This is a team of Veterans that go out to look for homeless people called Veterans on Patrol. While patrolling an area in Tucson on Tuesday night, they stumbled upon an abandoned camp. Old cement mine, underground bunker on abandoned property.
This is a vital and quick update. A child's body decomposed skull and bones have been found. Aged from 9-14 years old. Here is the link to live feed
Off of I19 Frontage Road, Valencia exit. Within the camp they found a mysterious tunnel which was covered and made to look as if it blended in with the terrain.
The tunnel appeared to be too small for an adult, but a child could fit through into the space with which had items inside. Here are a couple of photos and more can be found scrolling down.
These Veterans looking to help the homeless to get off the streets, one named Lewis Arthur stated, "these solar lights gave it away. We wouldn't have been walking on the right trail, we wouldn't have seen it, we would have went right past it."
You can see footage of this from KOLD 13 Live Local Late Breaking from Big League Politics source at bottom of this article.
These Veterans On Patrol contacted Craig Sawyer's group called Vets4ChildRescue which is a non-profit group made up of Veterans trying to save child sex trafficking victims. Sawyer is also a former Tucson Firefighter and the VOP group wanted his thoughts and eyes on the scene.
A local news station in Tucson KOB 13 toured the area with these Vets.
Sawyer stated that he, "didn't expect to see something this heinous and inhumane this close. I served in the military to keep things like this from happening here. That's why I risked my security to go, so that nobody back here, so that you guys wouldn't have to put up with this.
According to the news reporter at the site, "To these experts in the field of trafficking, this didn't look like your typical homeless camp. We found restraints on trees.
They also found kids' items, hair dye, pornographic magazines, pornographic material and an outdoor bathroom.
BP4SP reports "Vets Uncover Disturbing Underground Bunker Possibly Used For Child Trafficking Camp"
They also say items found include, "children’s clothing a baby crib and stroller, an outdoor bathroom, pornographic material, hair dye and a five feet tall underground cave that had dresser and crates. The cave the was not big enough for an adult, but a child could easily fit inside." See source link at bottom.
Craig Sawyer said he heard of rooms full of kids in houses and basements and things like that, but nothing under the ground like this, like an underground cell. It's pretty creepy!"
Here is a piece of wood outside and above the small what appears to be child holding or cell space. Written on it is Hello Maddie.
According to Sawyer it looked like the last time someone had been at the camp, was about 10 days ago. He believes that they could come back.
Sawyer also stated, "in fact there's another one nearby, that they're already digging with fresh tools and fresh dirt."
They were told TPD investigators had gone out to the camp recently to take photos and write a report. They reached out to the police department, but had not heard back from them.
Louis Arthur also states while pointing ahead, "And we're right there, and our city's right there, and our children, our children are right there! And it's not our problem if it's not in Our backyard, well, Now it's in Our Backyard!"
Here a couple of photos when they were in the underground bunker and had discovered the little prison cell.
Louis Arthur felt that they would be returning as it was probably a drop off point and they likely had these in other places as they usually repeat their procedures just as they do with tunnels.
He feels for all the human trafficking going up through Tucson, this is a spot to hide children.
He said everything there was set up for kids, from the swings, to the toys, board to get out of prison holding area, little outdoor toilet with a child's vanity.
He said it took a long time to set up, and they of course had to dig it out.
News stations like KVOA channel 4 in Tucson point to the fact that there are what they call a lot of abandoned homeless camps in the area.
One volunteer named Dani Ward, with Veterans On Patrol (VOP) stated she thinks the camp is, "used to traffic children." She claimed there was even a children's homemade kitchenette next to a children's bathroom, children's luggage, backpacks.
Ward stated the restraints they saw were not for a full grown person, but for smaller people and it was disgusting!
The reporter states the restraints Ward was speaking about could be found throughout the camps and were also used for holding logs. Not sure, but do those wheels underneath the log look like stroller wheels?
Ward feels the little space inside of the bunker was used to keep children quiet and kept in captivity. She also felt it was a matter of intimidation by being kept in a dark, scary place.
The reporter was sure to point out an alternative use, in spite of all the kids toys, clothing and paraphernalia when she states, "but this space could be used as a place to get out of the heat, or sleep since it's much cooler inside."
Interesting concept, are they squeezing in there with the children to sleep, or are the children just make believe?
A handmade ladder going up a tree which Veterans On Patrol felt it was where scouts sat for a lookout.
