
You are most definitely a conservative if you want trump to win and actively propagandize for him.

I don't do any of those things. I just say what I think is true.
Also you are the one popping off conspiracy nutt stuff. Obviously I am a Russian shill am I right?

You operate in a right wing bubble, post ring wing content, and "think" trump winning is "inevitable", so that's definitely propagandizing for him.

You also never talk about policy, just abstract "theory" relating to "current affairs".

The sign of a conspiracy nutter is the lack of policy talk.

You operate in a right wing bubble

Nope. You are making shit up.

The sign of a conspiracy nutter is the lack of policy talk.

You worry more about who said something rather than what was said. In order for you to do that you have to make up a conspiracy that fits a narrative. You are definitely proposing conspiracies.

Those evil X saying X are trying to corrupt children's minds!

If you can't see how /pol/, styxhexenhammer, and dave rubin are in a right wing bubble, then by golly gosh you're all the way in there, DEEP.

I care about policy foremost, and the totality of someone's opinions when judging their character. It has nothing to do with who they are if they say something I agree with. Weird conspiracy, but you do have a knack for it.

They objectively are not right wing. Also again, you care more about who said something more than what was said. That means you are confused. You also don't care about policy. I disagree completely.

All you care about is ignoring topics in order to paint people as something rather than pay attention to policy.

Must have missed this part:

and the totality of someone's opinions

You're babbling at the wheel, bud. It's cringey.

Also I already 100% know your basic talking points and can easily pretend to agree with you and debate other people with your arguments. Better than you can.

clearly not since everything you say reeks of cringe.

What are my talking points? Do this mock argument for me.