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RE: My experience with not vaccinating my child

in #parenting8 years ago

My goodness yes I remember this! 3 of my children are unvaccinated and we'd still be hearing about this (youngest is now just short of 10 years old!) in this same fashion from doctors and nurses if we didn't avoid them.
Surely it is counterproductive to make parents feel unable to visit the doctor due to fear of intimidation.
Intimidation is what they are doing.
Luckily, my 3 unvaccinated children never need a doctor, haven't had antibiotics or even pain killers.
My eldest (my 4th) was vaccinated and has always be so much sicker. I learned better after her.
Now I work as a homeopath with children who are vaccine damaged and I see child after child after child who has regressed after vaccines (losing language and cognitive skills). Then I see milder cases who developed eczema and ear infections and asthma after early vaccinations, just like my eldest daughter.
Stick to your guns. ❤️❤️❤️


Thanks for commenting. Your experience with your children speaks volumes to me. Also, how sad for all the children you see as part of your work. Definitely makes me want to stick with it, and I'm sure I can too.
Thanks so much for your support.