One of the Vets, who is the founder, Lewis Arthur points out to a police officer, "you've got different car seats, different strollers, we've got a comb with hair in it, blond hair, it looks like from a little girl."
When the police officer asked how far back the camp went, Arthur said he would show him, and told him they had found a second one they were in the middle of building.
Tucson police were out there for several hours taking photos and said they were going to hand their information over to the detectives.
The reporter ends her segment with, "So is this an abandoned homeless camp, or is it something else? We'll keep you posted! "
My question is, if it is a family homeless camp, would you put your children in restraints? What are those restraints placed so low for? Was this a commune as there are various carseats, strollers and such? How many kids are we talking?
Here are more photos.
It's important to note, this is on Cemex land and it has been found they are a company that is is a Mexican multinational building materials company headquartered in San Pedro, near Monterrey, Mexico. It manufactures and distributes cement, ready-mix concrete and aggregates in more than 50 countries. It is the second largest building materials company worldwide, only after LafargeHolcim.
More information on who is connected to this company including investors can be found here where I did a more cursory report with my research and anons on 8chan who research Q drops. Interesting images, links and info to help you research and put more pieces of the maze together.
It is interesting to note that the mayor of Mayer is Jonathan Rothschild.
Reports are showing there is very little to know coverage on mainstream media news networks. Clearly some local stations and independent news stations. If it is just an abandoned homeless camp, I wonder why?
You don't suppose it's because it is link to figures like the Clintons, Epstein, Soros, Rothschild and a host of others do you?
Here is a video directly from Craig Sawyer where these Vets were looking into the bunker and small tunnel space.
They show a child's bed here that appears to have a book and barbie on it.
They say there are various cribs, chairs, car seats, children's clothing and shoes scattered all about the area.
A playpen or compact crib
Fairly short clip (just a little over a minute) here which shows the items mentioned above including the restraints on trees, which matches victims' stories we have heard in the past for child sex ritual abuse. These children are from all over, yet different areas with the same stories to match.
Here is the source where you can see a clip of Lewis Arthur and Craig Sawyer
Also more info and clips here including going into the bunker and the plastic tube chamber found
See KOVA channel news 4 and Dani Ward here
Here is the VOP facebook page
Here is a live feed
What are your thoughts? Do you think this is a possible child trafficking holding camp? What information have you come across related to this I have not yet hit on in these articles? Please let me know your thoughts, comments and info below.
@stevendkelleyI watched this video claiming things about Craig Sawyer. It is healthy to question things.
But a few red flags on both sides, as it would appear both Mr. Steven D. Kelly (the maker of this video) is an "Ex CIA/NSA contractor" as stated on his Steemit page and Craig Sawyer is ex-military. In other words, both could have the smarts to be involved in a distraction psy-op.
Mr. Kelley claims:
Red Flag about Mr. Sawyer's involvement:
Two people he is with in this video TOUCHED evidence at this supposed crime scene (the Barbie doll). Why the hell would they do that? And why didn't Mr. Sawyer tell them NOT to? I would reasonably assume that a person who claims to be in touch with law enforcement (local & federal) would know that this is a huge no no for a procedure of examining a crime scene.
Furthermore, what authority exactly did Mr. Sawyer have to be able to examine this crime scene (or at least a scene/location that has strong evidence of a serious crime such as child trafficking)? I mean this could very sloppily mess up the crime scene, no? So these two red flags lead me to be suspicious.
I don't know if Mr. Sawyer is or is not legit. Of course we hope he is and is what he claims to be. Also, is he really going to profit from his upcoming documentary movie on the subject?
The more people we can get to further question and examine this secondary evidence and the way in which it has been presented and disseminated, the more we can critically question and examine if we are indeed being played under a psy-op or if things are as legitimate as they appear.
In today's world of deception, especially when ex-military and ex-intelligence personnel are involved in the mix, it is VERY HARD to get to the truth. and what is this "Getty" thing? Anyone know and how does it relate to this? and there is mention that a Rothschild is the mayor of Majer, Arizona - is this verified? Part of the real Rothschild's family? That wouldn't make much sense I would gather, as such "royalty" would not be placed in such a lowly position, no?
