is the world run by Satanic Pedophiles?
Short Answer: Yes.
Reason: We have let it happen gradually and throughout the generations, becoming more prone to deception, greed and spellbound by illusions.
I'm sorry your childhood was usurped by the Roman Catholic Church so find it especially commendable that you wrote about this vile issue without a personal bias. You even quoted some bible passages which I adore.
I'm from a very devout Roman Catholic background and it wasn't long ago when even my dear mother admitted to me, with a shameful fear that her beloved faith was bedevilled by Satan.
- Satan has crept his way into the Vatican.
Yet her faith persists. Daily prayers, weekly mass, faithful observance of all Polish Roman Catholic traditions and holidays. Despite all the overwhelming corruption & evil, I still am inspired by her devotion to God and the message spread by good words day to day.
God bless and keep your mother!!! My faith persists as well: "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18
There are still small pockets of faithful Catholics who uphold the traditions. When people ask about my religion I say I'm a pre-Nicean Catholic... I believe in the teachings of the early church Fathers- particularly St. Ignatius of Antioch.