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RE: Truth

in #personal7 years ago (edited)

This is a well known idea. In fact, Plato, thousands of years ago, proved absolute truth beyond the sgadow of any doubt in his treatise called the Symposium wherein he posits that the "first principle of reality" aka "the principle of non-contradiction" states that "something cannot be both p and -p at the same time and in the same respect." Many folk argue saying, Well what about colors and temperature? This is because there are two type of principles (p). Perceiver dependent and perceiver independent. A wind blows through the room. You say it's hot; I say it's cold. Neither denies, however, that the wind blew through the room.

Its a good post and an important topic. Today, many people are caught up with the modern propaganda that is moral relativism. So, I thank you for attempting to sort this out :). I wish there were more like you.