This was originally intended to be a comment in reply to @supersoju on my previous post. I was going to show her a pic of my new spectre pets. I still miss my Flame Sentinels (a.k.a the Curtains), but I picked up these gorgeous felines running the Tier 2 Iceberg Map. It was my second run, I am trying my luck in finding the very rare Glacial Hideout. People can run hundreds of the Iceberg Map (the only tile this special hideout could spawn its entry) and never find it. It's just luck of the draw. Unlike a few other mobs I raised as spectres, these lions (at least they look to be like lions) are hardworking. They're always attacking my enemies. So even though they are probably not as useful as far as actual damage, I'm fond of them. So I'm keeping them as much as a fashion accessory. They make me happy.
Yes, visual stuff makes or breaks a game for me. I play Path of Exile for its graphical appeal too. Hence, my obsession with hideouts and having fun decorating them.
Anyway, as I took a pic, I looked closer at my witch character, CrankyOldWoman. My previous longwinded post told of how I thought my witch was looking sexier, or at least, she was cooler than her previous peasant look. So to my horror, I saw she turned into a man! Maybe the game designers thought this would be funny. I'm not laughing --ok, I really am.
But in doing the reconfiguration of her gear this morning, the new helm had mods that appealed.
A close up:
I had already spent some currency crafting the sockets to be as I needed them too. It's unfortunate, but I'm invested in this mask that makes my witch look like a man. So that's my daily PoE gripe.
The next reason I am posting this is to let supersoju know that I've figured out how to use the Atlas a bit more. There are daily Atlas objectives that you can do. These can help you work towards your league challenges, because you know where the Masters (NPCs with quests) will be. I wanted to include this information here so she would be aware of them too, if she didn't already know. Another player mentioned this to me in-game. I wasn't clear on what he meant at first, so I did some research. Here it is in the official guide.
For example: a cog around the map (mouse over for name) tells you which map you will find Niko for his Sulphite. So on any given day, you will know which map to run if you plan to delve into the Azurite Mines. The red one would be Einhar if you need to catch the beasts. You do not need to do the maps in order.
Also, to meet the 20 corrupted map challenge, you need to corrupt each map with the Vaal orb. But first, it's worth using Transmute, Chance, Alchemy, Chisel on them to improve them for better drops in-map. I mentioned to supersoju that we should try to team up, so this would be a good way to share resources and invite each other to corrupted maps, if we're both online at the same time.
But if you were to be playing Solo Self Found, you can actually use a Vaal Orb Vendor recipe to get the Vaal Orbs you need. That's 1 Vaal fragment + 7 Vaal gems. I did one for an experiment for future reference. I'm still not quite sure how much more useful these Vaal gems are, they just sit in my inventory being ignored. I'm glad to have a reason to get rid of them. There's a whole system of chance around crafting with Vaal orbs too which I won't get into.
Other players have advised me to trade for Vaal Orbs instead, because unless you are playing SSF, it's not as economical. I might do this as I'm now just wanting to get my first 12 challenges done as quick as possible with my softcore character, while still finding time to focus on my Hardcore witch.
This post probably won't make a lot of sense unless you actually play Path of Exile, so thank you for your patience if you read anyway!
How is your hardcore witch coming along? My big hurdle is Avarius, that big yellow bastard. He's taken almost every HC scalp I've brought against him.
I haven't dared play her Matt. I will only play her when I know I have clear head space and contiguous time. So I leave her for the weekend. I'm just working on challenges and learning more about the game on my softcore account for now. I'll give you an update once I do another session with her. I'm deliberately selective when I play her. When I'm not focused she's more likely to die.
She is going to die; it's only a question of when. Good instincts though. I've lost a few chars by having a couple of glasses of wine and deciding to have a bit of a session.
I know she’ll die, so I am trying to get as much time I can get with her. Judging how I still don’t pay attention in SC, I don’t want to lose DoNotDieLinny from silly mistakes of my own doing. I like the anticipation of it too tbh. I kinda see it as ‘special time’ I reward myself, while SC is the churn. :)
'special time'? lol you are one odd one Linny.
You know it is bound to happen and you will have that fun moment of asking yourself 'why' over and over.
LOL sounds like something I would do.
Those are some pretty big cats; are you sure they are cats?
Lol you and your hideouts. With your enthusiasm and determination; I have no doubt you will find that very rare Glacial Hideout.
LOL What in the world are you wearing. Just when I thought my bucket was bad.
I didn’t know this. I’ve seen the cogs around the map but I thought it was just related to the quest to show you where you need to go next. I didn’t think it was a daily thing; I never checked it daily so I would not have noticed the change. Thanks for letting me know!!! I am in need of Sulphites; now I know what to look out for.
I’m wondering; does using just the vaal fragments to go into vaal count? Would be a cheaper way and quicker way to meet the challenge.
I didn’t know about this recipe; I had only done the vaal gems without the fragment. There are many recipes out there; I only use a few; or try to. There is one that is taking up a lot of my stash space; where you have a unique item and you sell it with a matching normal, magic and rare item to get chance orbs x 5. At the start it was easy to manage and find the items; but now with so many unique items with odd names; I’m starting to think to just rid of them to make room. The stats are not that great to be keeping them anyways.
It makes a little bit of sense because there's similarities across a lot of games though obviously the particulars and stuff for each game would be different XD I love your spectre feline things!