Any thoughts or other red flags no matter how small, please post below. Thanks all. And God bless you.
great comment, thanks for pointing out those red flags. the getty museum in LA is a front for templar fortress, massive entrance to the underground cities. i dont think his info is malicious, he connects a lot of dots most people in the truth movement are afriad to touch...sawyer working for john mcain and clinton is on sawyers wikipedia page. lol listen to this exchange between kelley and sawyer.
sawyer has a undred times more funding and followers than steven, yet he is threatening to sue steven ?? its just bizzare. steven has been trying to blow the whistle on the getty for 10 years! sawyer just goes from protecting elite pedos to the “superhero” destined to take them all down?
im kind of freinds with steven im not trying to start drama just all very interesting... first with the getty movie and now craig doin this
Hi, thanks for your response. But I am very skeptical. They could be working together in a grander deception as described in the comment above by @newsandviews. And please explain to me how this Steven fellow can be "ex-CIA"; I thought there wasn't such a thing. I think we are all masterfully being played.
hes not Ex Cia. he worked as a private contractor, making lasers during the 90’s for the NSA, before it was called the NSA. it was just some super deep state criminals who eventually tried to recruit him to area 51...
Then why does he state: "Ex CIA/NSA contractor" in his Steemit description header?
lol, because back then, it was a division of the CIA, performing functions that we know now as the NSA
touching evidence, you mean the evidence the cops refused to investigate for a week?
Regardless, this is extremely sloppy. If he were legit, they would have used some gloves or plastic bag and NOT destroy potential evidence (i.e., fingerprints) that could have lead to leads and maybe even used in a court of law.
As my reply is a bit tardy and a lot of additional evidence (including Sawyer's own take on what happened at the site - a complete reversal of his original statement/assessment) has surfaced on Steemit, YouTube and elsewhere strongly suggests that Sawyer doesn't seem to fully be what he claims to be.
Plus, if the claims are true that he was a bodyguard or associated with the McCain & Donald Rumsfeld - two of the most evil war criminals to come out of the US - I would be highly suspicious of those ties, as mountains of evidence tie them to 15 years of chaos, genocide, and detruction in the Middle East, not to mention strong ties with ISIS.
agreed. after i learned the knife wasnt real, and other lies, im of the mindset this guy is either a fed informant , or he should be arrested for telling people to go online and seek out child porn. the guy is a scam artist and i think he is harming the cause not helping.
I find both of these guys totally suspect and I assume it's all part of a complex distraction approach. Kelly is also clearly a disinfo stooge and it doesn't take long to figure this out. He's big into the alien stories including Billy Meier - this is an immediate big red flag for me.
There's an intelligence strategy that has been used heavily in Russia that basically sets out lots of competing agents against each other and thereby makes it extremely difficult to figure out who's telling the truth. In reality, no one is. This is what I think is going on here.
If you watch the video below at 13:50, they describe this confusion model that Putin has been taking advantage of in Russia with his competitors / enemies. I'm quite certain it's a derivation of it here as well:
Thanks my friend for your quick analysis. I actually had suspected as much that they could be working together (just a strong intuitive feeling I got).
Plus, I thought there was no such thing as an "ex-CIA". Additionally, he seems to validate Q (another huge psy-op). Connect the dots, eh?
Moreover, the fact that Sawyer worked with McCain and Donald Rumsfeld - two of the most monstrous and evil war criminals to ever walk the earth - and Hilary Clinton speaks volumes.
Furthermore, I would suspect Dave Janda to be on this team of deceivers as well as he promotes this Q stuff and also is a big Craig Sawyer supporter and himself is highly connected in Washington D.C.
Another I suspect that could be in on this is Titus Frost.
Both Frost and this Steven guy have yet to reply to my comments which (this silence) speaks volumes, as such operatives would usually choose to remain silent as to not spread/leak info damaging to them or their operaton.
Other possible players - "V" the Guerilla Economist (Rogue Money) - he has London Paul (from Sirius Report) as a guest and in his last post I commented some red flag which they both ignored. Very suspicious.
We are being played big time by a huge network of deception and evil doers who have sold out their souls to the devil himself.
I can't tell with Janda whether he knows he's pushing disinfo or if he's just being misled with all his government "buddies". I've mentioned before however that Greg Hunter is a total stooge in my opinion and loves to have Janda on to drive his Christian Zionist narrative.
I've had my questions about Titus as well and still do. I honestly however have given up trying to follow everything with Titus and any of these types that have multi-hour rant live stream calls. I can't be bothered with this shit. What I don't get is a number of Titus' really ridiculous calls on things like "Q was real but now he's not" and "I support Free Tommy, but don't like he's a Zionist." Which is it Titus? Didn't he do any f'n due diligence into what Tommy was arrested for? It's for attempted juror tampering.. that's illegal in the US too!
