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RE: Mountains and Valleys: Our Journey Through Foster Care (Part 1: Being Called)

in #parenting7 years ago (edited)

From the first sentence of this post I can't get rid of the feeling I have to tell you just one thing: "DON'T BE AFRAID!"

I know it's easy to preach something like that for me, being, listening and looking from aside and not being directly involved. Although I can perfectly understand not only how painful as well exhausting or even depressing might be that uncertain wait, as you said not only not knowing when, but even if.
Despite all of that, I will repeat again: "Don't be afraid!"

Long ago, as a very young girl, I was told by one remarkable person and priest (who also happens to be and still is, despite his age, one of if not the best theologian in our country or even broader), the following:
"The devil's most powerful weapon against man/woman is fear!"

Therefore, I want to add, don't allow him to use it or even poses you through it!
Remember, no matter what, through God you are free of every fear!


Beautiful thoughts that I appreciate greatly. Fear has definitely held me back quite a bit in life. It's a fight every day to not let it impact the time we do have together but so far, I feel like I'm in control the majority of the time. And when I'm not I pray, pray, pray. I will keep these thoughts in mind as we continue to move forward each day. Thank you so much for sharing them! I need these kinds of reminders daily.