I find this very cool, having family time while playing games is awesome. I think you are a magician because it's difficult here to convince women to play games, they always believe it belongs to the male.
I am looking forward to the updates and for kids, they are just super gifted with tech Ideas right from the pregnancy stage. They will make you ask questions like "how", I find them interesting though.
Hey George~ I totally agree with you on when you have your family play as one team, its pretty fun. The way how I convince my wife is not because of me, but when my son asks "can we play together mama?", then she cannot reject. As many Diablo players know... once you start clicking away, there is no turning back! It is so satisfying to click and see the smashing action. Then I got the while family hooked!!! I will post some updates on where we at and what new things I learned~~ oh yes there is always something that is unexpected. Hehehehhe Stay tuned~~~ Thanks!!!
That's true, it is easier for mothers to say NO to their husbands than kids. I will definitely be looking forward to the update, enjoy the night sir.
Exactly~~ :) Sometimes its good to think about a strategy before you take action. :) I will keep you posted~