in #paedophilia7 years ago (edited)



Dear readers, parents, warriors, defenders of the sanctity of children, believers in elucidation and fighters against the foul forces…

This is an urgent post to spread indispensable awareness of a sickeningly scandalous trend emerging online.

I discovered it yesterday when I was deep in the throes of writing another article to expose the link between corporations hijacking trending emotional topics as a marketing ploy. Going onto twitter I saw this obscene article published online by that grand purveyor of cool and culture, Vice Magazine.

The author of the article has pinned his tweet here and is downplaying his pro-paedophilia article in a manner that does not seem to fathom the implications behind trying to normalize or even discuss the issue of paedophilia as something that is merely understood.

The author’s insinuation of “oh, here’s a good glimpse into the truth of the matter. Take my hand and let me guide you through this problematic issue with the surety and poise of a Gen-Yer who knows you just need some more education” is extremely concerning to me and I’ll give you an even bigger glimpse as to why it should be for you too.

My previous posts on Steemit have touched upon the steady creep (some may say “slippery slope”) towards the addition of P to the ceaselessly growing chain of acronym LGBTIQA sexual identities. We saw this in action with the viral celebration of a 9 year old drag princess called Lactatia.

Yes I was dismayed, yes I was disgusted and yes I was infuriated even back then, so I lashed out an email of condemnation against the handlers of DesmondIsAmazing, another drag princess.

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(email to DesmondIsAmazing)

It was at this time I knew in my soul and heart that as a society, we were plunging into an abyss of postmodern abandonment of morality;

  • Where there is no objective right or wrong

  • Where we abandon the spiritual and religious integrity of our ancestors

  • Where there is no sin as there is no good or evil (Science explains everything!)

  • Where those who criticize, analyse and speak out against such depravity of human principle are considered the enemy and the staid dusty artefacts of old society holding back our progression along the rainbow paved road

  • Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law

In this climate of postmodern insanity and destruction of society’s moral cohesion, anything goes. Even trying to rationalize the behaviour of paedophiles and creating subcategories of severity relating to their actions and desires is an issue that #MSSM and #MSM is pushing. It now appears that paedophilia exists on a spectrum. It now appears to be worthwhile social and sexual justice cause…



Personally, I care little about this latest #MSSM (MainstreamSocialMedia) attempts at rationalisation of paedophilia and it’s quoting of scientific studies to justify the existence of this exploitative sexual deviancy. This is because I can confidently proclaim that any consideration of this topic with a “logical & scientific” line of enquiry means that we are already in danger of losing our humanity. From the outset of opening one of these academic sources, I am losing my own sense of morals and ethics because I am drawn into reading and studying the quoted sources as a consideration to attack my own preconceived notions of “paedophilia is bad.”

It is a sad and erudite observation I made years ago to my gay friends that this is the eventuality that their “community” was being pushed towards. They didn’t want to believe me (I didn’t want to believe myself for that matter), but they also consciously did NOTHING to even familiarize themselves with the tainting of their “community” that was happening.

This sagacious prediction came true and I was beyond upset and nauseated to read the Vice article that was written in such an apologetic and placative manner.


Vice Magazine: you are not the arbiter of my morality, you are not the source of enlightenment on difficult issues. You are a merchant of muck and cancer and I am determined to see steemit.com amongst other sites and movements turn your empire of pilpul dialectical posturing collapse into an empire of dust. You will choke on the worthless ash of the Tower of Babel you so stridently sat upon, that is now laid waste.


Remember this my dear readers what you think is a new discovery of something very unsettling is only the tip of the iceberg. It will always get worse and there is always something worse being obfuscated from our steadfast search for truth.

So I will cease my prattling shortly to present you with a series of screenshots I took in a kind of automatic daze during the vespertine hours of midnight after reading the vice article. I dug through the likes, retweeters and commenters on this article to find out that there exists a community called MAPs (Minor Attracted Persons) that are brazenly bearing themselves to the internet and mainstream media at large as an attempt to stir our sympathy. All it stirred within me was loathing directed threefold; at the publisher, at the author and at the subject matter.

I was vaguely aware of this MAP community when another bastion of progressiveness salon.com published their article which was an interview with self-confessed paedophile Todd Nickerson in 2015. The article has since been unpublished by salon[.]com due to the outrage levelled at them by non-paedophiles or as paedophiles call us, paedophobes (e.g. regular people)

MAPs often fantasize about pursuing a career in industries or businesses that cater for children or involve their presence. This is threat priority number 1 for all I have written about so far. This is why #familyprotection exists so the opportunity for such instances of exposure to paedophiles in real life are avoided entirely. It’s crucial to understand why this issue is so terribly wrong and on the increase. Paedophilia, child abuse, child exploitation and lack of #childsafety is immutably linked to the degradation of family morals and values.

What happened to making certain that keeping children safe, happy, healthy, nurtured and protected in a positive family and learning environment was the priority above all others?