And guess who's now ready to come to Tommy's defense in the UK by protesting there? The Dutch right-wing Zionist with the Trump's hairstylist, Geert Wilders. It turns out Geert is best buddies with Pamela Geller, the arch-Zionist from WorldNetDaily.
"V" the Guerrilla says everything about himself through regular guests like Bix Weir who can't seem to ever get any of his facts correct. He still thinks that Alan Greenspan is Satoshi Nakamoto.. WTF?? (Yeah, programming with his Miami shuffleboard team. What tripe.) Bix also can't seem to figure out who Eos really represents and just spouts about a Greek god after young boys. He's in my view a "not too bright" opportunist and a Grade A zombified follower of everything that comes out of the mouth of Clif High (an admitted lover of Freemasonry and it's "pristine craft"). Bix also pushes the ridiculous "good guy" / "bad guy" intelligence narrative. I go back and forth about Bix being an agent of some type, but he comes across constantly as such a "useful idiot" character that I can't really tell. Maybe that's all just part of his "schtick."
The alt media is filled with these BS artists that are being run by various government agencies - whether knowingly or unknowingly. The shitty part is that it takes a lot of close observation to see these guys for who they are and what they are up to. The vast majority of people will never see this and just go along with them hook, line, and sinker. It's a total mind**k of the truth community and it's coming from every angle to make sure that either we join the Zio-Trump bandwagon or we are left so confused that we can never be effective in identifying the real culprits.
Thanks for the additional reply my friend. Sorry for the late reply, as in the last week I had very little access to the internet and my computers.
I agree that Bix Weird is a total clown. None of what he says ever makes sense. His site road to roota is based on a comic from the Fed from like 30-40 years ago and he sticks to it, just like his outrageous thesis about the Grand Canyon holding monumental amouts of gold. Have no idea how he can get so many followers.
I'm also updating myself about Craig Sawyer with recent posts here on Steemit and some related videos. Although, I haven't gone through most of it, we were certainly right in our initial assessment that something(s) about him just didn't add up and smelled really foul.
When I get back home, I want to run the "whovisual" tool I used for my Wikpedia Experiment post to see who edited the page - especially the edit on him being a body guard to war criminals McStain & Rumsfield-the-Genocider.
Also, his Vets 4 Child Rescue is claimed to be a non-profit organization and as such they should have some verifiable credentials about this (e.g., for donations/tax purposes). Not sure if anyone has looked into this yet - but I think someone needs to.
Moreover, his website doesn't seem to have much info on actual rescues or number of victims saved but rather seems to focus more on "raising awareness" about the issue - which is not bad in itself - but I want to see if he puts his money were his mouth is (i.e., actual RESCUES!).
If he turns out to be a non-legit money grabber than we need to expose him. Otherwise, he's gotta lot of explaining to do in many respects.
Let's please continue to share my friend, as I truly appreciate your sound analysis and insights.
Ten years ago, I never would have believed child trafficking could possibly be on this magnitude. Today, I wonder how anyone can think child trafficking isn’t happening at this magnitude.
I feel the same! Unbelievable and undeniable proof! Godspeed!
the latest new about that:
I hope it's the truth...
resteemed already...
Have a great day and keep going on with your work on Steemit.
Best regards
Tom Anyway a absolute great post @artistiquejewels
Great work. I was just posting about this when I got linked to your article from Reddit. I have more links here
Thank you! This is an excellent link you gave there . Wow! As Q says, these people are Sick!
link was deleted
Thanks for dropping this here; this needs to get so much more attention than this is getting.
Thank you! I agree and sadly, just as with pedogate many still are in denial. That's okay, God is still shining a light. As Q said, it will be their choice if they want to know. Godspeed and keep #FightingTheGoodFight
Many are trying to remain in denial.
Thing is; we have Weinstein who is on trial for rape. That quickly turned to a RICO case against his company, Miramax, Disney and ALL producers, etc... who helped facilitate the abuse there.
I do agree that, world wide, it will remain a choice to be red pilled.
As far as friends are concerned; we will cross a point where the red pills will become suppositories and people will be getting them whether they like it or not.
Very apt analogy! Sad, but true! Praying more wake up and acknowledge. Can't change what is not acknowledged. Thankfully this VOP group is taking a Stand! God Bless them and watch over them!
Wouldn't put too much credibility into Q, as it seems like one huge psy-op from the start; ask yourself if Q were real and legit, why hasn't any significant action or arrests been made yet? All talk, no results. Proof is in the pudding, not the rhetoric.
