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RE: Path of Exile: Atlas Objectives, Spectre pets and looking manly

in #pathofexile6 years ago

She is going to die; it's only a question of when. Good instincts though. I've lost a few chars by having a couple of glasses of wine and deciding to have a bit of a session.


I know she’ll die, so I am trying to get as much time I can get with her. Judging how I still don’t pay attention in SC, I don’t want to lose DoNotDieLinny from silly mistakes of my own doing. I like the anticipation of it too tbh. I kinda see it as ‘special time’ I reward myself, while SC is the churn. :)

'special time'? lol you are one odd one Linny.

I don’t want to lose DoNotDieLinny from silly mistakes of my own doing

You know it is bound to happen and you will have that fun moment of asking yourself 'why' over and over.

LOL sounds like something I would do.