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RE: A Person's A Person, No Matter How Small! -- Children Should be Seen AND Heard!

in #parenting8 years ago

I totally agree. However, one codicil, as an ex teacher who mainly worked in poorer/rougher schools where parenting was not shall we say, a success. Children had to learn to show better behavior when required. This was alien to many and it took considerable time and some patience, to make the majority understand that 'actions have consequences'. I know that their upbringing was awful but they have to exist in society if they want a happy life. So, yes I totally agree that children should interact and voice their opinion. If they don't know when it is appropriate, or how to act, because of poor parenting skills, then they have to learn. Not everyone will be lucky enough to have an enlightened parent such as you. Myself included here. I was intelligent enough to self improve, The majority require guidance painful though it might be. Great post though. X