great comment, thanks for pointing out those red flags. the getty museum in LA is a front for templar fortress, massive entrance to the underground cities. i dont think his info is malicious, he connects a lot of dots most people in the truth movement are afriad to touch...sawyer working for john mcain and clinton is on sawyers wikipedia page. lol listen to this exchange between kelley and sawyer.
sawyer has a undred times more funding and followers than steven, yet he is threatening to sue steven ?? its just bizzare. steven has been trying to blow the whistle on the getty for 10 years! sawyer just goes from protecting elite pedos to the “superhero” destined to take them all down?
im kind of freinds with steven im not trying to start drama just all very interesting... first with the getty movie and now craig doin this
Hi, thanks for your response. But I am very skeptical. They could be working together in a grander deception as described in the comment above by @newsandviews. And please explain to me how this Steven fellow can be "ex-CIA"; I thought there wasn't such a thing. I think we are all masterfully being played.
hes not Ex Cia. he worked as a private contractor, making lasers during the 90’s for the NSA, before it was called the NSA. it was just some super deep state criminals who eventually tried to recruit him to area 51...
Then why does he state: "Ex CIA/NSA contractor" in his Steemit description header?
lol, because back then, it was a division of the CIA, performing functions that we know now as the NSA