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RE: [Pairplay] 2018/07/31 Round 3

in #pairplay7 years ago (edited)

Top 10 out of 44 participants

rankparticipantprevious cardslast cardsscore
1pje1210s09.png d09.png19
2yasud01.png d10.pngh07.png d07.png17
3kbaek81h05.png s05.png15
4tsnakss10.png h05.pngc04.png s04.png14
5dayuld03.png s03.png13
6glory7h02.png s02.png12
7banjjakismd08.png s01.png9
7dazzlingmangoc04.png c03.pngd06.png h03.png9
7dobdirectionc03.png d06.png9
7ssghstih08.png c06.pngc10.png c09.png9
7leeki7801s10.png d09.png9

d08.png d02.png
c08.png d09.png
c07.png h07.png@danovan Joined the game. @garywood-c Joined the game. @fom Joined the game.

c02.png d01.png@walking100 Joined the game.

d05.png h09.png@wabangcute Joined the game.

s06.png h08.png@galad13 Joined the game.

s10.png h05.png@tsnaks Joined the game.

c05.png c06.png@soonhh Joined the game.

c01.png s07.png@stella12 Joined the game.

c03.png d06.png@dobdirection Joined the game.

s05.png h01.png@clarkgold Joined the game.

s02.png s03.png
s08.png d10.png@ryanhkr Joined the game. @kyle-event Joined the game.

c07.png s05.png@kstop1 Joined the game.

d01.png h06.png@niceja Joined the game.

d03.png s03.png@dayul Joined the game.

d08.png s01.png@banjjakism Joined the game.

h04.png c02.png@khaiyoui Joined the game.

s08.png h08.png@haedale Joined the game.

h01.png h02.png@feelsogood Joined the game.

h09.png d07.png
s10.png d09.png@wjdwpckd11 Joined the game. @leeki7801 Joined the game.

d05.png s06.png
c05.png c08.png@soohorang Joined the game. @stellasjshin Joined the game.

c10.png d02.png@arneb271828 Joined the game.

d06.png h07.png@bandabi Joined the game.

h06.png c01.png@tigris Joined the game.

d01.png d02.png@bluengel Joined the game.

s08.png d09.png@sampling Joined the game.

s07.png s01.png@sonki999 Joined the game.

c08.png h02.png@jjjjabe Joined the game.

d03.png d05.png@isi3 Joined the game.

d04.png h07.png@jungch98 Joined the game.

d10.png h05.png
c04.png c03.png@twinpapa Joined the game. @dazzlingmango Joined the game.

h09.png h06.png@kkpmk02 Joined the game.

c09.png s01.png@blast33 Joined the game.

s10.png h01.png@marcedf Joined the game.

d06.png s04.png@jusitn27 Joined the game.

s09.png d09.png@pje1210 Joined the game.

d02.png d05.png@cine Joined the game.

s03.png c07.png@goodhello Joined the game.

h02.png s02.png@glory7 Joined the game.

h05.png s05.png@kbaek81 Joined the game.

c08.png d07.png@asinayo Joined the game.

h08.png c06.png@ssghsti Joined the game.

d01.png d10.png@yasu Joined the game.

c03.png c05.png
h04.png s08.png@arcange Joined the game. @djfun Joined the game.

d01.png d05.png@raphaelle Joined the game.

s02.png c06.png@soohyeongk Joined the game.