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RE: What's in a Name?

in #parenting8 years ago

Omg i wondered what happened to you, what happened to the kids and I thought you weren't posting. Turns out I hadn't followed you "officially" so after the challenge, I took time off, thought maybe you had too, then I thought I'd look and see and found my mistake.

Soooo glad to hear you have a lifetime of great days ahead!

Before I weigh in on the names, may I first say you would be wise to prepare yourself now for their eventual need to know the part of them that is missing. Why do I stand the way I do? Why do I gesture like that? These are bloodline things that show up and you see in family. Wasn't I wanted?

If they want to meet their birth parent(s) it's because there is a hole in their life they need to fill that is a key to who they are, has nothing to do with the wonderful life you provide for them, and does NOT mean they will love you any less, which is why I mention preparing now.

I am certain you already know this, just giving you something to chew on.

As to the names, my thought would be to simply add the names you want to their names. Their names are a part of their story, including the names you want to give them. What you call them on a daily basis is what you feel is right for them. You will make the right choice for both.

Besides, the longer their names are the more they know they're in trouble when you rattle it off, lol, all you days will still be great, some just may look a little different when they're naughty. ;)


Do you know...I've had the same thing happen with the following people thing! I had so much daily contact that I thought I was following people already. Slowly I've been finding people I'm so glad you found me because I hadn't followed you yet! Lol. Silly challenge!!

Thank you for your wise words on the future. I know there will be lots of tough conversations when they are older and I'm trying to prepare myself now. I also want to be able to give them information and answer questions (as age appropriate) along the way. I guess that's one reason I'm super grateful for my counseling degree at this point! Hopefully my training will have prepared me for what's to come in that department as well. SO glad to hear from you and thanks for your kind words and input!

I had seen this video and was thinking of these two when I wrote that. I had to search to find it, but I thought you might find value in it. Both of them were adopted and shared the child's perspective, as well as others. Hopefully something in it might help you prepare.

I believe you are a wise woman and I think I understand a little bit about how you love your two. There are lots of nuggets in the video. Every story is unique, but there are shared feelings for the child about abandonment and where they belong. Your kids are lucky they have you and that you're aware.

Thank you so much for sharin that and your kind words. That touched my heart! There's some you tube videos out there too (I can't remember the series title right now) about a kid's perspective about their foster care experience. I really need to find that video and watch it as well. While it might be hard at times to watch, it's good to hear those perspectives to prepare me for their needs. Thank you for your support and digging to find that video!!!

I'm glad you found it valuable! Your kids are lucky you are willing to open your heart to the possibility of them having a relationship with their birth parents, but also being equipped to help them deal with possibly more rejection.

I think Christina mentioned being active in adoptions groups some how, could be a resource?

Great idea!! Thank you for all of your kind words.

Just calling it like I see it :) hang in there

Oh, AND having longer names for when they're into trouble could definitely come in handy! Ha!!