Is The Whole World Run By Pedophiles- Part VI... The Vatican

in #palnet5 years ago 

Being Catholic this is a difficult chapter to write, admitting that the Church of my youth has been usurped by a Satanic cabal... I comfort myself with the fact that this is no longer the Catholic Church- since 1968 it has been the Vatican II Satanic Cult. However, this transformation began years earlier when the Freemasons running the USSR under Stalin began their campaign of infiltration. According to the writings of Bella Dodd in her tell-all book School of Darkness in which she also exposes the infiltration of the American public education system. The plot was to fill the Church with Freemasons, homosexuals and pedophiles (which are essentially the same) and to bring it down from within. Given the epidemic of homosexuality and pedophilia at the highest levels of the Church they've been very successful.

This is, of course, a part of a much larger agenda by the elites to gain global domination by destroying the institutions that make cultures strong, the Church, families and children. Broken children make broken, easy to manipulate adults. By destroying the moral underpinnings of society it makes domination easier. At this point I think it's appropriate to make this distinction: There is no such thing as moral neutrality- you're either for God or against Him- if you don't serve God, you serve Satan- there is nothing in the middle.  Ephesians 6:12 

12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Moreover, there is no such thing as "amoral," that's simply a term to mask immorality. At the beginning of the 20th century modernism began to infiltrate the Church. The Church is not of this world- this world is the dominion of Satan. If you remember scripture, Satan promised Jesus the kingdoms of this world if Jesus would bow to him. The Church is the Body of Christ, the intermediary between this world and the next.

 1st Corinthians 16:22 “If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema  Maranatha.”  

Pope St. Pius X warned of the dangers of modernism, how it would lead to the infiltration of Communists, homosexuals and Freemasons into the hierarchy of the Church. In retrospect his words were prophetic and despite his best efforts, under Pope Pius XII, a closet homosexual whose predilections made him an easy target for blackmail, Josef Stalin was able to infiltrate the Church- culminating with Pope John XXIII a Freemason and subsequently Paul VI who ratified Vatican II handing the Church temporarily over to the dark one. If you just look at modern American society, who are the biggest supporters of homosexuals and the LGBTQ+ agenda? The Communists/Socialists on the left.

Another distinction that must be made is that there is no difference between homosexuality, transgenderism and pedophilia- all are anathema to God and what is anathema to God is the work of Satan. The Lavender or Gay Mafia has taken over the top echelons of the Vatican.

Chief Vatican Exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth, mentioned in the video, has confirmed the existence of Satan in the House of God, along with Archbishop Vigano.  "The Devil resides in the Vatican and you can see the consequences," said Father Amorth, 85, who has been the Holy See's chief exorcist for 25 years."  The evil influence of Satan was evident in the highest ranks of the Catholic hierarchy, with "cardinals who do not believe in Jesus and bishops who are linked to the demon," Father Amorth said. In an interview with Vatican Radio in 2006, he said: "Of course the Devil exists and he can not only possess a single person but also groups and entire populations.  He also condemned the Harry Potter books, saying they were dangerous because they dabbled in the occult and failed to draw a clear distinction between "the Satanic art" of black magic and benevolent white magic. If something is not of God, it is necessarily is of Satan.

Anti-pope Francis is the logical conclusion of the Satanic/Freemasonic infiltration of the Church. Three Vatican priests have gone on record denouncing Pope Francis as a false prophet and claiming that Satan worshipping pedophile cardinals are engaged in the ritual abuse of children as young as one-month-old inside the Vatican’s high walls. 

 Over the past few years, representatives of the Vatican have been accused and caught molesting children, and ties to large pedophilia rings have been discovered. The Vatican has had to spend billions of dollars settling and dealing with pedophilia cases — this is no longer a secret.  Unfortunately, what many people still do not know is that many of these children are used in ‘Satanic type rituals.’ The Vatican claims to be following the word of God, but multiple insiders have recently come forth, denouncing Pope Francis as a false prophet, and speaking about the widespread practice of black magic and Satanism inside the Vatican. 

