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RE: What's in a Name?

in #parenting8 years ago (edited)

~smiles~ Remember me? I've been off be'n a steem bum since the challenge.

I'm so happy to be reading's just such wonderful news! All that angst dispersed to more manageable "problems".

I think you're doing a great thing in allowing the "little man" to keep his identity. I often wonder how that kind of change could affect a child who still has confusion and pain of loss.

I have no idea what could be so difficult about the little girl's name but I'm sure she'll learn to work with it as time goes by. Who knows she may decide for herself that she likes her middle "integration" name and use that.

I do think you should have both carry a family name that are important to you and will be to them in time. Such are the ties that gently bind family and history together.

I honestly think you have your mind made up already. You just haven't committed to it...yet. Again...I'm so stoked that this turn of events have made your heart so much lighter. So glad I saw your name surfing the feeds and swung on over. I wish you and your growing family much happiness and joy.

Keep on Steem'n on!

logyx...see...even I changed my name. };-)>

                         ~smiles fer miles~

EDIT: BTW @thesimplelife Rizzo was the name of the rounder character played by Dustin Hoffman in Midnight Cowboy...Ratso Rizzo...what were this child's parents thinking? Poor kid. :-/


Well there's also a Rizzo in the movie Grease, so I assumed that's where it was from! I didn't know about the other famous Rizzo. I think there's also a Rizzo the rat in a muppets movie but I'm not sure about that! Anyway, thanks for the warm wishes. I appreciate the sentiment and you taking the time to read and wish us well! We still have a long wait with an appeal in place, but we are at least a big step closer. You are right...I probably have my mind set, I just need to commit! I'm closer to doing that, thank goodness. We are in a name trial period where we are testing the waters to see how things go.