"All Warfare Is Based On Deception" - Sun Tzu, The Art of War. "All Peace Is Based on Integrity" - Me. Manifest Balance Directly & End Conflict Immediately.

in #peace7 years ago (edited)

From business, to sports coaching, to politics and obviously right through to militaries, the classic Chinese book 'The Art of War' has been used for over 2000 years to teach how to 'win' in conflicts. However, do we really need to 'win'? Peace is not found in conflict, peace is found in the opposite of conflict.

Having studied the martial art 'Ninjutsu' for a while as a teenager (the kind taught by @michaelrojo) - I became aware of some of the philosophy and hard learned lessons of combat and balance that were passed down from our ancestors who operated in the shadows and at the cutting edge (literally) of the military forces of their day. One thing I found particularly inspiring was that the logic and understandings being taught were esoteric (hidden) in nature and could only be really understood through a deep awareness of self and of the energy of life itself. This suited me well, since I have always been attuned to this way of understanding and know it to be necessary and a powerful way to act powerfully and successfully.

Part of their philosophy originated with Zen Buddhism and when I later returned to that subject in my early twenties, I found that I was able to be directed in some very helpful ways - particularly with regards to the creation of real peace and balance in life. One thread that runs through these understandings is that of paradox.

Paradox Rocks

A paradox is a statement that, despite apparently sound reasoning from true premises, leads to an apparently self-contradictory or logically unacceptable conclusion.

In short, a paradox reveals a middle point within which great learning, discovery and power can be found. While many who do not go all the way in their exploration of important topics will reach half the story, they typically never reach the balance point in the center whereby deep understandings are found that really do contradict what was previously though, yet which are totally accurate and deeply felt.

Conflicts are conflicted

Many of us are conditioned to believe that we must 'WIN' at all costs, or at least never lose - otherwise we will die and be miserable! Some of the most conditioned will even attempt to shame others who reject conflict and competitions - judging them to be 'weak' or 'losers' by default. However, the deepest truth here is one that arises from a deep cognition of the fundamental unity of 'all that is'; when we understand that 'all is one' is more than just a nice idea - we understand that 'winning' and 'losing' are delusions. We cannot win or lose against 'another being' because there is only ONE being - with many bodies, forms and identities.

Given that all is one, what are we doing when we compete and enter conflicts? We are fighting ourselves in physical reality - regardless of the uniforms and flags that may be flying - we are always fighting our own being.

There is a famous story within buddhism of a monk who found himself in a warzone and when the conquering army came to his temple he simply remained in a meditation posture in awareness and a simple peace. When a military man entered his room with sword drawn, the monk remained still and rather than quarrel and conflict with the soldier, he stated clearly words which cleanly spoke to the heart of the man and the moment. The integrity and balance of the words, combined with the absence of aggression and judgement - in other words, the presence of compassion and wisdom - caused the soldier to drop his sword and fall to his knees.

This form of neutral acceptance of the present moment, does not involve pushing or pulling and does not involve any presence that reflects thoughts of winning/losing. In short, it is possible to manifest balance DIRECTLY, without having to go through a process of struggle or conflict to get there. I am not describing a will-less 'giving up' that is without power here - rather, I am pointing to a removing of self from the energetic equation that opens up space for conflict.

War is based on deception

“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”

  • Sun Tzu - The Art of War

art of war

Regardless of the propaganda and denials spouted by political tacticians and militarised PR companies, the reality is that war talk is ALWAYS based in deception. While Sun Tzu's texts may have been primarily addressing deception as a tactic, what I am pointing to here is that war itself IS deception and deceptive. We CANNOT have war and also have integrity - you will find this is always true if you ask enough questions.

To illustrate this, I do not need to point to the well known cases of 'false flag' attacks whereby governments and militaries engineer attacks using their own forces that appear to be being carried out by other forces in order to justify then attacking those forces - who may have actually been totally peaceful. Illustration only requires returning to the base understanding that 'all is one'. If all is one then any war or conflict must always be based on the self deception that says that 'all is not one' and that therefore has us believing that we can 'win' something through conflict - when we actually cannot. The most that will occur through our delusional conflicts is further delusion, suffering and a shifting around of power balance - with no problems actually being solved.

Peace is based in truth

Given that war is itself a form of deception of the ugliest kind, it follows that peace is a state of being that is not only counter to war, but is counter to deception. Through total honesty, integrity and self acceptance we find our own peace and that requires total compassion. Total compassion and unconditional love means also extending that to others. This does not mean that we allow ourselves to be pushed around - on the contrary, we cannot be compassionate for others if we are not first compassionate for us and that means not allowing us to be pushed around. The key is in the way that balance is found and how we ensure that compassion is allowed fully for all involved.

If two people strongly dislike each other we might think that it would be a problem for them to be totally honest with each other about how they dislike each other - we might conclude that they should 'be nice' to avoid conflict. However, this simply forces feelings and reality itself into denial - such that additional tensions are added since neither party fully understands the relationship they are experiencing, nor the feelings that they are feeling. If everyone is totally honest with each other - then space for change can open since all of the details of the situation are clear and can be worked with towards real balance and helpful changes. While there may still be tension once total truth is allowed, there will at least be a sense of peace that would not exist as long as a false, deceptive image continues to be portrayed.

