’m thrilled to be among that crowd, and I definitely am among it. You’ve got a really natural voice, I can imagine you’re the kind of person whose random little brainthoughts and comments would have me laughing even when you’re not trying to. Something clicks there, I enjoy your voice immensely - it’s got the tonality of an old friend I can’t fully remember.

Muted and blocked? F*ck me, that seems intense.
I got that feeling that night when we talked and I stopped drinking. I saw the notification…I hated to make it weird and for most people I wouldn’t bother. I think it was as much that I have enjoyed your company and comments as it was that I was really bummed that I had misjudged your character. Needless to say, I was glad to be wrong about that. I don’t care about numbers or follower statistics, it’s the conversations I don’t want to be wrong about or lose…the interactions make this all fun, they make it all real.

…definitely piqued my interest with the deleted stuff…but if you wanna leave it there then I don’t wanna pick it up. We’ve all done our shit. You’re not who you were, you’re not what you’ve done, you’re who you choose to be (relevant) in any given moment, nothing is fixed. (It’s also not broken)

No vouch needed man, if you’re ever in the area I would love to get together. It’d blow the lid off my whole Hive thing, but honestly, I love when the lid gets blown off of things - it means they’re ready to face the light. Some things survive it, some don’t. What I’ve got in Hive will, because it’s honest, decent and real. When my predilection for pr0n made its way into the light? It died. Light is good. I would love to compare photosynthesis or just chill and meet face to face.

Sorry for the delay, this one was special.


What's your take on Qurator?

I don’t really have a firm grasp on the specifics of any particular trails honestly, but I like the idea overall at this point. I know it’s pretty much a 180, but I think it seems like trails basically seek to do what I was talking about already, so why reinvent the wheel?

I’m still all in on the Ecency delegation at this point, basically just because I’d like to build up some HSBI. Once I get that up a bit I plan to learn more and switch from the delegation to some trails (or a trail? I don’t really know how it works yet). It’s just the plan that made sense in my mind though, I haven’t actually metered out just what differences there are in HP/Hive management strategies but I’m enjoying learning so fsr

Trails can build HP when you have less time, yourself, they have curators who do nothing but seek quality stuff for you. I've supported many'0 trails.

A little bit of math goes a long way. Appreciator, for example, votes at or around 8%. Qurator, about 43%. Whatever you set your vote at (50, 25, etc), will trail theirs by that percentage. Hope that wasn't confusing. By gauging a trails daily VP usage, you can gauge your own.

Plug your research into and, 'tada!' Earn., huh? I feel like I’m already a step closer!

Is there a good way you know of to view/manage curation trails?

Time. There's not a stat sheet somewhere. We all oppose and support differently. Some for reward, some on principle, some for something else. I shaved you a lotta time back there.

Hahaha indeed - Also meant to say thank you for taking the time to do so. Got kinda busy for a while there.

If not for you I wouldn't even know Peakd was once called steempeak 😳😳😳

They've been doing that over there longer than I've been doing whatever this is.

Whaddup man. 2 straight and, what I mean by that is, 2 in a row. Much thanks.

You're most welcome and very well deserving dearest friend

You know we have two conversations going, right? Are you more than one person? Dude if you know how to be in two places at the same time hook-a-brotha UP! It's ALL I've ever wanted!!

AND one of those places has to absolutely 100% for sure be, no questions asked, somewhere I don't want to leave.

You can tell how spontaneous and mostly unplanned most of your posts are just by seeing how you seem to flow with your thoughts without a distinct topic.

#outofthinair indeed. Love it.

P.S: You're positive you'll never be able to run a community here someday?

Thanks for noticing. Love it. It's true. From one sentence to the next, we're reading it together for the first time.

No, of course not. I'm not particularly interested at the moment but nothing's forever. Not even tattoos. Mine are only good for another like.. 30, 40 years'ish.

I had no idea you sing. Thought you were just cool. Now you're cool and sing, I need to step up my game.

Lol. But isn't 30 or 40 years literally like your forever? Would you want to live longer?

And how did you know I sing?

I hope not. Kinda banking on the next one being a little cooler and I can understand everyone.

I'm a stalker, you don't know? I find people who can sing and then listen to them when they're not watching.

Lol. I think you just confirmed it. All Hive men are stalkers. And it's definitely not guess work at all. I've done my research.

But for the singing part, I doubt it's me you saw. I do have a good singing voice but I'd hate that everyone saw this pretty face too much on the Blockchain.😄


Do-Rae-mi-fa-so-however it goes, I saw the whole thing.

Own Thing doing.... is always the best. It's easier to remember than doing somebody else's thing.

That Outback in handicap parking today was me. I waved and said hi and you walked right past me.

Atlas said everyone does that. I told her Stop it! If they see me talking to you in handicap parking they'll think I'm crazy!

