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RE: "All Warfare Is Based On Deception" - Sun Tzu, The Art of War. "All Peace Is Based on Integrity" - Me. Manifest Balance Directly & End Conflict Immediately.

in #peace7 years ago

hehe - well, here's the thing.. what I was putting forward here is that in the center of paradox is a strength that shows us that, yes, we can have reality without illusion. The absolute reality is entirely free of illusion and once this is understood deeply, the way is opened for continued manifestation of balance without use of any form of deception at all.

What I feel about ninjutsu now is that it's philosophy misses the mark regarding absolute understanding of reality, possibly due to the fact that it's entire basis is founded on resonation of deception. While it remains possibly the best form of philosophy for combat and defence, I would not use it for a moment when it comes to accessing the deepest understandings regarding life.


Acknowledging and acceping illusion as part of reality is a deep truth. No deep understanding of life exists without this. Only more illusion. IMHO

I was only referring to the idea that you put forward t hat we cannot have reality without illusion.

Realities, plural, co-exist and we all experience our own subjective reality equation that changes moment by moment. It is possible for one of us to experience illusions within our reality, yes - yet it is also possible for one of us to remove all illusions from our understanding of reality such that we are not misled and thus from our own position, there is no illusion (in the sense of it being a problem for us).

What I most intended to put across in this post is that almost everything we think is true must be re-evaluated and our understandings expanded once we really know that 'all is one'. By missing this absolute aspect of reality/existence, we create more illusions and error than through any other detail that could be missed. With regards to any martial philosophy - by their nature they must have missed this aspect of oneness in it's deepest form since to know it is to move to find ways to prevent conflict that do not involve conflict.

Well, that is the goal of many martial arts. To win without fighting at all. Allow the illusion of conflict to dissolve. Hatsumi Sensei continually preaches this in his classes.