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RE: [Pairplay] 2018/09/06 Round 3

in #pairplay6 years ago (edited)

Top 10 out of 45 participants

rankparticipantprevious cardslast cardsscore
1glory7d01.png d03.pngc10.png d10.png20
2goodhelloh03.png s10.pngs07.png c07.png17
2garywood-cd07.png h07.png17
4ihtashamc01.png d01.png11
5gfriend96h06.png s10.pngs02.png h07.png9
5kyle-events08.png d01.png9
5downvote-both09.png d10.png9
5poyimh10.png c02.pngh03.png s06.png9
5jungch98d06.png c05.pngh08.png h01.png9
5mind-magicc10.png h06.pngh04.png s05.png9
5toporod05.png d04.png9
5clarkgoldh05.png d04.png9
5soohorangd10.png s06.pngh10.png s09.png9
5wabangcuted03.png c06.png9
5altobitc05.png s04.png9

d06.png c03.png
s10.png d02.png@haku-music Joined the game. @sagargoogly Joined the game.

s02.png c04.png@mysterons Joined the game.

h10.png c02.png@poyim Joined the game.

c08.png s04.png@zohaibrauf Joined the game.

c10.png h06.png
h01.png d04.png@mind-magic Joined the game. @kamran62 Joined the game.

c01.png d01.png
h09.png d10.png@ihtasham Joined the game. @downvote-bot Joined the game.

h02.png d05.png@dayul Joined the game.

h07.png c05.png@ryanhkr Joined the game.

s07.png s03.png@khaiyoui Joined the game.

s08.png d01.png@kyle-event Joined the game.

s10.png s01.png@walking100 Joined the game.

c04.png s08.png@kstop1 Joined the game.

d03.png c06.png@wabangcute Joined the game.

c10.png c02.png
c03.png s05.png@msg768 Joined the game. @leveragetrading Joined the game.

d09.png c01.png@leeki7801 Joined the game.

h05.png d04.png@clarkgold Joined the game.

s07.png d05.png@fom Joined the game.

h02.png h08.png@bandabi Joined the game.

s04.png s09.png@arneb271828 Joined the game.

s03.png c05.png
h03.png h01.png@stellasjshin Joined the game. @stella12 Joined the game.

d10.png s06.png@soohorang Joined the game.

d07.png h07.png@garywood-c Joined the game.

c10.png d04.png@replayphoto Joined the game.

d05.png h09.png@twinpapa Joined the game.

c03.png h01.png@now-here Joined the game.

c09.png s02.png@tigris Joined the game.

c05.png d10.png@tradingideas Joined the game.

s06.png c04.png@bji1203 Joined the game.

c07.png s08.png@feelsogood Joined the game.

s03.png h04.png@dobdirection Joined the game.

h06.png s10.png@gfriend96 Joined the game.

c08.png d06.png@soohyeongk Joined the game.

d06.png c05.png@jungch98 Joined the game.

d09.png c06.png@green77 Joined the game.

d05.png d04.png@toporo Joined the game.

d01.png d03.png@glory7 Joined the game.

h03.png s10.png@goodhello Joined the game.

d08.png s05.png@iieeiieeii Joined the game.

h05.png c09.png@cine Joined the game.

s06.png c04.png@sampling Joined the game.

h09.png s03.png@sjchoi Joined the game.

h03.png d07.png@stalkerprime Joined the game.

h08.png c10.png@ferdov Joined the game.

d03.png d09.png@isi3 Joined the game.

c05.png s04.png@altobit Joined the game.