If you got a walk by without at least a Hi back, it wasn't me !

Dogs can be such Smarty Pants... even without pants.

You're seeing right through me...

Lovely. I laughed. Must remember for the next time I need it.


They never did that to me over where you are, incessantly push exclusive membership reward benefits. But they knew I wasn't from there so..

So you're getting into the Blues, that's a change. Here are a couple of artists you may enjoy.
Pokey LaFarge
Downchild Blues Band
Mississippi Heat
Melody Angel

We've attended this event since the 1st show, only missing 2 of the 30 shows.

Always a great time spent with all of the family staying for the weekend and attending the concert.
Break them in when they're young.

The knee is doing well, now once the hand decides to do the same I would expect to see you on your mountain bike.

Enjoy your vacation.

What's goin on fav-up-stater. Much appreciate the reblog.

Figures you're ahead of me in blues. Thanks for the mentions, Mississippi Heat is special. Haven't even checked out the others yet. I have so much catching up to do.

I can see how it's probably more appropriate to take the whole fam to that one rather than a Too Short performance in Oakland.

Knee... Don't two Pura but I got in a ladder for the first time a week or so ago. = }

Interesting. I try to seem normal, but I don't succeed.


(I like what I've read here and this thing of not wearing shoes for a whole day is so cool that... I thought I'll do it too) - I hope your projects go well.


Pleasure to be met. I've noticed you quite a bit lately. No, I'm not a stalker. I am the biggest liar in this conversation however if I said I don't dig your style.


Here at Hive it is never too late. Nothing is ever deleted. Thank you.

(and nice to meet you too 😊)

I will be 50 in a couple of years too - I did hear Mannish Boy. Don't know when, where and why though.

Happy to hear your knee is doing great. I would say you are an example to follow with your discipline, but I will not - as you would be uncomfortable and would not know how to say thank you 😁

A message to your hand: Come on, heal!!!

And I would finish here my comment but out of thin air, one of my rocks came to say hello to you.


What a strange tag it shows. Have you ever heard about that, #outofthinair?

Both here and in real life, everyone I've sent that song to is, "yeah I know, Mannish Boy, great song!" Not sure I should admit it's new to me.

Knee.. Thank you.

Ok, fine! I'll just tell you so you'll call off the search party, it's on my homepage.


it's on my homepage.


If you need a better photo (without my hand for example) just let me know :D

Crazy thinkin I'm gonna edit the most personal part. You got a hand on my profile now, deal with it.

Deal. I have no choice but to deal with it! ;D

Hmmm the Mannish Boy... Not heard for ages. It was a real favorite for me back somewhere last century 😂🙈 man ... I'm gettin old, writing stories I experienced in another decade 😘

I'm always last to find out!

I sent that track to friends in real life, too, and they're all "yeah, I know. Mannish boy, great song, so what's up?"

Nice to hear your knee is healing well. Where are you vacationing? NC? You must have bought a house in Tenesse?

Good morning. Thank you.

Well, yeah, we got that acreage on the east side of the state in the Appalachian foothills, must've been Sweed I was telling about it, thought it was you. Thinking we might build there. It's still several years in the future. Or not, and just sit on it.

The coast isn't too far from us now so it's a nice getaway. Where we are, however like, geographically... I have a better chance guessing what month we're on.


Hey I knew about the property you bought but did you buy the house you are living in now?

Yes, we own the address you guys have on file. In Minnesota, REMEMBER?!....

= }

Oh that’s right, my memory is shot 😁

What state are you vacationing in now?

NC. We were in Topsail, pronounced Topsle like the ai is silent, southerners.


Love NC beaches, have a great time, looks like Atlas is enjoying the empty beach

It's good you set a free day on Friday.... Friday is technically supposed to be called Freeday 😂

If I didn't do that I wouldn't know what day it is. No joke. If not for Friday, I wouldn't know Saturday.

😂😂😂😂 I get you bro



Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(2/5)@dandays! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @eii.

BEERHey @dandays, here is a little bit of from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

My most played musical genre seems to be evolving from hip hop and rap to blues and bluer blues. I'll be 50 in a couple years,

So, Bluer Blues huh?

So, Bluer Blues huh?

Dude that was dope.

Well, I suppose you already knew it would be dope. LoL

And by the way, welcome to the half-coupon club. Happy fiftieth anniversary in a couple of years. For now, just keep moving your skeleton!


WU-TANG forever? Do you mean, forever forever?

O F Yes. I might not've heard me some Mannish Boy but I know me some Roni Size real well. Love the variety. I saw Roni Size. LA somewhere, can't remember.. been 20 something years. Somewhere between Long Beach and Hollywood. Nowadays I just say LA County. Dillinja and

Opened for him.

Oh yeah, I almost can see you there in LA 20 something years ago. Hahahaha