Now that #paedophilia exists on a spectrum, these MAPs are pushing hard to explain through turgid use of pilpul, historical antecedents and logical fallacy as to how a #paedophile can be a non-offending paedophile who loves children and exists to protect them.

Yeah fucking right…. Looking over 3 hours or so into this community all I could feel was a deeply spiritual revulsion. Like I was staring into the gaping sulphurous maw of Satan himself. Like John Podesta was sitting opposite me at my dinner table.

The majority of these MAPs appear to be internet addicted losers that blame their own weaknesses or personal experiences of abuse for being a paedophile. Some even have the craven audacity to affirm that they were born this way, like same-sex attracted people apparently are.

They look like recluses with unkempt appearances when they choose to show themselves. They have ensconced themselves in the virtual world of blogs, #MSSM, forums and even medium[.]com as a place to emotionally ejaculate out a new version of morals and ethics. I invite you to take a dark journey into these places, where virtuousness means not raping children or consuming child pornography but admitting that you can’t help wanting to. I want you afterwards to go about your daily life and hold doubt close to you like a shield when you hear such topics being aired in real life.

I did not encounter any instances of child exploitation material through my brief investigation into MAPs but I suspect with near certainty that it exists amongst them. After all, it is a paedophile’s lifeblood when the real thing can’t be procured.

Remember this!

Now more than ever in our lives, a war is being waged on what we consider to be healthy, normal and accepted. The fear of words such as bigot, homophobe, racist, prejudiced, oppressor is meant to make us cower and submit to the slippery slope into some god forsaken lair of Belial’s dominion. Hold fast and true against this and be prepared to not waver in the face of societal debasement.


This upset me to the deepest recesses of my soul. A self-confessed paedophile writing to explain away his predilection towards raping children admits that he IS A YOUTH WORKER.

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This is a shocking example of the danger that child protection services along with social services as a whole can represent to children at risk. This underlines how #familyprotection MUST be an absolute priority for the protection and healthy rearing of our children into responsible and moral adults.

I shed tears over this discovery and went through a flashback of my own memories; of how I know those who were failed by child protection, of young parents I once considered friends but ended up being the antithesis of responsible parents that were also let down by governmental agencies for child protection and of how it is likely that some of the self-procraimed paedophiles worked in child protection services or aimed to do so they could be around vulnerable children.

But then I gritted my teeth and quickly wiped them away. There is no sympathy for the devil, only a demand for eternal vigilance in protecting the most vulnerable in our society.

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Ender Wiggin is the central subject of the Vice article
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Todd Nickerson's explanatory drivel on his blog
  • Some readers of these articles and blogs felt a similar revulsion to me.
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snivelling moralization of sinful lust for children
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they are arguing amongst each other over the specifics of MAP philosophy. In this case it appears to be regarding the rights of a child to marrry an adult.
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What the hell?? I don't even know...
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this paedophile's blog is really something else. He blends into paedophile rights a vehement hate of feminists and women.


I have left this intelligently written treatise to make paedophilia mainstream for last.
I still don’t know it’s explicit intent. Is it a possible source for this sudden rallying presence online and the mainstream media for paedophilia to be pushed into acceptance? Is it a codex for child exploitation?

I purposely left it until last so you can read and consider whether the attitudes displayed online by the MAPs correlates to this rulebook, without any foreshadowing bias on your part. Please let me know in the comments what you think.

@familyprotection #familyprotection

All of you participatingshould read this. It’s harrowing in its implications as a how to guide for the step by step corruption of society’s morality regarding sexualising children.

After The Fall: A Beginner’s Guide to Destroying Pedophobia in the 21st Century

Also please let me know via a comment or email me if any links or images disappear and I will endeavour to re-add them to this post as soon as I can.


And there you have it. Feel disgusted? Puzzled? Upset? Demoralized? I certainly did go through that whole gamut of reactions.

I’m more committed than ever to espouse the vital cause of #familyprotection and delve steadily deeper into how an unimaginable amount of forces in the world are attempting to stop us #exposingexploitation. This foray into an utterly repellant subject has convinced me that there are dark exploitative forces at work that we must confront and shed light upon.

Hold Steady, Hold Fast
We’re ready, you reprobates
And I promise
We’re up to the task
Of fighting this
until your end comes at last

Image from here

P.P.S. I am looking for reputable child safety agencies to support. I will already be donating a portion of proceeds to any posts I tag @familyprotection to @familyprotection but am still on the lookout for others. Please let me know of any you can recommend as ethical and reputable.


This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @aagabriel for supporting @familyprotection

Ugh thank you for this, and thank god outlets like Steemit exist to combat the growing non-ethical aggression and insanity of the mainstream media. Upvote all the way!


