I can relate wholeheartedly to this story. I grew up fatherless with an angry uncle and then later 2 stepfathers who believed in using the "belt" or a piece of wood. Never solved anything. Teaching kids to "fear" you is way old school. I appreciate your conscious approach with your own children, although taking away the "pudding" is pretty extreme. LOL. :)
Ha ha ha I know man- evil dad-- I'm going to take a leaf out of @samstonehill's book- he's getting into a new type of theory behind parenting- do you follow him?
Yes, Sam is a good friend of my friend @kenistyles. "Conscious" parenting IS the new way.
Yes indeed- I'm trying that.
I've only posted 4 times now- it's so hard to get people to read it. I just posted last night and only got 5 votes. If you can find it please can you take a read and if you like it upvote me? :)