Where there is pedophilia on so large a scale, there is child sex-trafficking. Many I'm sure are familiar with the works of Father Malachi Martin, the irish priest who uncovered pedophilia and SRA in the Vatican.

 “Most frighteningly for [Pope] John Paul [II], he had come up against the irremovable presence of a malign strength in his own Vatican and in certain bishops’ chanceries. It was what knowledgeable Churchmen called the ‘superforce.’ Rumors, always difficult to verify, tied its installation to the beginning of Pope Paul VI’s reign in 1963. Indeed Paul had alluded somberly to ‘the smoke of Satan which has entered the Sanctuary’. . . an oblique reference to an enthronement ceremony by Satanists in the Vatican. Besides, the incidence of Satanic pedophilia – rites and practices – was already documented among certain bishops and priests as widely dispersed as Turin, in Italy, and South Carolina, in the United States. The cultic acts of Satanic pedophilia are considered by professionals to be the culmination of the Fallen Archangel’s rites.”  

Once again from Father Amorth:

 Reverend Amorth performed tens of thousands of exorcisms for the Church over his half a dozen plus decades as a Catholic priest, and has mentioned a number of times how Satanism is practiced within the Vatican. He also described how very young girls are kidnapped by a gang of Vatican police and foreign diplomats, explaining that these girls are recruited for Vatican parties, attended by cardinals and priests.  Amorth claimed that Emanuela Orlandi, a Vatican City schoolgirl who went missing in Rome in 1983, was kidnapped for sex parties by a gang involving Vatican police and foreign diplomats. He said that the girl was later murdered and her body disposed of. 

According to an article in the Daily Beast (sorry- we all know how reliable they are, but even a blind squirrel stumbles over a nit every once in awhile- particularly if it makes the Church look bad) the whereabouts of  Emanuela's body may be known, except that the Vatican is dragging its feet about exhuming a tomb in the Teutonic Cemetery which is inside the Vatican walls. Her brother, Pietro Orlandi claims that: "... the Vatican knows a lot more than it says about what happened to his sister when she disappeared more than 35 years ago. And he is sure that the Roman Catholic clergy want to keep that secret, like so many others."

 Now the Orlandi family has received an anonymous tip that could start the mystery unraveling, and it comes at a time when extraordinary allegations about sexual slavery elsewhere within the church have been acknowledged as true, including by Pope Francis.  The tip about Emanuela came in the form of a brief letter sent to the Orlandi lawyer from inside the Vatican, accompanied by a photograph. It showed a stone angel at an unmarked tomb in the Teutonic Cemetery, which lies inside the Vatican walls. The cemetery is not accessible to the general public, but someone keeps a red votive candle lit at this tomb—only at this tomb— and there are always fresh flowers in a vase. The only thing engraved on it is a marble scroll the angel holds: Requiescat in Pace, it says. Rest in Peace. 

 Orlandi’s family now wants the pope to grant permission to exhume whomever or whatever lies in the mysteriously tended tomb, which is reported to have been opened “at least once” in the last few decades. According to Italy's Corriere Della Sera newspaper, cement work shows it has been re-sealed.The Vatican spokesman said in a statement that the Holy See is “studying” the matter and will soon decide whether to honor the request.If Emanuela’s body is buried inside the Holy See, it would give oxygen to one of the most sensational theories about her disappearance: that she was kept as a Vatican sex slave. 

If members od the Church hierarchy aren't involved in the disappearance and subsequent coverup, you would think that they'd be at the head of the line demanding an exhumation... instead they're "studying it." What is there to study- the deed is done, the only thing left is to exhume or continue the cover-up which is tantamount to an admission of guilt at this point. Perhaps because: “Parties were organized in which a gendarme of the Holy See was involved as a recruiter of women,” said Amorth, who was a great confidant of retired Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. “I believe Emanuela is a victim of that racket. ... I have reason to believe that it was a case of sexual exploitation resulting in murder shortly after the disappearance, and [then] concealment of the corpse.” 

