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in #payitforward6 years ago

I nominate someone who is not on Steemit, but deserves all the help this community can offer.

His name is Ramses, and he is 9 years old. He was diagnosed with leukemia early this summer.

ramses color.jpg

I was lucky to meet this little angel recently. I decided to do a documentary project about him, and after a few visits I fell in love.

Ramses lives with his family in a poor and dangerous neighbourhood in Caracas - sadly, his father was killed by a stray bullet here when Ramses was only two. He has a little 4 year old brother, a beautiful mother and an awesome step-dad who love him.

In May he started feeling weak, with high fevers. His mom, taking him to several hospitals, was told he had hepatitis. Ramses and his family had no idea how their lives were about to change.

ramses 4.jpg

There were 10 other kids in his situation when he started chemotherapy. Since then, 8 of them have already died. Having leukemia is awful anywhere, but is worse in Venezuela today, where medicines are expensive and hard to find, even if you aren't as poor as Ramses' family, who are sacrificing everything they can to see that he gets the treatment he needs (even taking his younger brother out of school to save money). They were able to afford the first 3 months of his chemo with the help of a foundation that donated his treatment, and he is receiving a small dose of chemotherapy once a week (though the past 2 weeks he has been too weak to receive the treatment due to low blood values).

This family eats only once a day, and it breaks my heart because a 9 year old kid undergoing such a strong treatment needs food to be healthy enough to overcome all the side effects of the chemo.


I visit 3 to 4 times a week, taking them food, toys, medicines and tons of hugs and play time. Trust me, if I had the money I would give it without hesitating. The pills he needs in order to start treatment in January are about $600 (inflation in Venezuela changes the prices daily). I was sitting at my computer thinking of ways to help him when I came across your post.

If you choose to support Ramses, I would change the Steem to bolivares and have it transferred directly to his mom's account (I have photos of his prescriptions and receipts if you need them). Needless to say, any help you can offer will mean the world to this family.

P.S: Sorry I went over 100 words. I've been planning to make a blog post for him but was waiting for the creation of their Gofundme, so I thought it best to give you more



I second this nomination. Gaby has told me about this kid and I've been following him on Instagram. It's so sad to see anyone so young battling cancer, but he seems to have a great attitude through it all and I wish I could do more to support his fight.

Hey, @delishtreats, what you're doing here is purposeful and inspiring and I thank you! This post is a wonderful example of the great things that can come out of the community built around Steem. Love it. Again, thank you.

Hello Derek, thank you for your kind words! It's my pleasure :) It breaks my heart to hear about this little boy suffering so much. Kids should play with their friends and not spend time in hospitals..

Can you please give me his IG account so that I can check it out?

Hey! I totally forgot to give you his instagram :) I always post stories with him and mention his account. You can contact his mother personally if you want, I can translate what you say. I think the person that manages his instagram is his aunt because they don't have a phone that handles instagram. Anyway this is his account.

Oops, I was beaten to it! :)

Thank you for the nomination Gaby! 100 words wouldn't be enough to describe it, so no worries :) Your nomination has been accepted!