This is crazy. I didn't know about any of this. I live in Tucson
I wish I was there in person to get eyes on it. I know anyone who goes out there needs protection and must be safe! Couldn't believe the globalist industry as I poked around and found what all is there in the area! Wow! Biotech and everything. I didn't realize all you guys have there! Amazing! Glad these guys are trying to help. I have heard people question their motives, but all I see is No one Else was doing Anything and there seems to be no coverage by major news networks while local networks keep trying to run the homeless narrative. Why would families use restraints on trees? Doesn't add up. Praying for these Vets and God's hand of protection!
Yeah the hand restraints don't make sense if it was a homeless family living there.
Yet Chelsea Clinton tweets that it is pizzagate 2 when no media is covering it? Louis Arthur makes a good point when he says if any media people want to come out, they will be put on the search and rescue patrol and they can see for themselves the actions VOP is taking. I wish we had a group like them here in San Bernardino, the homeless are suffering so much. (And we have a cemex)
Thanks for archiving this information on Steemit! Great job, it must have taken a lot of work. I try to intake all of this but find it extremely difficult to compose.
Unfortunately, the authorities bulldozed the evidence. But Veterans On Patrol are now conducting a search and rescue operation combing the area. L. Arthur is a controversial figure. At the same time, he is speaking mah language with his christ consciousness in this video. To me, he is 100% right that it should be middle ground for all people to want to disrupt coyote ratlines and save trafficked women and children. By his fruits shall we know him because everything else is spin.
Thank you! Yes, a real time investment for sure! I appreciate all out there doing so as I know all who know our Creator and understand His goodness can't tolerate this. It's a juggle trying to keep up with this and working, but God keeps reminding me of those victimized children all over our earth. Good has to take a stand against this no matter the investment of whatever resources we have. I understand, can't get through it all once. I always wish I didn't require sleep so I could study and research more. Thankful for all out there who care and thank you for this link. I feel the same, these VOP's are doing something because no one else will! I feel his heart is in the right place and I pray for God's protection over he and his crew. Godpseed!
Here is Arthur meeting with Tucson PD and getting the runaround with shifting narratives, and compartmentalizing which department handles what. I think anyone watching this would have to admit the officer painted himself into a corner trying to divert responsibility and his guilty frown proves it.
I appreciate you doing all this research and posting. You seem like a kind and wonderful person. Much love and blessings to you and yours. Together we will shine a spotlight on this evil and as Voltaire said, CRUSH THE HORROR!
how come none of the videos will play on here???
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Much like InfoWars and Alex Jones. We want to believe he's legit, but then, of all the great things he's uncovered and exposed, he's never mentioned the world Zionist or the chabad lubavitch... A lot of astroturfing going around these days... Really hard to discern who's who sometimes. Maybe in 50 years time we'll look back in history and finally get a clearer picture of these chaotic and sometimes exciting times we live in, who knows...Maybe they're all a Psy-Op... "Controlled Opposition"... Many seem to be these days of so much information and misinformation:
I hear where you're coming from. When I entered this arena of "I'm not seeing what's really going on around the world on the News," I tried to pick apart pizzagate as exaggerating mock rituals. I asked God to show me how this was false as this kind of evil surely couldn't be going on in our world. I found out how blinded I had been. When looking over the photos of even what these people call "Mock," the question arises, why would you burn an effigy of a child or sit in a mountain of bones as Marina Abromovich does and more in her "art," she is a self proclaimed witch. God led me to the evidence of what these people were posting prior to the scrubbing of their social media concerning babies and children and it turned my stomach. It was a whirlwind that was difficult to handle. I asked, and God showed me. Now there is no going back. In this tumultuous world of deception, God has told us to be discerning and, "you will know them by their fruits!" That doesn't mean they won't make mistakes, but I always go back to, are they exposing genuine evil? Are they trying to help the kids? If yes, even when I don't agree with them on other things, if I see fruit there or Good trying to expose evil and shine a light on this most heinous of all wickedness, I go back to. . .there is fruit or goodness. Mainly because these child victims need everyone flawed or not, who would never harm a child on their side! Those items found at that campsite do not add up to just a homeless camp. Parents are too protective of their kids no matter their socioeconomic status to have restraints like that on those trees and a tube where they weren't shielding their own children themselves. If you're a parent you know a parent's heart and instinct. It just doesn't add up. Things for reading and commenting. Much appreciated.
Thank you for reporting! I'm sharing this everywhere.