 In 2016, Monsignor Simeone Duca, an archivist with the Vatican, backed up the exorcist’s claims, citing “credible information” that “certain factions” inside the Vatican’s diplomatic corps were involved in procuring young adolescent girls for sexual slavery. He, too, said he believed that Orlandi was abducted for that purpose and later killed when her innocence was no longer amusing.

Closer to home:  Father Alfred Joseph Kunz was a Catholic priest who was found with his throat slit in his Roman Catholic church in Dane, Wisconsin, after launching an investigation into Satanic pedophilia and child abuse within the clergy. A close friend of Malachi Martin, Father Kunz felt his life was in danger in the weeks before his murder — and he was right.  Kunz’s friend, Abbot Ryan St. Anne Scott felt Kunz’s murder was related to Kunz’s investigation of sexual abuse scandals in the diocese, but investigators never arrested anybody for the crime, despite admitting they had a suspect who has been kept under “constant surveillance” since Father Kunz’s murder. The Lavender Mafia is alive and well in America as well where hundreds if not thousands of lawsuits have been launched along with many arrests of priests, bishops and cardinals accused of raping children.

And what is Anti-pope Francis focusing on all of this time... Climate change. The institution tasked with overseeing the souls of the faithful is embracing Paganism, Islam, and everything else except what they should be focusing on. The Church is in the middle of the biggest spiritual crisis of its existence and this charlaton in a pope suit is inviting dancing natives with their earthmama dolls to the Vatican.

 WASHINGTON, D.C., November 13, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – In a joint statement, four exorcists called on Catholics to join a day of reparation to drive out “any diabolic influence within the Church” that occurred as a result of the Pachamama ritual that Pope Francis attended at the Vatican at the onset of the Amazon Synod.According to the National Catholic Register, where the statement first appeared, the exorcists requested anonymity. They said that Catholics are in the midst of “spiritual warfare” that is “happening with the Church itself” as evidenced by the events witnessed during the Amazon Synod. 

In addition to being a pitiful distraction form the sins and outward illegalities of the Vatican, the Amazon synod was a heresy as well. And then there's the Vatican's collection of child pornography... 

 Police detectives have uncovered one of the largest collections of child pornography ever within the walls of the Vatican. As the Catholic Church continue to suppress evidence of institutional child abuse involving high-ranking officials, detectives recently uncovered “unprecedented” amounts of explicit images and videos of child rape within the Vatican reports: The Vatican Promotor of Justice, Gian Piero Milano, released a report in response to the allegations which he read in full to Catholic Church officials during a judicial ceremony.Due to the Catholic Church’s internal investigations protocol, Milano claims he is under no legal obligation to actually name names of people accused of pedophilia and possessing child pornography. However, Federico Lombardi, spokesman for the Holy See, showed a rare display of openness and named Archbishop Josef Wesolowski as one of the accused that had triggered the investigation. 

As can be expected the UN got involved- the same UN who has had many administrators caught in compromising positions with children. According to a 2014 article in El Pais:

 On January 16, a United Nations’ panel of human rights experts questioned Vatican representatives on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the main international treaty ensuring minors’ rights. During the day-long interrogation, the committee’s members — all independent experts — accused the Holy See of adopting policies that allowed priests to rape and molest tens of thousands of children over several decades, charges to which the Vatican’s representatives avoided responding directly. The panel subsequently released a report urging Pope Francis to open Vatican files on the pederasts and the churchmen who concealed their crimes, and hand them over to the courts. 

Naturally, the files remain sealed- the only difference being that the anti-pope has become one of the most outspoken proponents for sustainable development and the UN's Agenda 2030... quid pro quo? Many victims have come forward to testify in front of UN panels, and yet nothing is ever done. One such victim is Joaquín Aguilar a 34 year-old lawyer from Mexico City.