Deception is war

The flip-side to this is that whenever we are deceiving others of ourselves, we are creating a situation that is equivalent to a subtle state of war. The imbalance of this must be felt to be understood and many of us are so out of touch with real feelings that we are not sensitive enough to detect the energy vibrations involved - yet they are present and can be received once we are clear enough internally to do so.

To deny others is to deny ourselves and to deny anything is to be at war in consciousness with our very being and root of our existence! Ending denial is the solution!

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul


assume I'm human

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Only those that profit from war win at war such as the criminals known as the Central Banksters.

Major General Smedley Butler was the most decorated Marine in the US Marine Corp, including two Congressional Medals of Honor. He wrote a book based on a speech he used to give called "War is a Racquet." It exposes the facts around all modern wars and the deception behind them.

Awesome post.


Thanks - yes, I have read his pamphlet. I attempted to research all of the quotes that were published in the now famous 'all wars are bankers wars' and found that while the people that the quotes were attributed to did speak about the topics and generally spoke in the same direction as the quotes were pointed - in fact, almost none of the quotes were proven to have originated from their alleged speakers. Smedley Butler's quotes from that video are among the ones that were not accurately portrayed there.

Thanks for your thoughts. As you know, most of our training is based on 虚実 kyojitsu, which is the interplay of truth and falsehood, or reality and illusion. We can’t have one without the other. During one of my classes in Japan, Hatsumi said "Those that live within kyojitsu and uncommon sense (秘常識 hijoshiki) possess a hidden sense."

I bet you can relate to that feeling!

hehe - well, here's the thing.. what I was putting forward here is that in the center of paradox is a strength that shows us that, yes, we can have reality without illusion. The absolute reality is entirely free of illusion and once this is understood deeply, the way is opened for continued manifestation of balance without use of any form of deception at all.

What I feel about ninjutsu now is that it's philosophy misses the mark regarding absolute understanding of reality, possibly due to the fact that it's entire basis is founded on resonation of deception. While it remains possibly the best form of philosophy for combat and defence, I would not use it for a moment when it comes to accessing the deepest understandings regarding life.

Acknowledging and acceping illusion as part of reality is a deep truth. No deep understanding of life exists without this. Only more illusion. IMHO

I was only referring to the idea that you put forward t hat we cannot have reality without illusion.

Realities, plural, co-exist and we all experience our own subjective reality equation that changes moment by moment. It is possible for one of us to experience illusions within our reality, yes - yet it is also possible for one of us to remove all illusions from our understanding of reality such that we are not misled and thus from our own position, there is no illusion (in the sense of it being a problem for us).

What I most intended to put across in this post is that almost everything we think is true must be re-evaluated and our understandings expanded once we really know that 'all is one'. By missing this absolute aspect of reality/existence, we create more illusions and error than through any other detail that could be missed. With regards to any martial philosophy - by their nature they must have missed this aspect of oneness in it's deepest form since to know it is to move to find ways to prevent conflict that do not involve conflict.

Well, that is the goal of many martial arts. To win without fighting at all. Allow the illusion of conflict to dissolve. Hatsumi Sensei continually preaches this in his classes.

A great and truly wise post as ever @ura-soul ! " While there may still be tension once total truth is allowed, there will at least be a sense of peace that would not exist as long as a false, deceptive image continues to be portrayed. " this is really so true ofcourse ! Upvoted !

Thankyou! I have lived this idea to the best of my ability and found that while some people move away from me as a result of my adherence to what I understand to be complete truth - they were not right to be around me and so, balance was increased overall.

Yes people are antennas and emit their specific frequency, it can be destructive or constructive to your own ! Important to feel this and be aware of the need to navigate accordingly as an individual! Honesty and Truth should and generally surmount lies in the end! But lies are easy and the more righteous path is a rocky road where which many around will try to hide from your heart and soul!! i give you my 33deg mason vote ) as all these wise words have helped me to resolve a little easier a situation going on right now ! thanks.

Thankyou - i'll put your 33 degree mason vote with the others.. erm.. over.. here.. ;)

I love that you're discussing paradox...it can be such a door way to a more quantum viewpoint that is at peace with the duality.

I tend to go at it a little differently than seeking balance. I look for the truth and lies ( if I'm not emotionally married to one end of the polarity it is easier ) in both sides and if I can simultaneously hold/see/feel them at the same time I sort of automatically rise above to a third position that sees the truths and lies of both ends of the paradox and can respond accordingly from a place of peace.

I believe we may be talking about the same experience, I find that the word balance can suggest to some people a linear spot that requires constant attention and maintenance.

So cool to know this conversation to push the edges of conscious exploration is happening. Thank you!

I am glad you found the post exciting! When I use the word balance, I specifically mean 'no part or aspect is overpowering any other part or aspect' - which also means that no 'fact' or 'voice' is being denied/obscured. So, yes, we are likely describing the same experience.

This post has received a 9.80 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @ura-soul.