Take it easy on the communists, not all of us fit the label you are trying to stick on us.
Rule by force is the problem, who and how are just symptoms.
Take it easy on the communists, not all of us fit the label you are trying to stick on us.
Rule by force is the problem, who and how are just symptoms.
If I am not mistaken the communists in Russia's past have killed some 60 million people and the communists in China under Mao have killed some 65 million Chinese. They not only steal your freedom and happiness but they kill you also. One wonders why anyone would like to be a communists since they don't like themselves.
Yes, you are mistaken.
The Bohlsheviks used the rhetoric of the communists to gain power, then they eliminated any competition to their staying in power.
The western media picked up their claim of being communist in order to poison the well.
Here is a report from Russia during the period from a lady who would know her definitions much better than anyone educated after the Nazi's won wwii:
I've had a lot of fun (and learned a lot) from the ancom vs. ancap debates here on Steemit and elsewhere. It's interesting how much words trip us up when often we all want the same things: freedom, autonomy, peace, resources to live and thrive, and fulfillment in life. If we can get the first part right ("no rulers"), then the details of how we get the rest will hopefully be pretty easy, especially if we give each other the freedom and space to take different approaches based on the preferences of the people we choose to associate with. For me, non-violent, voluntary interactions are the key.
Yep, once rule by force is off the table we can get on to how we want to do things collectively.
Do we want to gouge our neighbors because they can't mow their own lawns, or plumb a house, or do we want to help our neighbors because it is the right thing to do.
Do we want to continue to concentrate wealth in the hands of those few that do the least work, or do we want to spread the wealth more equitably among those that do do the work?
Do we put personal wealth ahead of everything else, or do we make wealth no longer a thing?
I'm hoping that we just keep working, but stop paying.
This seems the shortest route to the stars to me.