
in #personal7 years ago (edited)

Been thinking...

Truth is not what you feel is right or wrong. Truth is a fact, the essence of what is, and what is not.

We can find it out, but we can never change it, as it is never changing. We may get it wrong at first, but with further inspection, we may refine and sharpen our definition, and our knowledge of the truth.

Truth outlives the lie.

Truth is the foundation of all knowledge.

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nice post @gamer00, i also like to mentioned that It's just a good personal philosophy to always tell the truth. When you lie it's stressful, and it creates distrust. Plus, it reinforces that you are a powerless child. A mature individual makes their choices and lives with the results. thanks for sharing

You make excellent points.

Plus, it reinforces that you are a powerless child.

Children lie to avoid punishment. Speaking truth to power is often difficult. On the other hand, the powerful also tend to lie - out of fear.

Yah very true, i agree with you 100%.

nice B&W photography. Something new today. Good & upvoted.

It's easy to speak the truth.. It's always hard to lie.
It's easy for me to say that I liked your post. :)

Truth is the "no thing" in which everything appears. Everything is the illusion.....

agree, thank you , how you figure this out ? any explanation?

I was staring at a blank piece of paper one day and it all came to me. The blank paper symbolized all possibilities, forever changeless. Write something on the paper and it becomes whatever meaning you give it, constantly changing meaning according to the perception of the observer. So the blank piece of paper with no thing on it is the only thing that never changes.

This is all true! I like that besides the everyday photo you write your own thoughts.

@gamer00 - Oh my goodness, you are a photographer, a hand craft man, a husband and now a philosopher :) What you said here is 100% correct Sir. Love the way you think. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Truth never changes, we may fight it, but not. It is going to remain forever.

"Truth is not what you feel is right or wrong. Truth is a fact, the essence of what is, and what is not."
This is absolutely correct! Wow you made it right! I didn't hear it before! And great photography there! Monochrome contest will select this photography as the best one! Thank you very much for sharing such great photography and quote with us!


Really good words to start the morning here in my country. Regards gamer :)

If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.

Great Thoughts and nice photography. thanks @gamer00
have a nice day

The struggle between truth telling and lying is eternal. Just like the struggle between good and evil.

True words @gamer00

No matter how long it takes, truth is inevitable...

Great idea by @gamer00
I really like and respect your valuble ideas....
I think you have more defferent and possitive ideas about our life and our future.....
Wel done and perfect work....

to get it right it what matters at last

Also it's good word to end the day here in my country :)
If to be serious, I completely agree with the author!

Totally don't agree, the whole world is based mainly on lies: religion, politics, human essence. The only truth that usually exists - between you and your loved people (friends, spouse, relatives, kids). The rest is lie, lie and lie .

You're being too cynical. You are constantly surrounded by objects that prove that point of view wrong. Such objects include your computer, a highly sophisticated product of a vast network of institutions spanning centuries in time and continents in space.

exactly the opposite. I am just a realist, when you make more research you see how everything is fake at some point.

It is highly ironic that you wrote that message on a computer and sent it to me over the Internet.

why ironic , where is the irony?

If everything except the directly observable is a lie, then all the science and engineering knowledge that enabled the building of the computer are false and thus the computer is an impossibility. Yet, the computer exists. Hence, the idea that everything but the personal and directly observable is false has to be false.

Complete distrust in existing institutions is not warranted and is too cynical an attitude.

No point to argue with the smartest person on the Earth, who knows everything through his computer and Internet :D

Just asking, would your computer even work, if its design was based on lies?

Dear Game00, why are you asking me this question? Have I said anything about computers? It was @markkujantunen all conversation along who was talking about the PC for some reason. He did not get my point at all and was acting like a kid.
My point was not about the computer, engineers or that our world is fake as such. it was base on your article that truth outlives lie.
My point was that we live in the world, where media creates fake news, where each government is interested in politicians interests and not citizens. Where history is getting rewritten by countries for their own interest. That is a lie I was talking about. I have no idea what it has to do with a computer. Ok, someone invented computer, ok they had some knowledge, so what? In the internet you get so much fake information, that you can't see the difference and believe what is closer to you. And thatš why I was talking about relative, friends etc, they are the people that are closest to you and in most cases you have a better chance to get truth from them than from some strangers.

