The Peace Academy Curriculum //The Non-Agression Principle // Part 6

in #peaceacademy7 years ago

The Detrimental Government Disregard of Property Rights

The Homesteading principle states that First Use of any resource or unoccupied land is recognized as the rightful owner until that owner chooses to sell or abandon that resource.

It is possible to peacefully resolve conflicts and establish borders and claim to property without Government coercion.

Working together, respecting and recognizing ownership and productive output, as well as peaceful negotiations regarding borders all create harmonious order which can be achieved through private enterprise without the use of force and coercion by Government entities. We see versions of that thorughout history in tribal economies, gift economies, and now in crypto economies.

The unfortunate reality is that Governments aggressively and forcefully establish boundaries, often without the consent of the people and without any concern for the harm or impact they are having on those people.

A prime example is the European invasion of the Americas during the 16th and 17th centuries.
This land was taken by force without any consideration for the rightful property owners and homesteaders.

This heinous Government disregard for property rights has continued throughout the centuries across the world and is still happening today. Nearly all of their actions today represent various versions of financial harm to the many for the benefit of the few.

In order to live by the principles of Non-agression, Peace, and Liberty, we need to understand that property rights are absolutely necessary and are the foundation for all other rights.
The violation of property rights by Government entities is just another example of what we collectively need to remove our consent from.


These artificial borders really are a big problem
Especially now what the peoples of the Middle East are suffering
Great post.

True talk. The government needs to see this. They need to know that conflict musnt always end cases especially land cases. The masses too need be informed that peace is very inevitable in our everyday lives.

With respect, the govt. does not care. The govt is doing exactly what it was intended to do, with a few exceptions because people keep throwing monkey wrenches into their plans. They are not there for our benefit. They profit from conflict. We have to refuse to play along and refuse to give consent to them to continue pretending they have any right to rule over the masses. They don't they made it all up. Without the permission of the people their whole game stops.

Just as @brightex correctly said, the government has it on their hands to create an atmosphere that fosters the mentality that land cases can be settled amicably without matters getting out of hand.

Thanks @aggroed

Heh very interestingly told the author of the post!)The boundaries of ownership will always be drawn by the government!Whether it's america europe or russia!But here's the example of America, there and now the Indians as prisoners...We are ordinary people, we do not create laws, they are created by the government!Well, we live by these rules like it or not!


Agree. Governments just want their hand on everything. People must understand in order to change things!

Unfortunately no government is following the pristine principle of equality, freedom and fraternity. Heavy price is to be paid by weak or those with less means through financial, life or property loss.
I really respect your concern and regard for every individual and his thinking and choices.

You remind me of the islands in Maine. My dad used to have a mobile law office and he took it to the islands sometimes. There is almost no government, except what people make for themselves. The problem is when people move to the island and deside to break the unwritten rules of the islanders; going by other laws the islanders disreguard. Sometimes their rules might seem stringent ,but they keep their lives in order. Even if you marry into an island the lobsterman might not allow you to set traps there.

Hi @aggroed - sorry for the delay in responding to this - it's a really interesting post, but my week's been a bit of a storm of deadlines.

I think it's great that you acknowledge and promote this principle. I certainly think that indigenous Australians would be inclined to agree, seeing as European colonisation was certainly not undertaken with anything resembling consent from those people who were most certainly here first (by quite a margin).

I'd be interested to hear where you stand on notions of the rectification of injustice. I don't know if you've read much Robert Nozick, but his idea of justice seems pretty similar/compatible with a lot of what you're taking about.

Basically, Nozick says:

  1. A person who acquires something fairly is entitled to it
  2. A person who has something transferred to them fairly is entitled to it.
  3. No one is entitled to anything except through repeated applications of (1) and (2).

This relies on three principles:

A principle of justice in acquisition - You are entitled to something, e.g.: natural resources, if no one has ever owned it before. This includes being first on the land as per the Homesteading Principle, but also the more general idea of mixing your labour with un-owned natural materials.

A principle of justice in transfer - you are entitled to something transferred to you by another person if and only if they transferred it to you fully voluntarily. (Thus Nozick was not a big fan of taxation).

A principle of rectification of injustice - People who have had their stuff/holdings/property etc. taken away from them in violation of the previous principles (e.g.: murder, mugging, looting, coercive tax regimes, illicit coercion in general, fraud, enslavement, theft etc.) have a claim against the beneficiaries of these injustices.

This principle of rectification is tricky to work out in historical cases, and Nozick himself never fully fleshed out the idea (to my satisfaction at least), perhaps this is why it's so often overlooked by people who claim to be in favour of the minimal state. Either way, it's a pretty sound idea - if you steal something, you aren't entitled to it, and the person you stole it from is entitled to get something (if not the original thing) back.

Wow, that was a little longer than I intended to write - maybe I should have just put it in a post! Anyway, I hope you make it far enough down the comments to at least see it.

This is really informative and great article about Property Rights @aggroed. All the points are true that you have mentioned. I am agree with your opinions. Thanks for sharing this useful post.