  Joaquín Aguilar was aged 13 when he was raped. For several weeks afterwards, he did not attend his local church, where he was a choirboy. Eventually, the priest went to his school. “I told him that I was not going to back to the church, and that I was going to tell my parents,” he explains. But the priest accused the church’s sexton of abusing the minor. “My family was going to report the sexton, and I had to tell the truth,” says Aguilar. The local government office where his parents filed the complaint in 1994 offered the family money to drop the case. “They were acting in connivance with the Church,” he explains. 

 The priest who abused Aguilar continues to deliver Mass. The Vatican announced his expulsion from the priesthood, but Aguilar says he has the support of his diocese. Other priests allow him to lead Mass in their churches from time to time, as well as giving him the proceedings from their collection boxes. The priest’s name is Nicolás Aguilar, and victims’ associations accuse him of abusing more than 200 children. “He has led a criminal life with total impunity thanks to the protection of the ecclesiastical and civil authorities,” says Aguilar. 

This is typical of Church and civil authorities and the victims rarely get justice... everything is swept under the rug and the cycle of systemic abuse continues- and the Church refuses to take responsibility. In fact in many dioceses in the US funds are being quietly funnelled into private and corporate accounts to prevent it from falling into the hands of the victims.

There is a vast global child sex-trafficking pipeline and the Vatican is up to their eyeballs in it. From the Central African Republic, to the US, to South America where Francis covered for pedophile priests smuggling young boys to the US for sex. This is another reason that the anti-pope is in favor of open borders. This man is no Pope, but exemplifies everything Satanic in the Vatican. 



Though I see things differently, in terms of religion - seeing Ethical and unEthical rather than good and evil - I can surely say that the psychopaths in control are ghastly and unEthical. They have infiltrated and degraded most everything on Our planet - even stole Our planet from Us...through the pope!:

You don't need to thump a Bible to be a good Christian or wear a black robe and shout hail Satan to serve Satan. "Holiness lies in right action" God judges by what you do, not what you say. Religion is the worst thing that ever happened to God... one day, we'll go back to being the Church founded by Christ.


Well, I don't worry about "God" and how (S)He might "judge" Me. I just know that if I was to do something unEthical, it would eat Me up. I could not live with Myself. And I see that Ethics are Principles that have been in the founding of Humanity - though many a psychopaths has led Humans away from Ethics... The three Principles (Laws) of Ethics cover the things no One - not a One - would say were okay to be done to Them. I follow these, and promote them. And when People see that Ethics trump legal every time... We can remove that ghastly and unEthical legal system. [smile]

Legal and ethical/moral are not the same thing. Everything Hitler did was perfectly legal.

Precisely.  That is why I would get rid of it.

I honestly think the pope is part of the illuminate or something.. Like something bad.. I don't think he is a good guy.. But meh only my opinion.

This one is a terrible guy... he isn't even a legitimate priest. He's a Communist politician nit a religious leader

is the world run by Satanic Pedophiles?

Short Answer: Yes.
Reason: We have let it happen gradually and throughout the generations, becoming more prone to deception, greed and spellbound by illusions.

I'm sorry your childhood was usurped by the Roman Catholic Church so find it especially commendable that you wrote about this vile issue without a personal bias. You even quoted some bible passages which I adore.

I'm from a very devout Roman Catholic background and it wasn't long ago when even my dear mother admitted to me, with a shameful fear that her beloved faith was bedevilled by Satan.

  • Satan has crept his way into the Vatican.

Yet her faith persists. Daily prayers, weekly mass, faithful observance of all Polish Roman Catholic traditions and holidays. Despite all the overwhelming corruption & evil, I still am inspired by her devotion to God and the message spread by good words day to day.

God bless and keep your mother!!! My faith persists as well: "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18

There are still small pockets of faithful Catholics who uphold the traditions. When people ask about my religion I say I'm a pre-Nicean Catholic... I believe in the teachings of the early church Fathers- particularly St. Ignatius of Antioch.

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Thanks @richq11 for your knowledge and shining truth on corruption. Will resteem Blessings

Thank you my dear friend!