Paleo invitation

in #paleo8 years ago (edited)

Just a short note to invite you to use the Paleo tag.

Hopefully this will be a win/win situation for both of us. I can find you and your posts more easily, and you get some more readership and votes on your posts.

Bill DeWitt (aka, baerdric)

If you are writing an article that you think has even a hint of whole, traditional foods involved, or if you write posts on topics ranging from exercise to anthropology that might be of interest to paleo dieters, please consider using the #paleo tag so that I can find your post easier and perhaps promote it for you.

Well, I always feel that if you can't find what you want in a place, bring it with you when you come. So I am writing, reading and promoting the #paleo tag on Steemtrain.

As a long time low carber and almost as long a Paleo dieter, I've been reading a lot of articles in "Food" and similar tags. But when I searched for #paleo I didn't get the results I expected. Certainly there were some posts, but I know I had read posts that were well within the range of paleo but apparently did not contain the tag.

a question. the paleo category, being small, would it be desirable to add health posts not related? i am not paleo, but find aspects of it very useful. i have done posts drawing attention to some of the bulletproof podcasts. podcasts not specifically addressing the paleo subject, but subjects like glyphosate, GMO, nightshades, detoxification, and more. i would hate to be false tagging something paleo when it is not. i do find much in the way of benefit when interacting with most paleo practitioners, but would not wish to be flagged for false tagging. what thinkest thou?

I think I would approach it like this, if you really make the post about paleo, make #paleo your first tag. If you just think it might be of interest to paleo dietary issues, use it as a secondary tag.

If it's not directly food related and/or not specifically paleo, probably don't use the tag. For instance, info about GMO and nightshades (dietary effects) would be taggable because they are certainly food(ish). Roundup and detoxification are not really dietary and might get you flagged. However, if you wrote one on (just making something up here) body weight exercises, and slip in a sentence about the many paleo exercise folks out there, then you are back in #paleo territory.

At this point, not many people care. But you are right about flagging, I wrote a science fiction story and accidentally put a space between science and fiction in the tag and someone got all pissy about it.

There is already a health-trail, so we want to get more specific with this trail.

It's interesting post :))

I will be contributing.Thanks for creating the Paleo topic @baerdric.

Glad to hear that. It should be a popular topic.

Agreed. I have helped many people to change their eating lifestyle to Paleo and reclaim their health. 2 of my most successful are a husband and wife. Their weights have both re-calibrated and in 9 moths time, they have both lost 50 lbs each, feel younger, don't need some of their medications and have lots of energy.
Paleo works. It becomes all about people being willing to take responsibility for their own health and being willing to change their habits.
For anyone who might read this thread, if you can do those 2 things, you will succeed with Paleo. As soon as you start to make concessions and excuses or try to replace commercially prepared food with commercially prepared gluten-free food products, failure is eminent.

And I know that feels good to see! Over the years that I have been doing this I have seen hundreds of people absolutely change their lives. The first part is when they wake up with that glow in their eyes and a spring in their step for the first time in years. It almost brings me to tears. Then months later when the realization hits them that they are now healthy again and able to do anything they want. It's like watching a new child be born, with endless possibilities in front of them. I've been blessed to be involved with hundreds of such stories and each time it feels new.

We just have to keep sharing the information.
It is hard not to become a "born again eater" as I have coined it.
I also have to refrain myself when I shop in a grocery store.
I want to stop people and say "Go put all the crap in your cart back on the inside aisle shelves where it came from. We will start again, with an empty cart and I will teach you."
I never do this, but I have wanted to many times. LOL It's now painful for me to watch the general public slowly killing themselves with their food choices and then wonder why they are sick.

I want to stop people and say "Go put all the crap in your cart back on the inside aisle shelves where it came from. We will start again, with an empty cart and I will teach you."
I never do this, but I have wanted to many times. LOL It's now painful for me to watch the general public slowly killing themselves with their food choices and then wonder why they are sick.

Oh my goodness, so much this.

I enrolled in college for my retirement, and I see so many beautiful children just balloon up from eating college food. Heartsick. But there is (at least in my town) a robust Paleo subculture. They all know me and always come up and talk to me in the college square. It's great. They seem to get a kick out of some old guy fermenting his vegetables and eating organ meats.

Paleo is great however I am looking more into Keto diets at the moment and obtaining a better understanding of ketones and how they play a major role in fat loss. I have just started a 12 week diet and documenting the results on my profile. Started today and have literally just completed Day 1. Food was good so I am still standing. :) I prefer flexibility in my food so this works for me over paleo...for now.

We're using the #paleo topic for all things in that general vein. Keto, LCHF, Paleo, Primal, Atkins, Banting, etc.

dealing with the various permutations of the same thing.So if you make any posts, feel free to tag it with #paleo as well as #keto. You may want to check out my post

I will tag for sure. I have a few blogs going up later today as part of my contribution. :) \o/

I've been following a ketogenic diet 90% of the time since 1999 or so and paleo since about 2003. Paleo actually spans the range from high carb to zero carb, but naturally trends more often in the LCHF areas. It's more about the source of your macronutrients than the level of those macronutrients. You can be keto on mtc, baloney, and McDonald's burgers without the bun or you can do it with grass fed beef, organic vegetables, and coconut oil.

Very true. Real food is generally real. :) Nothing better than eating well and drinking filtered/distilled structured water which is the thing everyone needs to address. I am on day 2 of my special keto/low carb/real food diet. Will blog it later with pictures. Have a great day. \o/