The government has no purpose but to maintain property (the right to own property) But if the people were robbed of the people, it was a peaceful government "There was primitive communism, when food grew without cultivation, and man was able to live with no hard labor, but when work began communism ended, because man took his own property, something of value to him. Source "99%" of all physical values. Thanks for the article

Very well said, especially the property rights part. We should be at peace with each other and most importantly with ourselves. That’s why I’ve started meditating, to reconnect with myself and know who I am, and we all should do that

true preposition

The Homesteading principle states that First Use of any resource or unoccupied land is recognized as the rightful owner until that owner chooses to sell or abandon that resource

But what happens when eminent domain comes into play?

On another subject-
I lived in a condo years ago and we had HOA fees. I was written up for having two tomato plants and two cucumber plants growing my garden bed- keep in mind I was responsible for the weeding in this garden bed area also. I kept the weeds out but the HOA board members fined me for the vegetable plants. It was pathetic. I saw the HOA board as a small government dictating to me what I could or couldn't do. I actually fought the fines, and won, because they couldn't prove within their guidelines of the community that my plants were blight. That's what they called them- blight.

We have since moved and are planning to go further out in the next two years where no neighbors or other entity can rule our homestead.

Right. Rights. The government seems to have the primary job of disregarding ALL our rights. Government officials should be required to attend and graduate from Peace Academy!

They cannot do that if we stop permissioning it. They do what they do because the masses are allowing them to do so. When we go along with Govt. we willingly give away our own power and rights.

hmm let me see, I think this is true and the government should put this in consideration.

Your outstanding post is great and strong character

Currently, I'm reading an article, and I'll copy paste an excerpt from the article.

"If I say that I need the government to protect my property, but that government is by definition a group of people who can violate my property rights at will, then I am caught in an insurmountable contradiction"

And this is very true. On a daily basis, government across the world violates property rights including lands and others and judging from where I come from (Nigeria), if you cry to the community heads, the same community heads are under and they feel threatened by the same government. Even if you go to court, the same judiciary is controlled by the government.

But then what would the common and average man do to remedy this chaos?

Thanks for sharing @aggroed

withdraw all consent.

power belongs to the government you know. and it seems successive governments are the same you know

I don't consent to that. Just saying.


Nice post. thank you.

well i think i need it souse i am new here and trying to understand it as good as i can thanks for sharing.realy nice post.

Great post. Thanks for sharing .

A very important post, the government should come to terms with the border and with the understanding of everyone,

yaah In order to live by the principles of Non-agression, Peace, and Liberty, we need to understand that property rights are necessary !
everyone have right and owner of his property and can not taken from him as he no agree with the person!

God Bless America!

great stuff @aggroed mate! non-agression-principle is the real law we all must follow in a real advanced government-free world... what is minnowsupportproject by the way? and how can I participate on it? Regards!

it's a project lead by witnesses to spread the values of peace, abundance, and liberty, grow the steem ecosytem, and train and retain users on the platform. Come visit us in Discord

How nice photograph Its really nice
One girl child and waiting for you ...

Well stated my friend!!

Nice post, good sharing it.

I agree. The principle of cooperation and mutual respect is prioritized to create a harmonious order in every aspect. Very nice posting this. Thank you @aggroed.

I agree, however there are so many complications that involve variables beyond our input. I will take your example of the Americas to explain. This action of aggression has caused many hard feelings by those who were devastated. I live close to the Mexican border, and I can assure you that while most within the United States who come from European ancestry give this little thought, the same is not true for the Mexicans. I know many who have pro La Raza leanings, and make no mistake they live to see the day their property rights are restored.

This begs the question, what am I to do as a European descendant in relation to this dynamic? While it is true that many Irish fought on the side of Mexico (and yes, I realize Mexico itself was a result of Spanish invasion) in todays climate that doesn't get a lot of credit. Am I to move from the country I and my parents, their parents etc were born in? I ask this because there is a lot of anger over this, and just because most U.S. citizens give it little thought does not mean those who were rolled over give it little thought. At what point out of a desire for self preservation does the anger of others, no matter how justified, force me into picking a side contrary to their legal claims to property rights?

My next question is in regards to withdrawing consent. I was to young for the Vietnam war, but remember the confusion as a young child. I think many at that time questioned why they were being forced to go. It was almost worse than the property grabs of Manifest Destiny in its own way, because there wasn't even a strategy to achieve anything. Just senseless killing and killing. Many protested, some left the country for Canada. Most did as they were ordered and went against their willing consent. How do you propose one remove their consent from a government mandate?

In some areas now it is illegal to collect rainwater, hold a sale on your property without permission (permits) or to do many other things (HOA's are growing). All of these things involve bureaucratic participation that non compliance of can quickly strip one of their property and freedom.

What you suggest is the ideal, but its practical application can bring a struggle that will quickly strip a person of everything.

Step by step in every way you can in an incremental process withdraw consent, stop relying on their tools, and live free.

