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RE: The Peace Academy Curriculum //The Non-Agression Principle // Part 6

I agree, however there are so many complications that involve variables beyond our input. I will take your example of the Americas to explain. This action of aggression has caused many hard feelings by those who were devastated. I live close to the Mexican border, and I can assure you that while most within the United States who come from European ancestry give this little thought, the same is not true for the Mexicans. I know many who have pro La Raza leanings, and make no mistake they live to see the day their property rights are restored.

This begs the question, what am I to do as a European descendant in relation to this dynamic? While it is true that many Irish fought on the side of Mexico (and yes, I realize Mexico itself was a result of Spanish invasion) in todays climate that doesn't get a lot of credit. Am I to move from the country I and my parents, their parents etc were born in? I ask this because there is a lot of anger over this, and just because most U.S. citizens give it little thought does not mean those who were rolled over give it little thought. At what point out of a desire for self preservation does the anger of others, no matter how justified, force me into picking a side contrary to their legal claims to property rights?

My next question is in regards to withdrawing consent. I was to young for the Vietnam war, but remember the confusion as a young child. I think many at that time questioned why they were being forced to go. It was almost worse than the property grabs of Manifest Destiny in its own way, because there wasn't even a strategy to achieve anything. Just senseless killing and killing. Many protested, some left the country for Canada. Most did as they were ordered and went against their willing consent. How do you propose one remove their consent from a government mandate?

In some areas now it is illegal to collect rainwater, hold a sale on your property without permission (permits) or to do many other things (HOA's are growing). All of these things involve bureaucratic participation that non compliance of can quickly strip one of their property and freedom.

What you suggest is the ideal, but its practical application can bring a struggle that will quickly strip a person of everything.


Step by step in every way you can in an incremental process withdraw consent, stop relying on their tools, and live free.

Very well thought out questions! Not that you asked me, because you clearly didn't. I've spent years refusing to cooperate in the ways I could when faced with some big issues. Sometimes you get to be the 'whack a mole' because so few are refusing to play along. As life becomes more and more unbearable for the masses, more humans will refuse to permission the enslavement and domination game because they are left with no reasonable choice.

You weight each situation wisely and take a brick by brick approach to tearing down the walls they've built around you and yours. If we each do this, in every way we can, with each choice we make-- they will have no way to do anything about it. What can they do? Anihillate us all? Perhaps, but what will the children be faced with if we do not refuse to allow them imprison all of humanity (the children's futures ruined) behind walls they can't even see? We don't have a choice. For each of us the answers are different. That's my two cents.

Holy molly your right man... but maybe time will tell... Blockchain is still early... Hoping this technology will solve some problems, especially in land titles... But in case of rain water??? Come on, that is insane. How can somebody or anybody make that illegal? Good views guys... More power always...