Hmm these @stellabelle comments usually get traction. Hey people please check out my profile @contentjunkie follow and upvote my posts.
Am I doing this right?
Also, dickbutt
Hmm these @stellabelle comments usually get traction. Hey people please check out my profile @contentjunkie follow and upvote my posts.
Am I doing this right?
Also, dickbutt
What's the over/under on days until @dickbutt gets essentially banned? ;)
I've got a better and more family friendly novelty bot in the works. People will forget about _ickbutt before long. Much lawlz will be had with much less dicks on butts.
any chance I can get a copy of the code lol, this is hilarious.
Twatbot? haha
Josheph anyone is free to have the _ickbutt source code. I posted it here but that code doesn't do the random image. I just added a file with urls and it randomly picks one. Send me any other _ickbutt urls you want added.
A Rez"erection"? haha
just followed ...thats all I do these days but wondering how many more am I allowed :)