My family and friends are the blood of the land project - without them none of this would be possible. A big shoutout to my brother for watering, my mother for being the animal caregiver, my father for landscaping, construction, and non-edible garden expertise, and my friends for constantly coming over and being stoked to get dirty in the soil and make work feel like silly play.

Diversity creates resiliency. I have over 100 different types of edible plants in the ground right now, and they are thriving. I’ve found so many benefits with this diversity of crops. First, if one crop fails it’s okay - I have 99 more! Second, the diversity draws in many different beneficial pests, creating a system of integrated pest management. Third, diversity just makes my life fun! I’ve found so much joy in planting a new herb and then come harvest time trying to figure out how to cook with it. Fourth, I get to observe how different plants interact with each other and how some can mutually benefit each other through proper design. Diversity of people creates resiliency too. Living with people of different generations, races, genders, and socioeconomic background has created a community with an abundance of knowledge.

Everything takes me two times longer than I expect it to…it has been a practice of cultivating patience and compassion for my own timing.

I’ve learned to approach my projects with an acceptance that they might fail. In fact, I invite failure into my life. Without failure, I wouldn’t learn what factors create a successful environment. I’d rather fail a lot in the early stages of creation than build my foundation full of holes that I didn’t even realize were there.

To live in time and place has allowed me to reintegrate and become of the land. When in relationship to the land and working with it every day I am present in the current moment and in the current place. For me, this is a re-becoming of place. I am Anwen, of these particular hills in the Bay Area.

“Doing” is not necessarily the most efficient way to get things done. If I “do” something (put up a greenhouse, plant a certain crop in a certain area, ect) without spending prior time observing the space and the possibilities, then I haven’t taken the time to make the design as efficient as possible. This could create an inefficient system, requiring a lot more of my time in the future. I have had to practice patience and accept that observation is just as much “doing” as the other work.

Just like the phrase - “don’t go grocery shopping on an empty stomach”, I’ve also learned that my eyes can be bigger than my stomach when crop planning. I love tomatoes, like I really love them. Does that mean I needed to plant 200 tomato plants? Probably not… Good thing I have my canning & preserving setup ready for this crop!

Having a puppy is so rewarding, and it is also so much work. Often I will look at my puppy, Blossom, and get overwhelmed with love and gratitude. I just want to play with him all the time. However, the reality of my life is that I can’t be around all of them time. It takes a village to raise a child…thanks family! I am so thankful that I have support in raising Blossom and am also thankful that I didn’t try and get a puppy when I was not living in community, as that puppy would have been bored and would have lacked needed attention.

I have created a mission statement for myself - “to heal people, community, and land through plant medicine”. Having a mission statement has been grounding. Whenever I am trying to make a decision, I always ask myself if the decision is in the highest service to my mission statement. If not, that is a good indication that I should re-evaluate that decision.

The more I give, the more I receive. I have never believed more in abundance. I am in reciprocal relationship with everything around me. The more I give to my plants the better they will grow. The more I give to the land, the better it will feed my plants and hold me. The more I give to my friends and family, the more they have to return to me. I’ve found that the simple act of giving shows others that they already hold abundance which they too can share.

Great post and passion you have for this. Would love to have a place someday where I can do the same!
One of my dream is to have my own place to live and enjoy life.
Right now I envy you, hopefully soon I have my own space of heaven :)
Follow me @Yehey
This great article has a forward looking refreshing perspective on gardening and horticulture.
Here is a lovely quote from the author @anwenbaumeister:
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Jeffrey Anderson
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Great post really enjoyed it! Love Blossom, does he ever eat any of your veggies? Permaculture is my dream! Will definately follow your work.
Living with people of different generations, races, genders, and socioeconomic background has created a community with an abundance of knowledge. @naz722
Really beautiful stuff! Im hoping to get involved with a situation like this and get closer to the land and grow my own food. Thanks for sharing!
@sustainarchist you might like to take a look at all this!
Great photos. Working the land and producing world class food is very rewarding.
Wonderful pearls dripping with wisdom, Anwen! I'm so glad I came across your post. It is very nice to see someday really, really understand what life is all about and takes the effort to nurture the human-earth relationship in such a profound way. I love your mission statement. I love what you said about 'doing'. You are also referring to the law of karma. I believe in that too. I would have loved to visit your land project if I had lived somewhere close by, but I'm from India and I can only take pleasure at the moment from hearing about it. Nevertheless, I wish you, Blossom and your lovely family the very best from the bottom of my heart. And once again, I must say I'm very happy to have come across you on Steemit. Upvoted and following you for much more! :) Cheers! - @sandzat
nice post
I upvoted you,please lock up my post too and dont forget to upvote me
upvote and nice post
beautiful photo and land
This is some truly important work your doing here Anwen. There's much wisdom in this post. Thank you for sharing it.
Thank you for sharing
Always great to meet fellow Steemit- greenthumbs 😎👍🏼
It is a greatly rewarding endeavor to grow our own food. It is a passion of mine as well @anwenbaumeister. Thank you for sharing the love of growing with the Steem community & I look forward to more great garden updates! Best, @grow-pro
You're an inspiration... :) I think everyone needs to fail sometimes... With it, we learn to grow and look at life in a more positive and stronger perspective. :)
The pictures were amazing, too... It would be lovely to see it firsthand... ^^
nice work,
keep it up.
Very inspirational post. Got some good ideas to make things work ina larger capacity. Thanks 🐓🐓
Hi Anwen Lovely to find you on steemit, I have just joined recently I am a permaculture design consultant and Natural builder specialising in Straw bale building.
I'm really glad I have found people like me on here, I have Resteemed your posat and I have started following you.
I love my photography and have taken loads of pictures throughout my adventures and I have started to share them on Steemit, I think you will really like it.
Love the post! great pictures and perspective on gardening! keep up the good work!
Beautiful post!
Thank you for sharing this!
I like your postings
What a wonderful and honourable life you live, healing through plant medicine.
A very beautiful and informative post. Makes me want to go down into my garden and plant something. Unfortunately I'm miles away from what you know and do.
We bought a 300 year old house here in Germany a few years ago. Still spending a lot of time getting it into shape ;-) One of the first things we did, was to plant some trees. I'm normally allergic to apples (from the supermarket), so we found a place who still grows old species (is that the right word?)... trees of a kind that have been around for several hundred years.
When I saw the first apples on our own trees, it seemed like a true miracle and when I could finally bite in an apple again without almost choking to death, I felt like in heaven... so, sometimes it doesn't seem to take much, to be happy :-)
Of course, I don't want to forget, to thank you for your generous appreciation of my post "What is Hinterglas". Your upvote is very encouraging! Thank you very much for that.
Wishing you a wonderful summer and a rich harvest :-)
Yes! Livin the dream.
This is a great post and so true. I also find that the more you give the more you receive. I also believe that Mother Earth is a great teacher if we listen .. We can all grow with nature, but we need to pay attention and be patient. Good work and keep it up.
I want to have a place like this one day, maybe in Denmark or Sweden, I love there and how they are advanced in the question of sustainability. Congrats for your atitude about every aspect of life and how to live properly. You're an inspiration..tks for your quality posts :-)
Happy to have found your profile on Steemit! Thank you for such posts :)
So inspiring! My little family lives off of three gardens. It's the best feeling in the world. Can't wait to have more space to grow more and feed more 😁👍 thank you for the inspiration 🙏