Bravo Torico, I love a good rant!
Calling people out for being offensive causes them to feel ashamed and shame makes for bad feelings. So I guess the reaction is either to apologise or to lash back to try and push some shame back onto their accuser.
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i dont always see it as a shame thing, unless a person is being a jerk on purpose. I see it as a communication thing, like "hey what you said wasnt nice, and here's why". its the other persons prerogative to feel shamed and do backlash, or to react in a caring manner by either apologising or discussing it. The very hard part, what I often fail to master, is doing this before I get so pissed off that I go for the jugular. ;)
I would feel ashamed if I accidentally offended someone. Maybe that's just me. I hope you would be gentle on me and pull me up before going for the jugular! 😆
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you yes.. some other people need to be bitten.. xD