This post has been upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs

Its all part of NEW WORLD ORDER. heard about it ages ago, and now its happening.. also to stop machoism in society so we become even more pliable to the AGENDAS. Fucking sick bastards on top, fucking kids and even sacrificing them of the like of royal familys and presidents. resteemed.

If you have time check out the archive.is link in my post and read it all.
Something is behind this conscious push to make paedophilia mainstream and it's been planned to occur this way as recently as a few years ago.

yep i learnt this also recently from a documentary , ill try to remember to read it but i know these agendas, and it makes me sick! i have resteemed man

Two things: 1) the "New World Order" doesn't isn't some mysterious cabal that sits around smoke-filled rooms plotting world domination, crucially because they achieved world domination over 100 years ago. And 2)


Please refer to this post for further clarification.

I'm not a great believer in drawing lines, but this is a risky area to start blurring lines. Most child sexual abuse is violent and unwanted. A child has no understanding of sexual desires. The comparison to LGBT is way off target because there we are talking about consenting adults and trying to tag this on because acceptance is finally coming for them is appalling.

The lines blur as children approach adulthood and this is why young teenagers who are sexually active with each other aren't punished. Towards this age each case should be investigated individually as even a 16 year old could be undeveloped enough for sexual encounters.

That last article was particularly disturbing. While I agree that someone who has not offended should not be punished, if paedophilia is touted as acceptable then those who don't offend may start feel they have free reign to offend.

In my opinion if you put yourself in a situation of temptation when you know it's the wrong thing, you aren't helping yourself. Why would you choose to become a youth worker if you know you're sexually attracted to children?

I'm not a great believer in drawing lines, but this is a risky area to start blurring lines.

Exactly! So I have to further explore the question as to why now, there is a push for the acceptance of having paedophilia exist on a spectrum. Being a paedophile is an indelible danger to children, regardless of what MAPs and "non-offending" paedophiles try to say.

Why would you choose to become a youth worker if you know you're sexually attracted to children?

Us "paedophobes" know that this is a rhetorical question. I found this recent lecture video by Jordan Peterson really hit the nail on the head.

Thanks for your comment.

They are simply making things loose their meanings. They are making truth flexible. The only time the media really throw a fit is when a 20 something has sex with a highschooler. When some degenerate scum are talking about being sexually attracted to sexually under-developed or undeveloped children, it's just a part of a spectrum. Soon schizophrenia will be called a different interpretation of reality and people will say "I can't help what I think of as truth. You can't blame me for saying war is peace. It's just my reality"

If these people already understand sexual contact with sexually underdeveloped children is wrong, then they just need to get help. Next potential serial killers will be saying: I know killing is wrong but I can't stop thinking about it.

I always use the re-emergence of obsolete terminology, the invention of new words and acronyms as the warning sign.

When someone is pushing new language, they are trying to assert dominance as the only ones who truly understand this new language.

This is actually very true. It still depends on the topic. Science may need new words. Even sociology may need new words. Check out "Stand Alone Complex" for an example. But those come out of necessity for communication. When left (or even some of the right) does it, it's used as a perversion of communication.

You may find these 2 links interesting: https://steemit.com/economy/@vimukthi/understanding-the-mechanisms-of-commie-madness-and-a-clever-list-of-incredible-facts-to-disarm-socialist-propaganda-while


Read the first one. Loved it!

I skimmed this and am wondering why you tagged #LGBT ...

Because LGBT is going to get P tacked onto the end of it, without a doubt.

And godammnit, I want us to FIGHT against that happening.

Some MAPs even use the example of being "born this way, like homosexuals are" as a justification.

Oh I get that they'll try to claim that, but I don't think anyone objectively believes it. I've seen them making that argument but it's easily destroyed. LGBT people not only almost never commit these crimes, even if I believed that being LGBT was a choice it is not a choice that abuses power dynamics, which pedophilia totally is.
That's why I asked though, rather than accuse you of conflating the two. :)

I absolutely am against conflating the two and will advocate in opposition of this!

Thanks for your support xx

oh wow, i just found this!


When the president of this country literally has a party for staff in the white house and had young girls and boys as part of the fare, you know this country has gone to the dogs! This happened as far back as 1980's.

I haven't heard any alphabet soup community people seeking to add "P" to it.

See here.

bad shit happening! there are vids online about it happening NOW

wake up! im straight and even I know about this, some fucked up shit.

vicecanada VICE Canada tweeted @ 08 Feb 2018 - 21:30 UTC

“The current misconception is that every pedophile is a child molester, and if they’re not, it’s just a matter of t… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…

Salon Salon tweeted @ 21 Sep 2015 - 12:00 UTC

I’m a pedophile, but not a monster slnm.us/Ndoz5N9 http://t.co/yLKDa6IpBo

jacksonwweaver Jackson Weaver tweeted @ 08 Feb 2018 - 17:16 UTC

Been working on this forever and one thing I found out that didn't make it into the story is some pedophiles call n… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Fuck you and your new world order agendas. burn cunts