Very well thought out questions! Not that you asked me, because you clearly didn't. I've spent years refusing to cooperate in the ways I could when faced with some big issues. Sometimes you get to be the 'whack a mole' because so few are refusing to play along. As life becomes more and more unbearable for the masses, more humans will refuse to permission the enslavement and domination game because they are left with no reasonable choice.

You weight each situation wisely and take a brick by brick approach to tearing down the walls they've built around you and yours. If we each do this, in every way we can, with each choice we make-- they will have no way to do anything about it. What can they do? Anihillate us all? Perhaps, but what will the children be faced with if we do not refuse to allow them imprison all of humanity (the children's futures ruined) behind walls they can't even see? We don't have a choice. For each of us the answers are different. That's my two cents.

Holy molly your right man... but maybe time will tell... Blockchain is still early... Hoping this technology will solve some problems, especially in land titles... But in case of rain water??? Come on, that is insane. How can somebody or anybody make that illegal? Good views guys... More power always...

very nice post

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good post, hopefully get more votes and inspire the stemian in general and myself in particular

Homesteading Principal sounds like a perfect solution, but two things:

Firstly, harmony will be difficult because of the natural laws that dictate human behavior in large groups. There will be people that break the rules. I am not making a judgement here on the inherent goodness or badness of humankind. As Animals, some percentage of the population always deviates from the norm. Diversity and hence ability to adapt is lost if one strategy displaces all others.

Secondly, I'm not so sure its such a responsible idea to give people the right to assume ownership of any unclaimed resource. Ecosystems are encroached on enough already. Do we want a free for all?

I do like the idea though, and the sentiment, thanks for posting.

Is it not the Govt. and the Big Corporations that really do most of the encroaching?

Yeah, lots of people litter, and are gross-- leaving messes behind them, and disrespecting nature in many other ways. However, the real issues are not the every day people... and when it is the every day people, one could argue it's the govt. run schools producing much of the behavior we see. The people have been programmed to do what benefits the power structure.

Govt has perpetuated a lot of lies to make us beLIEve we need them. I used think they probably prevented things from being worse when it came to the environment... but they are overwhelmingly the ones destroying it.

Mass extinctions of the worlds megafauna coincides with the arrival of man to a new land. In Australia, shortly after government-less humans arrived 65,000 years ago roughly, the larger animals went extinct and the country underwent massive deforestation. Possibly a coincidence, but the same thing happened again in North and South America, when they were colonized for the first time approx. 40,000 years later.
Agriculture, which began about 12,000 years or so, further encroached, by displacing natural diversity with huge areas of mono-culture. Animals that were useful were bred in huge numbers, animals that were not, were pushed into smaller and smaller pockets of untouched wilderness.
The counter culture loves to blame government and big industry for today's problems. But rather than using effort to find scapegoats (usually the leadership), would it not be better spent on trying to understand human nature in more depth. Or encouraging collaboration. Blaming the people with the power to change is not going to win them over.

Good post..

Someday I hope this will be possible.

Working together, respecting and recognizing ownership and productive output, as well as peaceful negotiations regarding borders all create harmonious order which can be achieved through private enterprise without the use of force and coercion by Government entities

Great artikel..very amazing ,,best regards@anitacarolina

Yes, I think this is the ideal situation that we all strive for ( at least most here, I think)

But you also have to be realistic. In the US there are over 320 Million people.

I have a suspicion that most do not think in this light you're describing. I am not saying you're wrong or this ideology is wrong but people want an Entity to establish boundaries and restrictions.

Why ??

Because human nature is human nature and there will always be power sucking sociopathic assholes who will not live by the non-governing standards.

Like I say it is what it is. To think otherwise is living in a bubble. Most people in our World really believe that we need governing entities to protect against these psychopaths ( Iam using that term loosely but mainly referring to people who are greedy and capitalisic mongers who would try to overtake landowners either forcefully or by certain loopholes)

Upvoted and resteemed.

Thank you for this – I couldn't agree more.

The violation of property rights by Government entities is just another example of what we collectively need to remove our consent from.

It occurs to me that this country (the US) was founded upon this very inequity – the pillaging of land from its rightful stewards. Without fully acknowledging that as the foundation of our establishment, how can we ever truly move towards anything resembling 'harmony', much less expect respect from our government?

The problem is,what is in favour of another country (geographicly speaking) like see connecton,mineral recources and rivers,is in disfavour of the other.
The point is,that a (from your view) bad person could do just the right thing from his perspective...
The problem is with "land cases" that it is land and land means power and advantage.And who wants to lose an advantage?


Governments and their overwhelming need for control is a contributing factor to the huge lack of equality in the world. Property rights is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to government control. We live in a world where more people live as have nots than those that have. The saddest part of this crisis is that the governments in many of these cases have the ability to make things better but rather choose to oppress their people further. How can some of these governments make the shift to providing equal and fair property rights when they are yet willing to do what it takes to ensure their people have clean and safe drinking water and enough food to effectively nourish themselves. Change is needed but will be long from coming when the few have so much power over the many.

useful postings. I like your post .. thanks

your post is pretty good. this is a lesson for us

Lesson learn, respect @aggroed