I agree partially, the is no truth and no lie either, everything fake , illusion

Yes , I agree , about fake , but why you think family , people you love , there is truth there ,
isn't it that marriage came from church hence religion ?
I think truth do not exist, no lies either , just believe, we made most of the things up our selfs and then after many years they become truth to us , but in reality - nothing ,
family did not exist and then church made it , start registering marriages, for profit, and now look we have family values etc, it all was brought to us by Romans, by catholic church , Jesus never said we have to be married, or registered, all this garbage was made to control us, to know how many kids we have, new soldiers, tax , permission to divorce,
I hear some people might say , it is good for our benefit , yeah it is good , maybe, to decide what good what bad we need to compare , now we cannot compare , we know only one thing , Anyway , I a tired typing, Thanks for post

amigo #resteemia at your service

an excellent philosophy with a fantastic photography. impressive work @gamer00

'UpVoted ReSteemed Commented'

Absolutely True that !!!

truth is a fact that no one can outshine ever.

Truth holds a strong message in itself :)

True........ truth will always prevail !!

Thanks for your good post as you inspire me to see the ultimate truth is what is life all about?

Excellent words and photos, because the truth only meets with strong resistance at the beginning, but the more revealing, the more it becomes a fact, the more the number gets friends and champions. It also follows from this that the most bitter truth is better than the most pleasant error. Thank you @gamer00

It's more like the facts are the truth from the beginning than truth becoming a fact.

excellent writting, it clarify wide thinking of vision to judge other and myself too, thanks.

Right. Totally agree.

Tell me, is it true that Bitcoin will cost $5000 at the end of the year?

That's the one truth I won't know until I know it. :)

The truth is what people believe or are shown to be true. But truth in the end is what people believe to be the truth. Lots of fals truths are in history books, but as no one can say it isn't truth it is

I say some aren't truth. I also say that if we disagree, one or both of us must be wrong. You are talking about belief and perception. This man is talking about truth.

All good but isn't truth that what people percieve as truth? I know what your talking about but if no one know it isn't the truth they all say it is. Stil in essence it is not truth but everyone wil say it is.

Truth does not need a perceiver in order to be truth. It does not anyone to say it is truth. It doesnt even need anyone to EXIST in order to be truth. Truth just is. If no one knows the truth it is still the truth. What you are talking about is belief. People all say a lie is truth because of their BELIEFS. But the belief is a lie. No matter if every last person believes it. They are all wrong. Every last one of them. The truth is independent of you and I. Nothing was ever true BECAUSE someone believed it.

point made

Absolute truth can out live a lie but who gets to know the lie is a lie in the first place?

History becomes buried and destroyed. Books written in langue that will never be spoken again. We live in a culture where people have been trained to just “google it” to solve if something is a lie or not. Expect like anything even more so the top results are not always the absolute truth. Instead they can be many times some version of the truth omitting certain facts or even replacing them with lies.

The true one who is with us is called true.

i really like your post......truth such a great thing,its make us great person

The law of God is absolute truth. Secular morality and state laws are a relative truth.

Not so sure about that. The laws of gods tend to change through time as our own values change, while say the laws of nature only tend to get more accurate the more we learn.

As for morality (secular or religious) being the truth, that's what I already refuted in my post.

Truth is not what you feel is right or wrong. Truth is a fact, the essence of what is, and what is not.

100% truth #gramer00..😊
Really appreciate your thinking..👌👍
Upvoted and cheers..🍻🍺

This is a well known idea. In fact, Plato, thousands of years ago, proved absolute truth beyond the sgadow of any doubt in his treatise called the Symposium wherein he posits that the "first principle of reality" aka "the principle of non-contradiction" states that "something cannot be both p and -p at the same time and in the same respect." Many folk argue saying, Well what about colors and temperature? This is because there are two type of principles (p). Perceiver dependent and perceiver independent. A wind blows through the room. You say it's hot; I say it's cold. Neither denies, however, that the wind blew through the room.

Its a good post and an important topic. Today, many people are caught up with the modern propaganda that is moral relativism. So, I thank you for attempting to sort this out :). I wish there were more like you.

Totally agree ,

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you are right,truth outlives the lie.

thank you for sharing valuable information.