I second this nomination. Gaby has told me about this kid and I've been following him on Instagram. It's so sad to see anyone so young battling cancer, but he seems to have a great attitude through it all and I wish I could do more to support his fight.
Hey, @delishtreats, what you're doing here is purposeful and inspiring and I thank you! This post is a wonderful example of the great things that can come out of the community built around Steem. Love it. Again, thank you.
Hello Derek, thank you for your kind words! It's my pleasure :) It breaks my heart to hear about this little boy suffering so much. Kids should play with their friends and not spend time in hospitals..
Can you please give me his IG account so that I can check it out?
Hey! I totally forgot to give you his instagram :) I always post stories with him and mention his account. You can contact his mother personally if you want, I can translate what you say. I think the person that manages his instagram is his aunt because they don't have a phone that handles instagram. Anyway this is his account.
Oops, I was beaten to it! :)